Free Players: How Far Have You Come

WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
So I'm kinda curious... If you are a F2P, how far have you come in this game and has not spending affected you in any way? Obviously if you don't spend then you're gonna miss out on any offers with awakening gems, rank up materials etc. Besides that however, do you feel you are comparable to people that do spend money?

I'll just share a bit about my account, I have been playing for 2.5 years or so now, and I would consider myself to be very comparable to players who have been playing the same length of time. I have 5 r4 5* champs, SL, AA, Hyp, Angela, and Magik. I also have 2 6* champs, IF and DPX... They both suck. Some of my achievements as a free player have been one path through LOL and Act 5 100%. I have been able to beat every challenge since the Coulson challenge way back when. In AW, I've always been able to finish my path, and was even the go to boss killer back in the BP days. In the new seasons, I have never had any difficulties finishing a path (usually without any potions). Anyways, I want to hear how far you've come as a free player, and mainly I wanted to share just how possible this game still is even without $$$.


  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Great progress. It is definitely possible to grow in this game without spending $$$. Glad you remain F2P, good job! You are doing it right!
  • TBKlannTBKlann Member Posts: 82
    You're way ahead of me, and I've been playing since right after the game came out. Rosters are easier to grow now with shard crystals and the new levels of event quests. For a long time it was story quests mainly. I have a decent roster with 16 5*, 3 of them rank 5, and quite a few maxed 4*. No 6*. I don't have as good a skill level at evading and that's where the game is at, as even blocking will get you wiped quick in end game content. I'm working through act 5 slowly. I have only spent a little a while back on some unit packages to help with masteries. No Odin packages or anything that expensive.
    Nice to see FTP players doing so well. I know some in chats that are way farther along than me as well. I'll get there eventually. I also have had trouble keeping streak in arenas or might have some other champs as well, but get burned out in that petty easily. I enjoy playing the majority of the time, and I don't fee if I was paying to play that I would enjoy it. It's a nice hobby to relax and I don't need all the stress from just a game. I'll get there when I get there, and if they shut down today, it would be no sweat to me and no real loss of money. Great job all of you for getting so far without spending.

    Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.
    Michael Jordan.
  • Tiberius77Tiberius77 Member Posts: 14
    I’m a free player. Account is just over a year... won’t ever give Kabam a dime.
  • MelaspikeMelaspike Member Posts: 1
    I consider myself a F2P players , i cant say that i NEVER spent because i did, but very minimally ( like the 1$ 4* crystal and the 2 week card when you first start) never bought units or mats or anything like that.

    I am approaching my 1 year anniversary (in about 2 weeks) i have been in a 5x5 alliance for about 3-4 months and im doing well there , i have became uncollected about 1.5 months ago, im currently working on 100% act 4 to get my first r4 5* (iceman) im estimating that by the end of july i will have that accomplished.

    Roster wise i have a total hero rating of 178k it could be higher but i dont rank champs just for the sake of ranking them. i save my resource for champs that i know i will be using in some form. im sitting at 7 r5 5* (AA, GP, doc ock, luke cage, ww2 cap, GG, SW , voodoo will be #8 this week) and 1 r3 5* (other then iceman nothing worth bring up past r2) , i do have a decent stash of t4cc (science , cosmic, tech and skill are all 3+) waiting for the right champs

    the biggest hurdle id say i had so far as a F2P was getting t4cc but that all changed in the last few months with the new alliance and being uncollected
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    As a free2play, I think I'm ahead in the contest. I play since update 3.0.0 (3 years and so ago), and my phone is still the same it was back then (which means, usual androis problems, and some device specific problems like unique crashes).
    I have 720k rating. 1x r5 5-star, and 5x r4 5-star (soon I wikk have +1 of each).
    Play every arena since I started playing the game. Never had problems with gold or iso.
    Tomorrow I'll do the last path in the labyrinth, exploring it after using a total of something like ~7k units.
    I don't mind with the offers tgat usually come, with some exceptions like this last deadpool offer, the last vision offer and the 1$ crystal during christmas.

    You can get such far in the game as someone that usually pays for stuff. Even if you have a slightly disadvantage, you can still do the same content with the same difficulty as them, as long as you have decent skills and champions
  • TinoMiaTinoMia Member Posts: 56
    I consider myself F2P too. Been on for 7 months and spent $11 ($1 3* and $10 DP (only way to get him and I love DP) deals). 1-5* DV at r2/35 and 5-4* 4/40 with another 8-4* 3/30s. I’m 262 shards from 2nd 5*.

