5* shards are missing from today's server down

I am a new player, playing for the last 3 to 4 months, I am currently at level 43. Right now I have 9 four stars and no 5*, yesterday I was doing 3x3 Arena (Photographic Reflexes) and after claiming the award I notice that my 5* shards are missing which I had achieved through 3x3 from Road to Million. I had like 14k 5* shards now I am left with 5k.

Message from Kabam Support
From this explanation, it seems like I have opened a 5* Crystal and got 5* Colossus. There is a 5* Colossus in my champions but as far as I remember I haven't opened any, this seems to be a serious bug or someone has hacked my account.
2nd message
What should I do now?

Message from Kabam Support
Hello there,
Thank you for contacting Kabam Support. I understand that you have questions about your missing 5* crystal hero shards. I will be happy to assist you.
As per checking, I do see that on Wed, 13 Dec 2017 00:39:10 GMT you spend a x10,000 5* crystal hero shards to purchased a whole 5* star crystal. By on Wed, 13 Dec 2017 00:39:18 GMT you got a 5* Colossus hero. Congratulations!
I humble ask for your deepest understanding and cooperation. I hope this information help with your concern. If you have questions about this, just let us know. Otherwise, please raise a new ticket if you have new other concern. We would be happy to assist you!
From this explanation, it seems like I have opened a 5* Crystal and got 5* Colossus. There is a 5* Colossus in my champions but as far as I remember I haven't opened any, this seems to be a serious bug or someone has hacked my account.
2nd message
Thank you for the reply. I completely understand that you would want to take the 5-Star Crystal back to your account. I'll be assisting you with this.
I know how important would it be as you spent time and effort in the game to collect the shards however, I am afraid that recovering the crystal already opened is outside the scope of the service we can offer. However, we are working very hard to make this game the best it can possibly be, and all feedback is welcomed and discussed by our Game Team for the purposes of future improvements. I highly recommend taking some time to complete our dedicated Feedback and Suggestions Form. This is a direct channel for you to offer your ideas, thoughts, and experiences with the Game Team. All input is taken seriously, and your suggestions could potentially influence future content or game updates. The form is located here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBdr0QWdGnOkvnlXX6gqctkO3eTvCvPHHkkKdaELXhCRpNwg/viewform?c=0&w=1
If you have questions or concerns about anything else, please feel free to contact us back. Otherwise, thank you for playing Marvel: Contest of Champions and have a great day!
Kind regards,
Astro Girl
Kabam Support
What should I do now?
u said it urself.. u didnt have any 5 star yesterday.. now u got 1.. from that point of view u or some1 open ur crystal
Altho u shud now beware of ur acc. since u didnt open it urself.
Change password
I wouldn't blame you. I would love to give back all the 5* colossus I opened!
Changed the password!
Nothing like that happened, it was a weekday so I wasn't drinking either.