How bad has AW Piloting gotten among the top 100 alliances?

I'm talking about letting better players control other accounts to ensure less deaths in AW. Do you think it's happening in 50% of the these alliances, or do you think it's a much smaller number?
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What do you consider top tier 1 alliances? I haven't seen an alliance that requires that (and certainly would never join one)
I am sure it happens but the number that do it is much less than you think.
So my thoughts are it happens but don't think it's a wide spread issue. The most account sharing I've seen has been to cover someone on vacation.
That's the issue. And it's a lot more common than this thread is making it sound.
The real problem is top 30, I would say it’s 100% of them participate in some sort of piloting. Ranging from helping 1-2 big spenders but low skill, to 1-3 people playing all 30 accounts.
And kabam has consistently shown they do not care.
Look at the act 5 legend runs, one specific pilot got about 5 of them top 10.
Even a certain YouTubed ADMITTED they pilot, and regularly, and nonscholantly. And they did NOTHING.
ITS A HUGE PROBLEM. And they are not concerned at all with fixing it.
This is the most accurate. We are closing in on top 100. Haven’t lost a war in about 20 wars. None of us pilot at all. All 30 members play their own accounts, but that doesn’t happen very often in most alliances.
I would say major piloting is more so for top 50 alliances though. I can update once we make it there. The piloting wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it is now though. As soon as the new season started, some alliances created rules that if you can’t make it through your path with zero deaths up until mini them you have to give login to let them do it or be kicked.
From 50-150, I would say there is some piloting, but not on the scale of top 50. You might have one or two bad players with great rosters per bg and you pilot them so you can keep their accounts for defense.
Something needs to be done bc it will be IMPOSSIBLE for a non piloted alliance to get higher than platinum 1 and maybe even platinum 2. It’s really frustrating.
This is adorable. Ignorance is bliss.
Then they don't deserve the Rewards they haven't earned themselves.
If someone’s experience is that everyone in the world has the same surname as them, because they’ve only ever met their immediate family, and they go and write on a forum that “it’s weird that everyone in the world has the same surname”. They are ignorant, someone’s experience doesn’t necessarily mean their opinion is right.
Hit the nail on the head.
It happens every war with top allys. The account are OP in terms of prestige (for AQ ranking) but not all the members can clear a path, mini boss and boss without dying. That’s where the pilots come in.
It’s not easy to find both high prestige accounts with the original owners being able to clear all paths and bosses. Allot of these allys are clearing all 3 battlegroups in under 5-10 deaths. And that’s against some of the toughest defence you’ll find with a diverse setup. Very few allys have 30 members who can play their own accounts and clear maps with that few deaths. But that is what it has come down to. They are afraid to play a fair war out of fear of losing.
And that sad part is even with all the evidence out there, nothing gets done about it. I guess allot of these guys drop allot of coin so probably not in their best intrest to be getting rid of them.
So, are you (or anyone else) telling me that every single member of your allies never had a day off in the past year, month, week? No problem at all? No life? No friends? No women? No dinners? Not a single problem in family? Not a bad cold, colitis, broken legs, deaths, not even alien abductions? WOW, what a golden lucky life you all have...
Sorry but I don't believe any of you for a second.
I retired a while back, now I’m in a free to play ally. But i was an officer for a top 5 ally, and I had the credentials for every member of my BG, as did the other officers for their respective battle groups. I’m sure with seasons now it’s even worse.
The problem has been going on for 2 years almost, there is TONS of evidence, chat rooms screen shots, people personally admitting it, and I’m sure if kabam wanted to, they could track it on their logs.
What it all boils down to, is they have repetitively shown they don’t give a flying (you know what) about it. They had the opportunity, when a very very very influential person admitted they partook in it, as does the rest of the ally, whenever people’s schedules aren’t accommodating, and that it’s no big deal. They had this opportunity to really set an example that would be seen by 10’s of the thousands and heard about by many more than that. .... and they chose to do nothing, as they always have, and apparently as they always will.
So true and thanks for the insight.
Unfortunately the lack of action by Kabam will result in more people/allys doing the same thing in order to compete. Taking on the “if you can’t beat them, join them” attitude. It will just end up being a battle of the pilots. It already is in the top 30, but it will spread even further until it ruins the game completely. Very sad to see how this season was rolled out with no foresight from anyone at Kabam to ensure it is a fair contents.
