Venom rework for upcoming Venom movie

It is confirmed Tom Hardy will play Eddie Brock in the upcoming Venom movie in October. Both Venom and Carnage are long overdue for a rework. I’ll focus in this thread on Venom.
Every 10 seconds, Venom calls from his memory one of five permanent buffs, for a total maximum of five buffs (six with Carnage synergy). While Venom has a lot of potential, the sheer randomness of his beneficial effects are what makes him a below-average champion. The player should have more control of what kind of buffs he should get. I suggest Venom can either recollect offensive or defensive buffs. At the beginning of the fight, Venom starts with defensive buffs. Dashing back and holding for two seconds like Winter Soldier allows him to switch to offence. Special attacks also triggers a switch. This makes room for tactical planning.
Currently, there are two defensive and three offensive buffs. I suggest adding a third defensive buff, Symbiotic Agility, which gives Venom boosted critical hit resistance. This is a fairly new addition the game (only the new IW Iron Man has it) and it would be nice if Venom had it to. Also, the defensive buffs should get a major boost, making them on par with similar defensive buffs of other champions.
With champions like Hyperion capable of stacking up three Fury buffs with ease, the current cap of five permanent buffs is not sufficient for Venom to keep up. I suggest to increase it to six buffs (seven due to Carnage synergy) and lower the rotation time to 8 seconds. This allows Venom to be fully boosted at 48 seconds (today it is 50 seconds). However, due to the capability of switching between offence and defence, I suggest capping the amount of buffs of one category to five. You start the fight with defence, so your first buff will always be defensive but if you switch to offence and get five more, it will automatically switch back to defence and replace one of the buffs randomly. Reversely, if you keep defence and hit five defensive buffs, it will automatically switch to offence and when the new cycle starts back to defence. This way, every cycle begins with defence so you will not be 100% offensive or defensive.
The ace of Venom is his capability to replicate the buffs of his opponent with his Special Attacks. Although I think the current chance (45% for Sp1, 75% for Sp2 and 100% of Sp3) are fine, the amount of buffs are not up-to-date. Back in the day, champions did not have that many buffs active. However, today it is not uncommon for champions to have three or more buffs active. Venom has to progress similarly: one copied buff for Sp1 (the same as now), two copied buffs for Sp2 (+1) and three copied buffs for Sp3 (+1). For Mystic champions, he still keeps his old amount. This should make him more on par.
It is odd Venom can copy buffs from non-organic champions i.e. robots. However, as a Cosmic champion he should be effective against Tech champions. I suggest robots are immune to the Replicate ability, but the symbiote will just dig into its own memory instead and give itself their own buff on top of the current amount of buffs and not counting for the maximum amount of six. However, this is only a temporary buff and will expire after 8 seconds.
To make Venom proficient, he should be able to launch more Special Attacks. So I suggest that when he can successfully replicate his opponents buffs, he activates his Leech ability which drains his opponent power (45%/38%/33% per copied buff) and turns it into a Power Gain buff for a limited amount of time. I do not want to make it as good as Vision, that’s why it is tied to the ability to copy buffs.
In the comics, Spider-Man’s Spider Sense is not triggered with Venom. In the MCOC, Venom should be immune to the effects of Evade. This will give him an edge over Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) and Ultron. His symbiote physiology should also give him a poison immunity, something that might come in handy in the Contest. Venom is also known for his mild regenerative abilities, an actual Regeneration buff would just be too much. Instead, bleeds should expire 50% faster.
Lastly, Venom can inflict bleed for a 7% chance on all attacks, inflicting 34% of base Attack over 5 seconds. His bleed isn’t that consistent and potent and this makes it practically insignificant. I suggest instead he should bleed only when critically hitting and that this chance should be like 60%, 65% or 70% so it should be fairly consistent. Big but: the bleed damage he deals is not based on base Attack rating but based on the damage dealt by that critical hit (like 15%, 20% or 25%). So this way his bleeds can be quite potent. This also ties nicely with his Bloodlust signature ability active, which increases his Critical Hit Rate by 20% and also his Critical damage (stacks) whenever the opponent bleeds. This way you can build up stacks of bleeds and drain the opponent to death. It makes sense his Sp3 gives a guaranteed bleed (he practically rips the opponent apart), like 120% of your base Attack rating over 12 seconds, giving enough opportunity for Bloodlust to do its work.
With these changes, Venom becomes a champion to be reckoned with and fun to play. It will place him at least in the top category of Cosmic champions along Angela, Hyperion and Medusa.
Every 10 seconds, Venom calls from his memory one of five permanent buffs, for a total maximum of five buffs (six with Carnage synergy). While Venom has a lot of potential, the sheer randomness of his beneficial effects are what makes him a below-average champion. The player should have more control of what kind of buffs he should get. I suggest Venom can either recollect offensive or defensive buffs. At the beginning of the fight, Venom starts with defensive buffs. Dashing back and holding for two seconds like Winter Soldier allows him to switch to offence. Special attacks also triggers a switch. This makes room for tactical planning.
