I will use Livemore Thanos to lead my Deathless champs in absence of Deathless Thanos. I would also like to get Vision from Top 3% so i have Livemore alternatives for both Thanos and Vision.
Kang has a decent synergy with Apocalypse, but there are two big problems with that synergy.
The first one is that while, yes, it does make Kang decent, it's mainly a synergy for Apocalypse, and out of the three champs you can bring with you to access that synergy, Kang is by far the worst out of all of them. You don't need to bring all three, and I would even go as far as to say that actively bringing more than one of the synergy members is detrimental to the team as a whole since you could bring better champions with additional great synergies instead.
The second problem is that Apocalypse isn't available as a 7* so he's being more and more phased out as we reach higher and higher ranks on our 7*s. He's still a great champion but 6*s are really struggling to stay relevant right now. He'll come out as a 7* eventually - he's not "Can't come out as a 7*" broken in the same way some other champions are - but it might take a while and until he does, I personally wouldn't bother hunting after Kang.
And aside from Kang, none of the other champions have anything going for them.
I will use Livemore Thanos to lead my Deathless champs in absence of Deathless Thanos. I would also like to get Vision from Top 3% so i have Livemore alternatives for both Thanos and Vision.
Just need to add grayscale to Livemore Thanos and he goes well with Deathless champs. No one can tell the difference.
I wouldn’t say they are worth spending (they aren’t) but Kang and vision are good champions. Vision requires high sig and Kang requires the right synergies and relic, so they need a lot of investment to be good but once there, they are honestly very strong. Vision has one of the strongest power controls in the game, and Kang has (imo) the strongest cheese in the game with his stun lock. Not worth spending on but still useful.
Kang has some damage potential in synergy, and some power control + stun chain possibility.
Thanos (Prime) is a turd.
But outside of that, pure useless.
The first one is that while, yes, it does make Kang decent, it's mainly a synergy for Apocalypse, and out of the three champs you can bring with you to access that synergy, Kang is by far the worst out of all of them. You don't need to bring all three, and I would even go as far as to say that actively bringing more than one of the synergy members is detrimental to the team as a whole since you could bring better champions with additional great synergies instead.
The second problem is that Apocalypse isn't available as a 7* so he's being more and more phased out as we reach higher and higher ranks on our 7*s. He's still a great champion but 6*s are really struggling to stay relevant right now. He'll come out as a 7* eventually - he's not "Can't come out as a 7*" broken in the same way some other champions are - but it might take a while and until he does, I personally wouldn't bother hunting after Kang.
And aside from Kang, none of the other champions have anything going for them.
Been on the fence lol.