The 1,000,000 Likes will fail??



  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    Additionally, I think it was their plan all along, to make the deadline Christmas. Or maybe 12/31. No one has asked the question: why did they choose such an arbitrary date as 12/4? They set us an impossible task, and they KNEW it was completely impossible from the start. They set us up to fail, so they could seem magnanimous when they graciously extend the deadline for us.

    Why else didn't they just say "do it by Christmas"? Because the reward (specifically the dollar crystal) is one we have to BUY. If they announced the deadline as Christmas, and told us we had to buy the reward, there would be SO many people complaining. "Hey, it's Christmas, the reward should be free!". Already I've seen a few people complaining: "we get them all these likes, and our 'gift' is we get to give them more money?" ... But most people don't care. A dollar is a good deal.

    No one cares about spending a dollar on 12/4. But tell them: "I will give you something on Christmas, but you have to give me a dollar"... and everyone loses their minds. Do it this way... we fail first... they swoop in to save the day, and our Christmas present is the extended deadline. They look good. And no one complains about the dollar, because hey, we announced the dollar deal way before Christmas, planned for 12/4.
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    i would buy those $1 crystals if they gave 5*
    Sungj wrote: »

    Lol who wouldn't

  • Buster wrote: »
    If they are that bad, Why are so many people wanting rewards? Why are so many people still playing? Why are so many people still spending money?

    You must be new or mid level. The answer is the foundation of the game is awesome, and the game itself. The company? Not so awesome. Secondly, dopamine association... Look it up brother
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    I abstained. Not gonna sell out my feelings for a few trinkets. And exactamundo! We love Thor, and Spidey, and Cap. and such an awsome format for it...but not loving Kabam! Just feels like greed has ruined took a pass on the "like."
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Here is an example for you...ever done the math to figure out the actual $ value assessed to a unit? Anyway, without going through each package, if you do you will find that the larger the unit pack you buy the more expensive each unit is in terms of real $s. SO WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?? I mean???? When you buy more of something the cost is supposed to go down not up! And unfortunately we have all let them get away with it for 3 years.
  • Sky_kittySky_kitty Member Posts: 245
    it sound too good to be true.they knew it will never happen so they put crazy good offers
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    It wasn’t surprising. Most people that I have played with over almost three years might like the game but hate the company. The bugs, lack of customer support, poor deals, bugs, exploits of known bugs, lack of testing which leads to nerfs after people spend money and time based on abilities/stats at release, stability of the platform, and money charged for deals. Oh and the bugs. If I hadn’t invested so much time and energy pre 12.0 I would have quit. I still mostly enjoy the game just don’t spend as much time or money as I did.

    Pokémon go went through similar issues but has for the most part turned it around, even if it is a little slow and boring the Facebook page still has 1.4M likes in less time.
  • It wasn’t surprising. Most people that I have played with over almost three years might like the game but hate the company. The bugs, lack of customer support, poor deals, bugs, exploits of known bugs, lack of testing which leads to nerfs after people spend money and time based on abilities/stats at release, stability of the platform, and money charged for deals. Oh and the bugs. If I hadn’t invested so much time and energy pre 12.0 I would have quit. I still mostly enjoy the game just don’t spend as much time or money as I did.

    Pokémon go went through similar issues but has for the most part turned it around, even if it is a little slow and boring the Facebook page still has 1.4M likes in less time.

    Exactly right. Out of principles I'll never like their page. Wish I could dislike it. Worst company out there.
  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
    Additionally, I think it was their plan all along, to make the deadline Christmas. Or maybe 12/31. No one has asked the question: why did they choose such an arbitrary date as 12/4? They set us an impossible task, and they KNEW it was completely impossible from the start. They set us up to fail, so they could seem magnanimous when they graciously extend the deadline for us.

    Why else didn't they just say "do it by Christmas"? Because the reward (specifically the dollar crystal) is one we have to BUY. If they announced the deadline as Christmas, and told us we had to buy the reward, there would be SO many people complaining. "Hey, it's Christmas, the reward should be free!". Already I've seen a few people complaining: "we get them all these likes, and our 'gift' is we get to give them more money?" ... But most people don't care. A dollar is a good deal.

    No one cares about spending a dollar on 12/4. But tell them: "I will give you something on Christmas, but you have to give me a dollar"... and everyone loses their minds. Do it this way... we fail first... they swoop in to save the day, and our Christmas present is the extended deadline. They look good. And no one complains about the dollar, because hey, we announced the dollar deal way before Christmas, planned for 12/4.

    @Filippo1971 I believe it corresponds to the 3 year anniversary the game was released December 4th
  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    Crusher wrote: »


    ...that, is why you fail.

  • IlluminantIlluminant Member Posts: 196
    Stara99 wrote: »

    @Filippo1971 I believe it corresponds to the 3 year anniversary the game was released December 4th

    Wait so maybe there will be a summoner appreciation instead then tomorrow ?
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Buster, why you just come out of nowhere in 3 years to come and troll.

