How many 4* R5's is considered enough?

I currently have 6 4* R5's - Starlord, Gwenpool, Voodoo, Hyperion, Archangel and Ghost Rider.
This is enough for both an AQ team and AW team.
I just reached enough resources to bring up another Tech champ to R5 - Ultron, Green Goblin, AOU Vision, or Yondu.
My question is at one point should I stop using resources to R5 4*s and focus on 5*s instead?
I have not had any luck pulling 5*s so far - Rhino (Sig 40), Iron Fist, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and Old Man Logan
I have quite a few 4* options still if you think it would address a specific need - Iceman, Magik, Scarlet Witch, Cap WWII, Dorm, X23, Crossbones, etc.
I just started doing AQ Map 5 and currently on 5.3 in story mode.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
This is enough for both an AQ team and AW team.
I just reached enough resources to bring up another Tech champ to R5 - Ultron, Green Goblin, AOU Vision, or Yondu.
My question is at one point should I stop using resources to R5 4*s and focus on 5*s instead?
I have not had any luck pulling 5*s so far - Rhino (Sig 40), Iron Fist, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and Old Man Logan
I have quite a few 4* options still if you think it would address a specific need - Iceman, Magik, Scarlet Witch, Cap WWII, Dorm, X23, Crossbones, etc.
I just started doing AQ Map 5 and currently on 5.3 in story mode.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
No telling when 5* might become more available and like most we pool useless ones anyways. So if you can manage to hold onto your t4CC i would. Personally the only champ i have r5 in months was Iceman. The rest go to r4.
For instance, x23 would be great for AQ, but if you clear AQ every time without a sweat, then you don't NEED her.
If your 4* roster is rich with utility while you have a bad 5* roster than I’d consider always having some candidates to deal with overflow catalysts.
For example:
Barring 5* Angela, Hyperion, King Groot, Drax or otherwise I’m highly considering 4* Angela for r5
Same with tech because both IP and IM pale compared to both 4* AND 5* Ultron as neither stark tech is duped
But if I’m packing 5* Hyperion soon or am lucky to spin a 5* stark Spider or Yondu I’ll HAPPILY rank them over any 4*
After 19 months, I still do not have enough T4CCs to do a first rank 5.
By the time I get there, 6* should be out which means ... don't even bother to rank 5 4* champs?
How do you not have T4CC's to rank 5 a 4* champ after 19 months? I've been playing since Xmas and have 4 at R5 with a couple more almost ready.
Sounds like you need an ally that rocks AQ Map 5...
The only other thought would be to R5 Scarlet because she isn't available as a 5* (yet). Otherwise, I'd start stock-piling cats for the day you get legit 5* champs...
You must be really special or spend a lot of $$$, or run in a top tier ally. I have been playing for over 2 years and only have 1 r5 4*.
Well, I play real slow.
Been thinking about what are my goals for the game.
I suppose completing Act 4 will be priority, and then deciding whether to gun for the 4* basic old less wanted champs. I should be able to get Groot and awaken Raccoon.
I wonder what can be next? It seems like everyone is just ranking the same champs over at different tiers.
If so, maybe I should skip to rank 4* to level 5.
Coming up on 2yrs ingame.
I would still rather pull some good 5*s and focus resources into those but it seems that's a rarity for everyone.
Sadly it is. I wouldn't put more than one 4* at r5 for each class, and would look at utility and how useful they'd be for any situation. Ultrons always a safe choice.
For me my reasoning is only for arenas. I'd like the comfort of having maxed out r5's to more easily and realistically grind for shards and champs.