Are you short on gold?

BluuurrrrBluuurrrr Member Posts: 38
edited March 2018 in General Discussion
In my opinion, gold needs to be more availiable. I can build up my gold pretty high but it goes down too fast, especially with 5 and 6 stars....the current gold availability was great when it was just 4 stars, but now the game is progressing and there is 5 and 6 stars and it is in urgent need of a buff. I think halls of Fortune every other day or double all the gold rewards in everything. Please change it

Are you short on gold? 175 votes

Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
Etaki_LirakoiShadTheManRektorLocoMotivesSnakeEyes69tutyimutyiA_rock007Golden_GuardianPalanthraxFishhyWrongswordChizzl3LoPrestiRomario26Teflonscoundrelraja_sMadTitan616PoolDanicb94BananaMike 101 votes
No. I'm never short on gold, there is enough
GroundedWisdomCoatHang3rStara99danielmathBadroseLeNoirFaineantDarkestDestroyerMegaSkater67Swe_wolfisJRock808AddyosVossler77vg2782AxeCopFirebuffajrAfridSIlverProfessorwSWeaponXSpeedbumpDGC 35 votes
DL864Elijah1929GbSarkarDrOctavius2_2Darkstar4387That_Dude52AndrewFrostyAdamdrt2006J_PattKeram85Sac123_SnaggleBullfighter77ShinyMew2ItempasarsjumSharkPowerr99Swapnil_Verma0031Batman_26_2019 39 votes


  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    I'm not really "short" on gold but seeing 4.4m gold when you're used to having 7m+ does feel that way
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Nah I have 2.5 mil. What there’s a shortage on is t1a. You’re probably playing map 6 and that’s why u always have a shortage
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available

    Lol, I didn’t think that comment was very bad by his standards. :smile: he was only giving his opinion.

    He does give fair warning in his profile name.
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
    There also needs to be more T1A available
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    There is a shortage of resources overall. It does not seem to be very well planned. They increase one aspect, like 5* shard drops, but then they don’t increase the resources needed to level up those champions. It seems hastily thrown together.
  • BananaMikeBananaMike Member Posts: 21
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    I had trouble when I first got going/playing 6 months ago. THEN the Halls of Gold came and I was over a Million up until a couple weeks ago. Now I am at 800k... so I can see the shortage coming again. Would be nice to have a small halls of gold every week for those who need it.
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  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
    This is big issue in this game.kabam style,no changes with the issues here....
  • xTony_xDxTony_xD Member Posts: 6
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
    I have 3k ish 😭
  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    I generally hover around 3 million, but I’m also very hesitant to rank my 5 star champions being most of them are mediocre to trash. I suppose once I pull some decent ones and start ranking them I’ll have a shortage.
  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
    No. I'm never short on gold, there is enough
    I ranked a few things and dropped under 60 million 🙀
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    No. I'm never short on gold, there is enough
    5.5 mil right now as I'm saving
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    I didn’t rank up anyone for 2 weeks, I did the arenas for Rag Thor and Hela, I accumulated 600k Battle Chips, popped 500k and got 1M in Gold.

    Brian Grant says that just hitting the milestones for 1 month will get you 1.5M battle Chips, which is good for 3M in gold and about 3k-4K

    I think the most T1As you can get in a month from playing (not buying) is 8 all others come from Alliance events or spending glory. I think it takes 10 or 11 to r3 a champ.

    Maybe Kabam could add 1 T1a in the final milestones for the 4* featured and the new 5* featured in 8th and 10th milestones or lower the rank rewards for the T1A arena and offer a 2nd T1A for 61-100.

    Or something to increase them slightly
  • olegpetrov80326olegpetrov80326 Member Posts: 284
    No. I'm never short on gold, there is enough
    I don't have enough units and health the third or fourth level, I have a lot of gold
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    No. I'm never short on gold, there is enough
    8.6 mil as of today
  • BobomanBoboman Member Posts: 716 ★★
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
    only 36k
  • olegpetrov80326olegpetrov80326 Member Posts: 284
    No. I'm never short on gold, there is enough
    Vossler77 wrote: »
    8.6 mil as of today

  • TonyStarkTonyStark Member Posts: 354
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
    50k gold currently. And my account rating is over 200k.
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  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    I've got 140k,One of the only 'sometimes' this happens to me.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    No. I'm never short on gold, there is enough
    It's funny. I'm always short on t1 alphas and sometimes on t4 basics but always have more than 10 million gold and just hit arena milestones. 1st gold realm helped a lot. Others have tons of alphas and basics. There will always be a bottleneck.
  • HeyheyheyHeyheyhey Member Posts: 84
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
    Gold offer incoming !
  • MadTitan616MadTitan616 Member Posts: 30
    Yes. I'm always short on gold, it needs to be more available
    I had to leave my 5x5 alliance because I don’t have time to play arena so I never have any gold. Now I’m away from my friends in a map 3 alliance just so I can do some rank ups. This is the imbalance that’s happening at my level. I have 35 5*s and I constantly have something worth ranking. I’ll save a few weeks obtain 500-750k gold than 1 or 2 rank ups it’s all gone and I’m opening gold crystals and selling iso to finish one. A daily gold realm would be nice for uncollected.
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