Blades debuffs reduction ability and dormamu degeneration

So blade doesn't shrug off dormamu degeneration any quicker if he sat full power or o power. Is this an oversight or is it intentional. If it's intentional and dormamu degeneration isn't considered a debuffs, how come willpower p rocts when it activated on you? I was under the impression direct damage degeneration wasn't subject to willpower becausetechnically it's not a debuff. Now how you could conclude it's not anything but a debuff is beyond me. Anyways could I get an official explanantion from kabam mike or some moderator. All are welcome to comment if you have answers your 100% sure about. However if your not sure please specify that you are speculating. We don t want any "fake mcoc news"
Willpower activates on u while dormy degenerate u...then How it is not a debuff...
Passive debuffs are those in which wp doesnt activate...
I think the easiest way to respond to this is “because Kabam”
Your comment is exactly why I specifically asked people to be 100% sure or otherwise state that your speculating, thankfully other people pointed out why what you say isn't true. Please think before you post, we don't need anymore "fake mcoc news" ty
He's not technically wrong. Dormamu's degen icon does use the passive color format rather than the buff/debuff either they need to correct the icon and coding for blade or correct the coding so it doesn't trigger willpower.
He's not right. Willpower wouldn't trigger if it was passive, doesn't matter what "color" it is. It's red just like all other debuffs. So yea "technically" when someone isn't correct what are they. Furthermore I had specifically requested people not make statement s they weren't 100% sure of without specifically stating so. If you had requested that in a post I would certainly follow the request because my intent is to be helpful, not just flap my gums at first sight of something I think isn't correct...
It doesn't trigger willpower. Whoever said that is either lying or it isn't aware of it.
Blade shouldn't reduce Dormammu's degen timer. He is working as intented in that point.
This was all confirmed by a mod and the players
The icon shows hat it is a passive and not a debuff. It doesn't trigger willpower and no one can shrug it off
Where do you any mention of passive in this ability overview? Not only that it triggers willpower on my champions....
It says passive right there.... Right under where it says, Soul Leech.
Jesus christ.