Why hasn’t the points been restored to Ally’s lost to piloting?

Why hasn’t the season points been restored the alliances that lost to piloting alliances? The community is very happy you guys reduced the piloting alliances points but you’ve done NOTHING to the ally’s who played them and lost. If it happened to MMX the points would be restored that day!(don’t say you wouldn’t when it’s public knowledge they got 3rd place rewards(when they didn’t come in 3rd) from getting screwed over in season 1) we keep sending in tickets to you guys & we keep getting auto message responses back like they’re not even reading them(I’m confident they’re not because it’s the same response we got when reporting piloting alliances, pretty much they’re gonna investigate a cheater which my message is nothing about). It’s very very aggravating that we can’t get a response or an answer or even talk to a real person & get a real response! Is this how you treat you honest, long time players? We can’t even get an answer let alone get this problem fixed? You don’t fix this problem then guess what’s gonna come next? Top alliances are gonna pay merc to pilot alliances to take out competing alliances (example Alliance A & Alliance B are competing for number 1 spot, Alliance B finds out Alliance A is playing a non competing alliance (in lower tier that doesn’t matter if they get points reduced) and gonna pay for that alliance to loss because they know their score won’t be restored!) Make right by your player base Kabam! At least give us an honest response!
Kabam has stated over and over and over that they will not comment on actions taken against players. This means confirming what you reported. They aren't going to do it and its getting tiring seeing people ask all the time. Plus there isn't a 100% way YOU can tell someone is piloting anyway. Now that there is a crackdown, people are reporting this like crazy. Every little suspicion is getting reported. Report it once and stop expecting them to tell anything.
Well done
What are you talking about?! I think you have no clue what piloting is
The alliance we played 2 out of our 4 matches where deducted points because they where proven to have piloted and KNOWN by he community they pilot. We’re competing for number 1 spot so yes those points matter very much so. This is why I hate the forums, a bunch of immature little kids not knowing anything befor posting, my alliance wants an answer
If you are in platinum 1-2, a single loss will not disqualify you from holding your bracket and the removal of several alliances above you might end up beings more beneficial.
If you are in lower leagues it has very little effect on you and the season is long.
The alliances caught are not necessarily weaker than you. They just had some members act the wrong way. Removing them is more beneficial than facing them again. Most alliances would lose to them without cheating anyway they just got greedy and did stupid things. Many of their members are extremely skillled and were unfortunate to be caught in the situation. Hopefully true cheaters got bans. Put yourself in others shoes.
You aren't going to get an answer. They won't tell you. Why can't you understand that? Why do you keep asking? You lost. I highly doubt it was because of piloting. Champs don't get magically better because someone else controls them.
Again you clearly have NO CLUE what piloting is, quit posting on my threads. You’re constantly negative and have the dumbest responses, maybe if you weren’t constantly trying to contradict people on here you’d have a better profile
Lol. Wrong.
I'll quit posting on your threads when Kabam gives you an answer on if an alliance piloted.
Dude are you serious.....so by that logic why was there a contest at NYCC and why didn't everyone get the same time because if skills don't matter then everyone should have been the same
Nailed it