Kabam needs to change their viewpoint

I am sick and tired of being penalized half my health in aq and aw or loosing my streak in arena because of kabams poor servers. It is not our fault that their servers can't handle the load of ppl playing and crash all the time; yet kabams policy of "punishing" players for connection problems eludes that they think we all cheat.
This is not the case with 90 to 95% of your player base. We play the game legit, but your on going policy of cutting our health or loosing our matches from YOUR server problems has all of your player base pissed that you consider us cheaters.

This is not the case with 90 to 95% of your player base. We play the game legit, but your on going policy of cutting our health or loosing our matches from YOUR server problems has all of your player base pissed that you consider us cheaters.

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They decided to fix that exploit because it is a bit stupid, and it basically guarantees no deaths for anyone.
True, but for a company reportedly raking in 6 figures per day, their servers should be able to cope with it and not cut out all the time. To go alongside the poor coding, perhaps they have used an inferior setup and do not have an adequate setup to balance server load at peak times?
I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your connection. If at all possible, it is better to play on a stable WiFi connection rather than celluar data. While I understand that it may be frustrating, the policy of losing half health was put in place to maintain fairness.