The Micheal B Jordan's Challenge

Seriously.......... WTF ? There's no chance for a player like me to even complete this event. I did just compelete the Goldblum's challenge because it had LIFE TRANSFER Buff. But here, we have nothing better for us and the Champions are so harder to be defeated !! UNSTUNNABLE, BLEED IMMUNE..... What the Hell ?
Plz Kabam u need to do something for this.. I m stuck on BP atlast and wouldn't give up whether I lose all my units in purchasing the Boosts and Revives and all !
Seriously u need to do something !

Plz Kabam u need to do something for this.. I m stuck on BP atlast and wouldn't give up whether I lose all my units in purchasing the Boosts and Revives and all !
Seriously u need to do something !

Let me guess. You have 9 alt accounts with tens of thousands of fights on them.
Meaning you have WAY more experience than a normal level 39 with one account.
Nice try. 😘
Nope, I only have that account as extra, I don't even play much on it...
Be happy that you’ve managed to do the 1st 3.
Building roasters takes time and you need to put more time into yours before you can tackle the harder content.
No offence but you have NO RIGHT completing this with that roster.
If you do then FairPlay, but you can't turn up with those champions and expect to complete it, don't be silly.
I finished it with no items used, thought it was pretty simple.
SL is good for WM to not take damage from his L1 and AA is great for those that bleed. Guillotine for IM to reverse his regen.
Can practice for the stun immune fights in RTTL chapter 4.1. That BPCW is a great way to learn to not get hit, not parry, bait and intercept.
Thanks for this post Cortez. I was just checking this thread to see what people may say in response. my team is about where Jay's is, but I know full well I would not be able to finish the challenge, nor expected to. I WAS curious though what a comparable team would be to finish something like this. This is a great reference you provided to know where I should be heading. I currently have a couple 4 stars at around rank 3, but I'm waiting to take my 5 * Winter Solider to rank 2. Anyways this really helps!
Dude there must be factors that made u win
First of all 4* Duped Gwenpool
Ur experience in the game {not level}
Not really, the only fight where GP helped me was vs falcon since she can't die from special attacks, outside of that it came down to game knowledge..
CWBP is pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it: use a damage over time champ (Wolverine), bleed him with combos, only parry him when he doesn't have any blue Armor Up buffs (literally, zero, or you risk getting stunned). This means you swipe in when he heavies or uses a Special, you hit his block 3-4 times to get him to a Sp1/2 (which you then work to evade). For the most part, you only want to block when it is a parry (which will still cause bleed), so your parry game needs to be sharp (if you aren't using a bleed immune like KG). Also, make sure you avoid getting pinned in your corner unless your evade skills are spot-on. Even when you play perfect parry and hit him when he is stunned, you may get unlucky if he armors up during the stun and stuns you back. Stinks, but that's part of playing against CWBP. Chalk it up to experience.
That's how you do it. If you want to practice against a strong 5* CWBP, there's one in the 888111111888 account in game. Use a 2*/3* to get used to the disparity in attack.
Good luck.
Dr. Zola
Ffs with the whining. Wah, it's too hard. I can't do it. The game is rigged.
Keep grinding, improve your roster and skill, beat the next one.
If that's your best roster then you need to grow your account more. I ran through Path A using 3* champs. Learn how the champs work and what their abilities are good for. Couple it with some skill and you can wreck basically anything in this game (except LOL, Act 5, Uncollected EQ) without high ranked 4* and 5* champs.
Here's a couple quick vids of me beating BP, Widow, and WM using 3* champs. So it can be done.
Trying to be slick. U will not get my views lol
Lol. The vids are private, only visible to any one with a link. Doesn't matter much to me if they get watched. The few I put up are mostly for helping my alliance mates.
challenges should be HARD, they shouldn't be a walk in the park for everybody.
Learn to intercept:
Learn to fight stun immune:
Then practice.