For those asking Blade to be nerfed what are your thoughts on..
Stark Spidey !
I mean the character is clearly better in almost 80% of the situations.
Higher DPS, bait specials, dodge those specials, power drain, can stun-lock, insane shock damage, evade counter and what-not.
And he can do this against EVERYONE. Not a select few characters. Bleed immune, poison immune, heroes, villains, whoever you are you're gonna get rekt by him.
So why shouldn't he be nerfed too?
The answer is clear, because he doesn't destroy the mystics with 5-MD defenses the way as Blade does. You people have enjoyed being a PITA with your mystics for over a year in AWs and now that there's someone who turns off the unavoidable BS damage they deal, you want him nerfed ?
Dexterity's relation w/ MD was too OP but kabam couldn't change it because everyone would be crying 'COMPENSATION' then. So they introduced a champ that counters them.
So you can try all you want but he won't be nerfed just because he makes your mystics useless in AWs now.
I mean the character is clearly better in almost 80% of the situations.
Higher DPS, bait specials, dodge those specials, power drain, can stun-lock, insane shock damage, evade counter and what-not.
And he can do this against EVERYONE. Not a select few characters. Bleed immune, poison immune, heroes, villains, whoever you are you're gonna get rekt by him.
So why shouldn't he be nerfed too?
The answer is clear, because he doesn't destroy the mystics with 5-MD defenses the way as Blade does. You people have enjoyed being a PITA with your mystics for over a year in AWs and now that there's someone who turns off the unavoidable BS damage they deal, you want him nerfed ?
Dexterity's relation w/ MD was too OP but kabam couldn't change it because everyone would be crying 'COMPENSATION' then. So they introduced a champ that counters them.
So you can try all you want but he won't be nerfed just because he makes your mystics useless in AWs now.
I do believe maybe some balance is in order by buffing or adding other champs. Good, non-villain, non-mystic defenders would help counter both. I am expecting some kind of tweak to blade and how he interacts with nodes, but I hope they don't. He is the perfect answer for so many things we complained about, I am wondering what new stuff they can come up with to frustrate players. (besides lag)
That's exactly what I said. Blade is better than stark only when it comes to fighting those mystics, who deal unavoidable damage. Anything else, sparky can do just fine.
About bleed and poison nodes, use immune characters for them.
Degen, if you mean nodes. Sparky can kill them quickly before degen takes him out. If you mean Dorm, then again one of the specific matchups for Blade.
And I am not asking for anyone to be nerfed as well. I like both of these characters a lot.
He cannot recover from mistakes. When playing Blade, even if you do slip up, you can regen it back to 70% in that fight. I'm speaking from experience. I've brought Blade into a fight with 15% HP before, he came out of it with 70%. This is Map 6 at 5.3k prestige.
I did. And my 4* sparky dodged it all
Well a 4* wolvie can heal upto 100% from less than 10% in a fight. So?
Everyone has his own abilities. You say sparky can't regen. I say Blade can't power drain.
Wolv requires skill and to build your power up to third special and then keep hitting, and yes of course a bit of luck. Blade you just need to hit a little bit and boom, hes 70% health. I don’t think he should be nerfed but his regen is easier to use and less skilful
Mystic wars is a straw man the Baghdad Bobs of The Cult of Blade are using to mispresent people who object to Blade’s OPness.
You can now return to your regularly scheduled sophistry.
Lol.. Wolverine requires no skill. Just fight and he will be at full health. You sacrifice using specials to get max regen.
Blade requires you to stop fighting, block and evade at the same time, lose all your power to regen to get back to 70%, but don’t take block damage if you can.
That’s because it’s purposely designed to be a terrible mechanic.
Defensive regen that requires you to stop fighting, avoid block damage, and sacrifice the power needed for your strongest attacks just to get back 2/3 of your health.
I don't understand why it's OP when I can get the same health with wolv by literally doing nothing but fighting.
You move on to another champ who you think should be Nerfed
No one should be Nerfed, they are all balanced
Well no regen champs require a lot of skill to regen. GR you just heavy and then fight, voodoo doesn’t it auto, blade you just block, witch is luck, strange you just fight, beast you slightly alter your combo. Not rocket science but wolv you sacrifice all power. Plus blade gains power just by being near bleeding champs
But savour it as long as it's there.
But will he ever be added to 5*?
Wolvie’s regen is proc based. You’re sacrificing damage for regen in terms of sp. In addition, wolvie’s base damage is low to begin with. He’s a pure sustain champ. Regening is what he does and what he does best.
It’s the combination of
- High base damage
- High utility
- High prestige
- High sustain
into 1 champ that makes Blade so overpowered.
Hence there is no longer a “choice” in choosing to rank someone up because Blade fits into every category, and does it very well. He doesn’t even proc buffs. There’s a reason why 50% of the top 100 profiles are Blade portraits.
In addition, Blades block to regen mechanic is so easy to use. Parry, hold block while the opponents are stunned, regen 1+k health, start your combo just as the stun wears off, rinse wash repeat.
“Oh accidentally hit my bar to sp3, no biggie. Hold block for 1s, sp2.”
If you compare to Spark, there is a condition for him to deal good damage, you need his poise charges first. And through the entire process of playing, you cannot slip up because one slip up is a big chunk of life gone without the ability to regen the lost health back.
Exactly why it’s not OP.
Exactly why wolverine will never be a 5*.
You don’t sacrifice all power with wolverine. You actually keep all the power. You sacrifice using specials to maintain max regen. You choose the level of regen you want by using or not using special attacks.
You literally lose power by regenerating with Blade. Like.. literally. At first you have power and in order to regen, you lose power.
Yea that reason is prestige and the fact hunchback Thor, Phoenix, and Sentry are useless to the majority of tier 1 players. So the best compromise for an individual and their alliance is Blade.
If Blade was 35th in prestige, we would see no Blade portraits.