    I don’t spend primarily because deals are way too expensive. You could spend $1000 easily. I refused to spend that much on a game. Not when it costs $50 to awaken a 4* that will easily help you in the game for a few weeks. Especially now with 5/6*s. If Kabam had more $1 and $5 deals instead of $50 and $100, I might spend a little more but $50-100 a pop is insane for a video game.
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    spent a total of 1$ played for 2.5 years, 1 6* and 9800 shards, 32 5* 4 of them are r4, complete act 5
  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Been playing since January last year. Love being free to play because I don’t feel bad or like I’ve wasted money if a decision goes badly. Done everything but LOL and have 2 6* champs as well. Everything can definitely be done without spending money on the game
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Rank1 Master :^)
  • KarinshiKarinshi Member Posts: 280 ★★
    Everything 100% including LOL
    710k rating
    2.5 years summoner
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  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    TBKlann wrote: »
    You're way ahead of me, and I've been playing since right after the game came out. Rosters are easier to grow now with shard crystals and the new levels of event quests. For a long time it was story quests mainly. I have a decent roster with 16 5*, 3 of them rank 5, and quite a few maxed 4*. No 6*. I don't have as good a skill level at evading and that's where the game is at, as even blocking will get you wiped quick in end game content. I'm working through act 5 slowly. I have only spent a little a while back on some unit packages to help with masteries. No Odin packages or anything that expensive.
    Nice to see FTP players doing so well. I know some in chats that are way farther along than me as well. I'll get there eventually. I also have had trouble keeping streak in arenas or might have some other champs as well, but get burned out in that petty easily. I enjoy playing the majority of the time, and I don't fee if I was paying to play that I would enjoy it. It's a nice hobby to relax and I don't need all the stress from just a game. I'll get there when I get there, and if they shut down today, it would be no sweat to me and no real loss of money. Great job all of you for getting so far without spending.

    Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.
    Michael Jordan.

    That's awesome! I think the game is actually more fun with no spending or minimal spending. Gives more of a sense of accomplishment when you actually achieve something. And I also have more fun knowing that I don't have anything besides time invested in this game.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Tiberius77 wrote: »
    I’m a free player. Account is just over a year... won’t ever give Kabam a dime.

    Geez! That is a sick profile! I see that you are one of the lucky players to receive the one and only shiny 6* DPX.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Karinshi wrote: »
    Everything 100% including LOL
    710k rating
    2.5 years summoner

    As a free player? That's quite an achievement! Not sure I have the right Champs for 100% LOL
  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    started playing Dec, 2015. Still alive and kicking!

    note: that's the only positive thing I have to say
  • YotzYotz Member Posts: 117
    Rng and player skill rank above the average spenders. You have to be a whale to really break away from the pack, enough to beat bad rng. I consider myself an average spender, buy one offer here and there, and the usual holiday offers, not enough to make a difference. I have a stash of 5* awakening gems of the same class lol. Rng held me back for the first two years, until I decided last July to simply save for featured 5*. It paid off, I didn't get all i wanted, but i got enough to finally make a difference. That was a f2p decision that made a bigger impact than spending.
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    edited June 2018
    FTP since I started playing in November 2016, I've 100% act 5, have a R2 6 star Angela (and a R1 6 star DPX but no need to talk about him), about to do LOL (I'm able to one shot Rulk, OML and Elektra with Angela provided there's no bs evade as practice).

    My alliance does Map 5x5 and I'm a mini boss killer and boss killer, Angela goes though no issues and I have a 4/55 Morningstar I use for the general AQ and she ends on full health most days or I bring Ghost Rider instead if MS is tied up in AW.

    AW I take path 1 for the power gain stuff as I have a 4/55 Hawkeye who runs though most days with no deaths (if there's a spiderman on the Unblockable SP1 node up there on node 49 then it's a simple hit them ONLY while parried because I have maxed Pacify meaning I get to a SP1 before they do so power drain from me and no SP1 is ever used).

