Awaken Iron Man?

As you may know, this is my third Iron Man poll (Make 5* Iron Man My Best? ) And ( Buff Iron Man? ). So I need to know one thing SHOULD I AWAKEN HIM
Awaken Iron Man? 144 votes
I think the answer is no. Just no. A thousand times no. No again. Neither. No. No. No.
Dr. Zola
I wasn't deciding between Venom And Iron Man I only put the venom option for those who are so inclined
Good Point
Assuming since he's even considering using a gem on either of those champs he hasn't don't LoL or act 5 😂
I have one generic 5* AG
Are you even aware what you are asking? You wanna use a "GENERIC 5* AWAKENING GEM" on Iron Man or Venom!!??? Dude what are you even thinking? HELL NO!!!!!!!
yeah dude don't do this at all
I was asking this question because people have been saying an awakened IM is great for AQ
Im NOT ASKING ABOUT VENOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then Why tf is he in your poll?
he is there for the mf'n idiots so they dont feel left out
I think you covered those in the "use a generic on iron man" crowd
Dr. Zola
Lol well I'm glad you don't feel left out here 😂
Well we're trying to stop him from being a dingus and wasting a generic but if you feel we should be jerks and let him have his "learning lesson" then so be it 😂😂😂
I Know