Just verifying that Domino is "working as intended"...

So, class advantage.
Never got hit.
Still died.
Blocked a lot of hits, because I'm not used to her move set quite yet, but... doesn't matter, because even when you evade you take degen damage. Blocking is actually better than using dexterity.
Is this how it's going to be from now on? Was this intentional?
If you don't have exactly the right champ ranked up high enough, you just die?
I'd love to get an official response from Kabam on this... something like, "Yes, if you don't have champ A, B or C ranked high enough, you're screwed. Even though our system is set up to be RNG and you literally could never get the champ you need... you're screwed."
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The same thing happens with SSE and his 3% evasion. If your passive evade doesn't trigger on being attacked, degen.
Hawkeye (hemorrhage that’s all)
Shulk (LOL)
Dormammu (n’less domino has a buff idk)
Magik (Limbk but not too often)
Gambit (LOL)
Storm (specials stun that’s it)
Vision classic
Vision AoU
Ronan (LOL)
Falcon (LOL)
Elektra (specials but AAR might help)
Loki (LOL)
Captain Marvel
Ms. Marvel OG
So most of them are full counters to not having % based abilities
Let’s remove 5 of the 22 for having those chances at all leaving 17
Remove the 5 jokes and Vision CLASSIC leaving 11
Remove Taskmaster always unlucky 10
Off my ability to see there’s less than a dozen champs when we’re past 130 now and most of them kinda suck
And that's if Domino is working how we all think she should be working looking at her descriptions. But she seems to be triggering on things like parry, block proficiency and dex as well. So, I guess you need to take off all masteries when fighting her too. Would be interesting to see someone do that to see what difference it makes.
Edit: maybe there are other things triggering and its hard to tell in some places. I had critical failure trigger hitting her with a light attack using Cable once. Nobody was at a bar of power either for me to have a chance to trigger healing.
7? Rulk, Angela, Hela, Electro, DocOk, P99, and DPXF
Oh and if I’m not mistaken: she has AAR?! In which case you’re left with… literally no one who is truly safe as that REALLY takes out Angela, Rulk, and DPXF
Maybe Hela… maybe.
Try using Resonate/Inequity
Rulk—Heat charges failing to proc
HE—Hemorrhage, bleeds and power drain from specials failing
Hela—fury (from L1 and charging heavy) and break from L2 failing to proc
Angela—Failing to duplicate active buffs on crits, failing to change buffs on filling a bar of power
Shulk—stuns from specials failing
Dorm—failing to power drain on mediums, failing to gain dark energy and/or charge soul bond on burning power (not sure about this one though), failing to activate debuffs associated with his specials
Magik—limbo from specials and filling a bar of power failing most of the time unless she's high sig
Gambit—failure to place debuffs from specials, failure to gain kinetic charges (not sure about this one)
Storm—Shock and stun from specials failing
Both visions—power burn failing
Ronan—stuns failing. If a 5*, degen on every hit due to fury failing
P99—failure to recharge battery (not sure about this one), failure to place debuffs from specials
DPXF—failure to bleed from attacks, failure to activate power gain
I think you get the idea
Oh, and on top of all this, you get degen from parry, dexterity and even block (lol) failing. This is applicable for every champ in the game
dunno, guys about other champs... I killed uncollected her very easy with Ultron. just don't parry her. evade & intercept and my fighting skills are pretty weak
Uncollected isn't bad. Lot's of people are looking forward to the havok she'll might create in war. With no solid counter a 30k Domino might be a disaster. Hard to say at this point but nobody likes unavoidable damage with no counter. To make matters worse we don't have a solid understanding of her. Surely basic things like masteries and blocking shouldn't trigger degen?
Aslong as there are plenty of counters there is no problem.
It causes people to diversify their roster.
Problem here is her ability is so powerful and i dont know that there are terribly many counters. Just the same as imiw on node 38. Except domino doesnt need to be on node 38.....
Once we play her more however i think we will find there are many good options. Just gumma take time to find who hey are.
I can deal to some extent with dex failing...
But block failing.... i mean cmon seriously.... i know she is a luck based champ but it literaly is a roll of the dice if you win or lose against her
Try using Resonate/Inequity
Great!!!! Really great!!!!
Cant dex cus u will degen....
Cant block cus that will fail and u degen plus get comboed....
6* champs work quite well however cus you
Can recover most of the degen damage....
So that's what's going on with the "block break" your parry fails so your entire block fails? That's absolutely brilliant. Nice to know 6 stars work well...all I've pulled are 2 skill.. don't think skill will be good for her..lol
Was thing CB..... his furies shouldnt fail... they are not a chance based trigger..... and then once he has a few she cant do **** anyway.... even with class disadvantage might be a viable option
Was doin well. Took her down half way easy as pie....
Then my dexterity failed..... and she hit me for 11k!!!!! Ouch...... but anyway fight was still going......
I was on 21% and went in to medium hit her and i just dropped dead...... 6.5k damage..... for wat????
I have no ability... i just died... WTF????