    You know yourself the target was ridiculous.

    How about you come to my house in 30 seconds, I give you 1 million quid, simple.

    Okay, 30'seconds and be here, this isn't unreasonable either! Tick tock
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Thing that upsets me to think about...they have Transformers and I might have liked...
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  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    You don't understand kid! We deserve a lot! And Kabam doesn't deserve a million likes and we dont have to like them a million times for us to deserve something. 3 years of shattering things into smaller and smaller pieces? So many unresolved game issues and they just look for ways keep us grinding more and more for less and less? The game has turned into a lousy mining expedition for many of us...and we are burned out on it. And kabam better start policing itself, i.e disclosing odds etc. Cause legislation is closing in...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    You know millions of us are asking ourselves that very question right now! Maybe 11,000,000 out of 12,000,000 of us.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    It would look bad if a business got their clients to do their work for them and then not paid them back in some form.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    Buster wrote: »
    Me and the people I have got to like the page, will leave our likes no matter what. Most others will too, it's not that serious.

    The first part may be true, but the second part most certainly is not. "Most other people"? Who? The company may like to believe they will keep the likes, and YOU may like to believe it since you obviously work for the company, but that's not reality. The likes are contingent on a promised reward. That was the trade. We don't get the rewards... we take back the likes. That's how it works.

    If someone bribes me to do their homework for them, and they promise to pay me... and then they don't pay me... I take back the work I did. They don't get to keep the work AND the money. That's insane.

    X: Hey, do my homework, and I'll pay you. You have to answer ten questions, and it's due in five minutes.

    ME: That's literally impossible, and you know it is. But I'll give it a shot.


    ME: Here you go. I managed to answer 8 out of 10 questions. Pay me.

    X: Oh no, you didn't finish. No money for you. But I'll just take these and keep them... (grabs the paper with the answers on it)

    ME: Hell no you won't. (breaks X's fingers, takes the paper back, and burns it in front of him, while he tries in vain to extinguish the flames with his tears).

    That's how things work, buster.

  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    Buster wrote: »
    If I paid some one to do my home work, they should know if they could keep there end of the deal. If I paid you for 10 questions, you wouldn't get paid for 8 or even 9.

    Fine, but you don't get to keep those 9 answers that I gave you, turn it in to the teacher, and get 90% out of 100. I'm not handing you an A, if you're not handing me the cash. Especially not for work you should have done by yourself in the first place. That's my point. They are not keeping the facebook likes that they begged, bribed, and bought. Not if we don't get any rewards. We gave them an A, essentially. Made them look better than they are. You don't pay me for the answers that I DID do, then you get NO homework answers, and a zero from the teacher. YOU fail. Not me.

    Why would you let them keep your "like" if you get nothing for it? You might not unlike them, but you can bet that everyone else will. If we get nothing... watch the likes drop down to 600k or 500k within a week. They screw themselves if they don't pay up what they promised.
    When I tell my guys we are doing a roof today, I don't pay them until it's 100 percent done.

    I'm sure when you give your guys a roofing job, you also give them a realistic timeframe in which to complete it. You don't tell them to do a roof in one hour (or some ridiculous deadline you KNOW is impossible), watch them get 90% done, call time, not pay them anything, and then finish the job yourself, and keep all their money. "Ha ha... thanks for the free labor, suckers, but you didn't make it." If you did that, you wouldn't have any guys working for you anymore.

    And don't even say it was possible.. That's when you lose all credibility. You said that before, and that's what made everyone think you work for the game company. They are the only ones spouting that lie. "Hey guys, it was possible, if we worked harder, so we deserve nothing!"... stop the cheerleader routine, dude. Don't parrot the party line. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

    It was never possible to get 250,000 likes in a week, and everyone knows it. Including the lying company. "We really believe it is pos..." No. You're lying. Don't even try.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    And you can't compare facebook likes to a roofing job. A roof is either done or not. It's 100% or nothing. Half a roof, or 90% of a roof... that house doesn't have a roof. They're still getting wet when it rains. A little bit is not enough. That's not how facebook works, though.

    But with facebook likes, every like helps them. Every like makes them look better and more popular. It's not "a million or nothing". That's setting up a false situation. It was set up to fail from the start. We got them an extra 100,000 likes in a week or two. That's nothing to sneeze at, and it is very different from leaving a roof 80% done, and wanting to get paid. 100,000 actual people helped them A LOT, to increase their status and give them the appearance of popularity. And they want what they were promised in return. Or they take back the likes. Simple. The likes are contingent upon the reward.

    That's why the homework is a better analogy than the roof. 90% on homework is still a grade of A. Even 80% is a B. An A or B is damn good, especially for a student that didn't even do his own homework himself, like he was supposed to. Why would you give that lazy student an impressive grade, for your work... and let him keep it... if he doesn't give you the bribe he promised you?
  • Titan_A97Titan_A97 Member Posts: 179
    Here is what the argument essentially boils down to (regardless of opinion):

    The issue currently is that it's All or Nothing, there's no such thing as rewards for only completing 30%, 15%, 40%, 55% etc of the 1,000,000 required likes.

