In the nicest way possible.What is wrong with you????????
Nothing I just like rhino
In all seriousness mad respect for doing something like that.I couldn't do it but i respect anyone that uses resources on their favourite champs no matter who they are.
As a big fan of the Spider-man villains and a overall fan of "play with cool champs, not the strong ones" I personally have a goal of forming a Spider-man villain team. Don't care if most of them kinna suck a lot. My 6* Rhino is worth his rank 2.
As a big fan of the Spider-man villains and a overall fan of "play with cool champs, not the strong ones" I personally have a goal of forming a Spider-man villain team. Don't care if most of them kinna suck a lot. My 6* Rhino is worth his rank 2.
I would love a 6* rhino! Also he does have uses in all fairness, like in the villain variant he's literally the best option for a couple of the quests cause he's just OP! He could use a buff but I'm still happy with my rhino as he is
Awesome. I love ranking up quirky champions. I've been close to ranking up my 6* MODOK for ages just because he's fun. My alliance mates were also aghast when I said I was wondering if I should r3 Punisher 2099 instead of Warlock. I totally see where they were coming from but I just love that dude and I use him a lot more in day-to-day questing than I do Warlock.
My next r3 will probably be Mojo because I love his fat belly. My alliance will probably be fine with that since he's good on defense in AW but I still feel like he's not getting quite the recognition he deserves (even if a lot of people's eyes were opened during the SOP, I think).
Rank up the champs you like, people. Screw what other people think. The worst thing you can do is to rank up a champ you don't like just because other people say they're good. Been there, done that, and I don't want to do that again.
Awesome. I love ranking up quirky champions. I've been close to ranking up my 6* MODOK for ages just because he's fun. My alliance mates were also aghast when I said I was wondering if I should r3 Punisher 2099 instead of Warlock. I totally see where they were coming from but I just love that dude and I use him a lot more in day-to-day questing than I do Warlock.
My next r3 will probably be Mojo because I love his fat belly. My alliance will probably be fine with that since he's good on defense in AW but I still feel like he's not getting quite the recognition he deserves (even if a lot of people's eyes were opened during the SOP, I think).
Rank up the champs you like, people. Screw what other people think. The worst thing you can do is to rank up a champ you don't like just because other people say they're good. Been there, done that, and I don't want to do that again.
Ill upload the video of me r5ing him in a little. I just did it about 10 minutes ago.
Awesome. I love ranking up quirky champions. I've been close to ranking up my 6* MODOK for ages just because he's fun. My alliance mates were also aghast when I said I was wondering if I should r3 Punisher 2099 instead of Warlock. I totally see where they were coming from but I just love that dude and I use him a lot more in day-to-day questing than I do Warlock.
My next r3 will probably be Mojo because I love his fat belly. My alliance will probably be fine with that since he's good on defense in AW but I still feel like he's not getting quite the recognition he deserves (even if a lot of people's eyes were opened during the SOP, I think).
Rank up the champs you like, people. Screw what other people think. The worst thing you can do is to rank up a champ you don't like just because other people say they're good. Been there, done that, and I don't want to do that again.
I r5ed him and uploaded the vid. Hes my 6th r5. Next is mordo and he'll be my representative of the mystic class meaning I have one of each class plus rhino
He was my first max level 2* and 3* back in the day. First max sig 2* too. Got a soft spot for rhino, reminds me of a time when this game was fun, filled with the unknown and a simple diversion from life....
I pulled 6* Rhino from the deadpool offer yesterday and I must admit I was gutted. Reading this thread has made me feel much better about it. Thanks guys.
I pulled 6* Rhino from the deadpool offer yesterday and I must admit I was gutted. Reading this thread has made me feel much better about it. Thanks guys.
happy we could help with that! he also has some niche uses with unstoppable nodes like in the villain variant he literally can solo as a 2 star that one quest
I myself used a generic gem on ihulk over ghost
My next r3 will probably be Mojo because I love his fat belly. My alliance will probably be fine with that since he's good on defense in AW but I still feel like he's not getting quite the recognition he deserves (even if a lot of people's eyes were opened during the SOP, I think).
Rank up the champs you like, people. Screw what other people think. The worst thing you can do is to rank up a champ you don't like just because other people say they're good. Been there, done that, and I don't want to do that again.
Nice rhino r5 no gold LOL