Are you short on gold?

In my opinion, gold needs to be more availiable. I can build up my gold pretty high but it goes down too fast, especially with 5 and 6 stars....the current gold availability was great when it was just 4 stars, but now the game is progressing and there is 5 and 6 stars and it is in urgent need of a buff. I think halls of Fortune every other day or double all the gold rewards in everything. Please change it
Are you short on gold? 175 votes
Lol, I didn’t think that comment was very bad by his standards.
He does give fair warning in his profile name.
Brian Grant says that just hitting the milestones for 1 month will get you 1.5M battle Chips, which is good for 3M in gold and about 3k-4K
I think the most T1As you can get in a month from playing (not buying) is 8 all others come from Alliance events or spending glory. I think it takes 10 or 11 to r3 a champ.
Maybe Kabam could add 1 T1a in the final milestones for the 4* featured and the new 5* featured in 8th and 10th milestones or lower the rank rewards for the T1A arena and offer a 2nd T1A for 61-100.
Or something to increase them slightly