Saving a "Champions Tab" Filter

I would like to make a suggestion regarding the champions tab. Normally when we open our champions tab we see our maxed out champions at the very bottom of our list. I am personally a very neat and organized mindful thinker. In being so I do not understand why your best champions would(when maxed out) be placed at the bottom of the list. Instead I wish they would be on top. I associate it like this: it is my top champion so thus they should be the highest on the list not the bottom of the totom poll. Now I realize that thus far into my message I have stated my personal preferences so I thought what if..

What if a saving feature or a "save as" you could call it was added to our normal filter options inside the champions tab? For example, I would filter my champions by "Hero Rating" thus making all of my strongest champions on top and the weakest at the bottom. Then by hitting save, I could use other tabs, play quests, so on and so forth. And come back to my champions tab to find all of my champions are still neatly organized in a nice fashion. What's great about this is if another player prefers a different filter, they could save their champions tab however they like as well. It would be a win win situation.

I have obsessive compulsive disorder or (OCD). I do not like to give it a negative name by calling it a disorder, I am simply organized. And this is why I have made this suggestion. For all those that love to play Marvel Contest of Champions who are organized of the mind.

Thank you all so much for your time!



  • CapnFullpantsCapnFullpants Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2018
    You can sort by rating so that your champs display in the order you'd like.

    I'm guessing the reason why the default view does not place maxed champs at the top is to make it easy to see which champs are ready to be ranked.
  • AdisBrakicAdisBrakic Member Posts: 6
    Right you can, but when you use another tab and go back to your champions tab your filter disappears. That is what bothers me.

    Maybe but I am not a fan of it.
  • Brew_SwayneBrew_Swayne Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Typically when players go to their champion screen, it's to do some ranking and leveling, so as already mentioned, the default view is going to display the champs at the top that are ready to be ranked
  • AdisBrakicAdisBrakic Member Posts: 6
    I am aware that the tab is used for ranking and leveling. Exactly "default view" I'm suggesting custom views. Not everyone enjoys just one way of doing something.
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