Has anyone encountered Arena display corrupted/glitched?

Has anyone encountered Arena display corrupted/glitched?
Considering Kabam has the best QA department in the world with highest quality and bug free product, I can only imagine the problem is on my side.
What do I need to do?
e.g. Clear my phone's cache?
e.g. Reinstall my MCoC?
e.g. Upgrade my Android version?
e.g. Buy a new phone?
e.g. Spent $1000 on Kabam's store?
e.g. Feed the hamster?
e.g. Buy offering & worship Kabam God?

I thought this could only happened to a calculator's glitched L.E.D. display.

Considering Kabam has the best QA department in the world with highest quality and bug free product, I can only imagine the problem is on my side.
What do I need to do?
e.g. Clear my phone's cache?
e.g. Reinstall my MCoC?
e.g. Upgrade my Android version?
e.g. Buy a new phone?
e.g. Spent $1000 on Kabam's store?
e.g. Feed the hamster?
e.g. Buy offering & worship Kabam God?

I thought this could only happened to a calculator's glitched L.E.D. display.

We've sent this information over to the team from a previous player experiencing it, but could you share your device information with us? It'll help to know what you're running the game on.
@Kabam Vydious
For my cousin who sent me the screenshots and still facing this problem during previuos Medusa arena, she is using:
.... Phone = Samsung Galaxy Note 5
.... OS = (I don't know)
.... WIFI/4G = Both
.... Symptom = Intermittent (without restarting the game, when going in and out the arena screen, this may just occurred all of a sudden)
.... Seen since which version = Since v17.2 only (never before)
For me, I'm also facing the same problem even a few minutes ago
.... Phone = Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Model SM-N910C)
.... OS = Android 5.0.1
.... WIFI/4G = Both
.... Symptom = Intermittent (same as above)
.... Seen since which version = Since v17.2 only (never before)
Thank you very much!
Device and Model: iPhone 8+
Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.6
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
I'm running the game on a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, exclusively over WiFi, fwiw. Between this and the constant lagging during AQ and AW, I'm starting to get frustrated.
iPhone 7, running latest iOS verison when glitch happens.
Galaxy s7
But it doesn't affect gameplay so I wasn't going to mention it until some more pressing concerns are addressed.
Same for me with IPhone 7
Agreed. This is what we observed. Affected upon v17.2 and not before, across various types of Android phones, and various version of iOS phones, which led me to suspect their poor programming or coding.