Expired items should be sold automatically

While I understand, that Kabam doesn't want us to stack an absurd amount of revives and health potions for harder quests in the future, I don't see the benefit of making expired items give 0 benefit to the player rather than just selling them automatically on expiry. Right now, a player always has to ask himself and guess if he's going to use the items in time or if he should sell them. Why make this struggle and not relieve the players by just selling it for them once it expires so they don't have to worry about it anymore?


  • AkumatikAkumatik Member Posts: 1
    This was the request I was going to ask for. More specifically, it would be really helpful and appreciated to be able to sell high value items like t4cc and t2ac. Trading 2 or 3 t4cc's for 1 of a different class kinda sucks when you already have more than you'll ever use. Especially when you REALLY need more t5cc. Thanks for reading.
  • FUB4R101FUB4R101 Member Posts: 8
    FUB4R101 said:

    I'd like to add why can't we sell "too valuable" items yet they can expire and we get nothing for them. Just let me sell them for something at least.

    Even just getting gold would be better than just letting these items that are supposedly "too valuable to sell" expire from your stash and get nothing for them.
  • RévàŋRévàŋ Member Posts: 3
  • JAsummonarJAsummonar Member Posts: 171
    This is indeed a good suggestion
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