Currently, there are two defensive and three offensive buffs. I suggest adding a third defensive buff, Symbiotic Agility, which gives Venom boosted critical hit resistance. This is a fairly new addition the game (only the new IW Iron Man has it) and it would be nice if Venom had it to. Also, the defensive buffs should get a major boost, making them on par with similar defensive buffs of other champions.
With champions like Hyperion capable of stacking up three Fury buffs with ease, the current cap of five permanent buffs is not sufficient for Venom to keep up. I suggest to increase it to six buffs (seven due to Carnage synergy) and lower the rotation time to 8 seconds. This allows Venom to be fully boosted at 48 seconds (today it is 50 seconds). However, due to the capability of switching between offence and defence, I suggest capping the amount of buffs of one category to five. You start the fight with defence, so your first buff will always be defensive but if you switch to offence and get five more, it will automatically switch back to defence and replace one of the buffs randomly. Reversely, if you keep defence and hit five defensive buffs, it will automatically switch to offence and when the new cycle starts back to defence. This way, every cycle begins with defence so you will not be 100% offensive or defensive.
The ace of Venom is his capability to replicate the buffs of his opponent with his Special Attacks. Although I think the current chance (45% for Sp1, 75% for Sp2 and 100% of Sp3) are fine, the amount of buffs are not up-to-date. Back in the day, champions did not have that many buffs active. However, today it is not uncommon for champions to have three or more buffs active. Venom has to progress similarly: one copied buff for Sp1 (the same as now), two copied buffs for Sp2 (+1) and three copied buffs for Sp3 (+1). For Mystic champions, he still keeps his old amount. This should make him more on par.
It is odd Venom can copy buffs from non-organic champions i.e. robots. However, as a Cosmic champion he should be effective against Tech champions. I suggest robots are immune to the Replicate ability, but the symbiote will just dig into its own memory instead and give itself their own buff on top of the current amount of buffs and not counting for the maximum amount of six. However, this is only a temporary buff and will expire after 8 seconds.
To make Venom proficient, he should be able to launch more Special Attacks. So I suggest that when he can successfully replicate his opponents buffs, he activates his Leech ability which drains his opponent power (45%/38%/33% per copied buff) and turns it into a Power Gain buff for a limited amount of time. I do not want to make it as good as Vision, that’s why it is tied to the ability to copy buffs.
In the comics, Spider-Man’s Spider Sense is not triggered with Venom. In the MCOC, Venom should be immune to the effects of Evade. This will give him an edge over Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) and Ultron. His symbiote physiology should also give him a poison immunity, something that might come in handy in the Contest. Venom is also known for his mild regenerative abilities, an actual Regeneration buff would just be too much. Instead, bleeds should expire 50% faster.
Lastly, Venom can inflict bleed for a 7% chance on all attacks, inflicting 34% of base Attack over 5 seconds. His bleed isn’t that consistent and potent and this makes it practically insignificant. I suggest instead he should bleed only when critically hitting and that this chance should be like 60%, 65% or 70% so it should be fairly consistent. Big but: the bleed damage he deals is not based on base Attack rating but based on the damage dealt by that critical hit (like 15%, 20% or 25%). So this way his bleeds can be quite potent. This also ties nicely with his Bloodlust signature ability active, which increases his Critical Hit Rate by 20% and also his Critical damage (stacks) whenever the opponent bleeds. This way you can build up stacks of bleeds and drain the opponent to death. It makes sense his Sp3 gives a guaranteed bleed (he practically rips the opponent apart), like 120% of your base Attack rating over 12 seconds, giving enough opportunity for Bloodlust to do its work.
With these changes, Venom becomes a champion to be reckoned with and fun to play. It will place him at least in the top category of Cosmic champions along Angela, Hyperion and Medusa.
Take notes @Kabam Miike
I really want this to happen because I have 5* Venom
@Kabam Miike
Why would that be? We already have a Venom and nothing stops Kabam from reworking it. Maybe movie promotion via an event quest and stuff is a different matter, but Sony would be stupid to block Kabam from doing that.
Me too,If they do this I'm going to be proud of my first 5*,Venom
after the fight, Venom consumes all permanent buffs. Each buff consumed gives a persistence charge that increases the potency of the permanent buffs in the next fight by 1% (so per fight you can increase potency by maximum 6% to 7% (with Carnage synergy)).
Edit: actually what if he was basically a more mixed sabertooth? Or if we keep your idea he NEEDS regen and more than 1% potency increase…
Carnage also be immune to evade
Carnage deserves immune to auto block,not evade.Would make these two gods of the game lol
If venom gets a debuff he is able to shrug off that debuff 75% faster whilst triggering a defensive buff from his genetic memory (max 5).
Another way to go with like be to give him persistent charges allowing him to start the fight with buffs from the previous fight
Reason to release another venom is money obviously lol
No Regen, he has enough buffs. As I suggested, he should recover faster from bleed debuffs (and maybe other debuffs besides incinerate, which should increase as fire is his weakness).