But what can ya do? Nothing really. Just play until you’ve had enough and leave.
Hate to break it to you, but your sight of what it will be, already is.
Every ally in master is piloting, every single one.
And correct, if you’re a top 20 ally, and you don’t want to drop to platinum, you must pilot to keep rank. It’s very analageous to how the Tour de France was. In order to compete, not even win, just compete, every rider was cheating. Because if they weren’t they wouldn’t have even qualified.
Don’t have to break it to me, I already know.
After the first week of the season we were top 3 in master, top 20 global AW. We won all 3 and We matched against allys who were of similar war rating as was the case for many, many wars before that.
Then someone came in here from mmxiv and complained about their matchmaking taking too long and they weren’t matching. The very next week/AW we started matching all top 5 allys, 300-400 war rating higher than us and within a minute of searching. And it’s been that way since. We haven’t had a close matchup since. And all of them are piloting, and so blatantly as well. We choose not to and as a result, haven’t won a war since the matchmaking was changed and have dropped out of Master bracket.
I guess you can’t blame these guys. They know Kabam has no interest in them cheating So they are just getting those AW rewards and aiming for those big prizes at the end of the season. Integrity and fair play isn’t a factor.
Exactly. And it’s unfortunate. I’m sorry bro.
Absolutely. We take days off. We also leave the game when we do. I have never shared my Account, and unless I'm totally in the dark, no one in my Ally has ever shared their information. Considering I'm the Leader, I would have knowledge. If they did, they would be removed. I'm not usually this blunt, but I'm going to be straight-up. It's cheating. It's a sad state of affairs when people are so scared of missing Rewards that they're breaking the rules to run peoples' Accounts. It's not at all fair, reasonable, or even justified. It's greed. Flat-out greed. If someone isn't around to play, they're not around to play. People just have to find a way to work around it. If the Ally demands that people are available 24/7, that's absolutely ridiculous, and if people are doing that to gain Rewards and maintain a position, they don't deserve it because they haven't earned it fairly. People need to accept what they can and cannot do. Simple as that. There's no right way to cheat the system regardless of the excuses. There's something called life. It exists outside of the game. If someone needs to deal with it, people just have to accept that instead of breaking the rules. Was I in any way unclear?
If you wish to limit the target to less skilled people only, then the percentage is probably less than 50%. That is just a guess since no actual public data exists.
But if you don't limit your target at all, then it is much higher than 50%. Much higher. It only takes 1 person out of 30 to share their account. So if all 100 alliances each had only 1 member that shared (just 4% of the number of individual accounts), then the percentage for alliances is 100.
I don't believe the percentage for individual accounts would be too high, certainly not 50. The limiting factors were trust and pride. But it doesn't take many individual accounts for an alliance to cheat their way to the top.
In any case, account sharing is quite common in team-based games like Castlot and other games that used to be hosted by Kabam and others. It is against the rules but they do it anyway. They weren't doing it for the rewards. They were doing it to ensure that they stay on top or to make sure they don't fall behind. The "vacation" excuse is quite common and so was 1 or 2 day business trips. (Most people don't have 24-hour dates but a business trip can last more than a day.)
Because account sharing among leagues/alliance/teams was common, witch hunts and "account hacked" claims were also common.
So it is not surprising that people do it here especially since they have extra motivation to get rewards.
The difference is that the good community of MCOC like to use different terms to hide what they are doing. Thus, the term "piloting" was invented to distinguish it from "account sharing". This isn't surprising at all since it is the same group that invented the Black Friday sales and MCOC was being cancelled on May 31, 2016.
When I used to belong to a top 50 alliance years ago (top 50 in AQ, AW was relatively new then), my former alliance was part of a league of alliances. So players would cycle in and out in order to ensure that we would have a full roster of 30 members that can participate. We had an alliance setup for the "semi-retired" and vacationers. Account sharing never came up because of it.
Informative post, also disheartening and sad. It’s comments like this and others like hearing that multiple legends runs are done from the same device that make playing this game a joke. What’s the point of competitive game modes and accomplishments when players/alliances determine how Kabam does things in their favor because they spend more $ than anyone else?