    And if you stop to think about it, that's really where the problem arises. Maybe like arena, if players don't achieve the minimum score for a ranked reward, they can , at the very minimum, still get some milestone rewards, providing them with an incentive to grind even though they physically cannot reach the minimum ranked reward score.

    Now relate this back to the 1 mil likes situation: If we had some form of milestone rewards, it would assure the players that even if we don't reach the specified amount, we will at the very least be given a small milestone reward to compensate for the loss. This way there is some form of incentive, some form of motivation to fuel the players into spreading and promoting the event for both the sake of Kabam and the players.

    The absence of milestones could be among the reasons why this event felt so unrealistic and 'impossible' or even straight up a 'failure', as specified by OP's title, to the player base.

    Maybe instead of teasing the dog with a large, juicy bone and threatening that you won't give the bone to it unless you get 100% of what you want, you ought to instead treat the dog with a trail of treats leading up to the final reward, the bone in this case and develop a much more personal and trusting bond with the dog as opposed to a hostile, isolated relationship between pet and owner. For even the most experienced dog trainers know that even a dog has its breaking point, for if you prod and tease a dog enough with a bone but not letting it actually have it, it will eventually bite the hand which teased it.
  • Rap wrote: »
    You don't understand kid! We deserve a lot! And Kabam doesn't deserve a million likes and we dont have to like them a million times for us to deserve something. 3 years of shattering things into smaller and smaller pieces? So many unresolved game issues and they just look for ways keep us grinding more and more for less and less? The game has turned into a lousy mining expedition for many of us...and we are burned out on it. And kabam better start policing itself, i.e disclosing odds etc. Cause legislation is closing in...

    I hope it is, they deserve it. Either you grind your life away, or buy your way into debt. Kabam is preditory and there needs to be regulations with this, and these types of games. Never seen a company as bad as kabam tho. Like I said, awesome game, absolutely horrid company
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    Titan_A97 wrote: »
    The issue currently is that it's All or Nothing

    Right. We get all, or they get nothing.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    It was possible...once upon a the time we were given. Let's put our cards on the table! If we were happy with Kabam, as many of us were three years ago when they did this same thing, we would have sky rocketed to 1 mil. This is evidence of the shrinking enthusiasm for this game and this comapany and they should catch wise to themselves. Such irony! I believe that if they had focused on player enjoyment and built a game for the love of the characters and with the hearts and attitudes of "players" (with love and other commitments) focused less on squeezing $$$ out of players we would be happy and would be making bank (indefinitely) But this Facebook contest shows that they have bleed us too much! Of time, sweat, and money...they created a game the requires spending or requires 6 plus hours of game play a day to get anywhere...Sometimes, I imagine there are people at Kabam on our side! But that there is this group of suits demanding revenue to the point of killing this game.

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  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    As far as PR, I think that this is the issue and potential solution:

    1. Kabam should not have given such specific information on a ridiculously good deal if the 1 mil thing happened. Unless they had a contingency plan.
    **That would be like telling my kids we're going to Disney for a whole week if they finish their entire school curriculum in 2 weeks (something that normally takes 7 months or so). If I'm going to stick to that 100% then I set them up for a potentially HUGE letdown. It would have been better for them to not know the specifics of what they potentially missed out on.

    2. Kabam should consider some "Apple Marketing" to fix PR. People spend ridiculous amounts of $$$ on Macs that have the same tech specs as a PC half the price. Why? Because Apple markets and gears toward how people FEEL about using a Mac. It's the Prestige. Apple sells pride. It's smart. People should feel good about playing MCOC. They should feel like spending more than they really should because it's MCOC and awesome! People are spending money ,sure, but there's a bad feeling out there. Really bad. That is fixable. Make people feel good about the game and you'll find endless bank accounts.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    The reason I suspected it may be run regardless is because it's sort of a light-hearted challenge. It's not as if they would demand people use Facebook, although one sixth of the population of the world does. We can't force others to Like a page, so all we can do is Like it ourselves. Logically, they could say that the goal hasn't been met, so no deal. However, I like to think it will be one of those "We appreciate your efforts!" situations. Who knows?
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Rap wrote: »
    Here is an example for you...ever done the math to figure out the actual $ value assessed to a unit? Anyway, without going through each package, if you do you will find that the larger the unit pack you buy the more expensive each unit is in terms of real $s. SO WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?? I mean???? When you buy more of something the cost is supposed to go down not up! And unfortunately we have all let them get away with it for 3 years.

    The Parker deal is 135 units for $5, which is 27 units per dollar. Moving up to a Black Panther, it is 29 units per dollar. An odins is 31 units per dollar.

    How is that showing a decrease in dollar to unit ratio ?
  • RajhpRajhp Member Posts: 27
    If they won't give anything dislike fb page is only option
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