    I also have a 4/55 Hulk Rags for any mystics on said path or any Dorm final boss which I've taken out as a R5/65 with Hulk no problem. Most of the time I spend no potions at all or 2 of the gold ones to top a champ up. I bring MS along now to counter Medusa as a final boss and last war there was a 5/65 Medusa on the boss node and MS was able to one shot her.

    I'd say I'm a "skilled' played with how I'm able to play. I see NO reason to spend on this game when I'm doing so well as is. What exactly do I need to spend on when I'm going through as I am?
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Saiyan wrote: »
    FTP since I started playing in November 2016, I've 100% act 5, have a R2 6 star Angela (and a R1 6 star DPX but no need to talk about him), about to do LOL (I'm able to one shot Rulk, OML and Elektra with Angela provided there's no bs evade as practice).

    My alliance does Map 5x5 and I'm a mini boss killer and boss killer, Angela goes though no issues and I have a 4/55 Morningstar I use for the general AQ and she ends on full health most days or I bring Ghost Rider instead if MS is tied up in AW.

    AW I take path 1 for the power gain stuff as I have a 4/55 Hawkeye who runs though most days with no deaths (if there's a spiderman on the Unblockable SP1 node up there on node 49 then it's a simple hit them ONLY while parried because I have maxed Pacify meaning I get to a SP1 before they do so power drain from me and no SP1 is ever used).

    I also have a 4/55 Hulk Rags for any mystics on said path or any Dorm final boss which I've taken out as a R5/65 with Hulk no problem. Most of the time I spend no potions at all or 2 of the gold ones to top a champ up. I bring MS along now to counter Medusa as a final boss and last war there was a 5/65 Medusa on the boss node and MS was able to one shot her.

    I'd say I'm a "skilled' played with how I'm able to play. I see NO reason to spend on this game when I'm doing so well as is. What exactly do I need to spend on when I'm going through as I am?

    That's awesome! Sounds like you are doing pretty well in the game. I like to consider myself a boss killer but I don't have the right champs to fight a Medusa, so I hardly ever get to take a shot. It sounds like MS is a great choice for Medusa, I'll have to try her out against medusa if I ever pull her.
  • ShawshankShawshank Member Posts: 2
    I am a F2P player that has sewage luck in pulling 5* champs. I had to save 90,000 shards for the blade feature crystal and I actually got him ... that was the only good luck I had. I’ve opened I believe 51 5* crystals and 46 of them are irrelevant champs... I’ve ranked 3 champs to r4; blade(r5) dormammu and ultron (unawakened) but I can get two more to r4 and have 3 awakening gems in my stash. Naturally I grind arena and save units to open the scam 300 unit crystals but I have yet to get a 4* let alone a 5*. I would consider grinding arena except I am not a zombie that glued to the game for 25 hours a day. I do have a job. So I’m currently stuck. Had to leave a plat 1 alliance because my champs aren’t good enough and I’m sitting here waiting for kabam to stop being greedy. Hopefully last nights 8 hour “maintenance” is a wake up call.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Shawshank wrote: »
    I am a F2P player that has sewage luck in pulling 5* champs. I had to save 90,000 shards for the blade feature crystal and I actually got him ... that was the only good luck I had. I’ve opened I believe 51 5* crystals and 46 of them are irrelevant champs... I’ve ranked 3 champs to r4; blade(r5) dormammu and ultron (unawakened) but I can get two more to r4 and have 3 awakening gems in my stash. Naturally I grind arena and save units to open the scam 300 unit crystals but I have yet to get a 4* let alone a 5*. I would consider grinding arena except I am not a zombie that glued to the game for 25 hours a day. I do have a job. So I’m currently stuck. Had to leave a plat 1 alliance because my champs aren’t good enough and I’m sitting here waiting for kabam to stop being greedy. Hopefully last nights 8 hour “maintenance” is a wake up call.

    Yeah I am not an arena grinder at all. I just can't afford to spend 3 days inside the game. I hate the fact that alliances have become so cutthroat that they make people leave because their champs aren't good enough. Its not like we have any control over the rng. Still that Blade is quite a good achievement. I went for him in the 15k crystals, but no luck.
  • ShawshankShawshank Member Posts: 2
    Werewrym wrote: »

    Yeah I am not an arena grinder at all. I just can't afford to spend 3 days inside the game. I hate the fact that alliances have become so cutthroat that they make people leave because their champs aren't good enough. Its not like we have any control over the rng. Still that Blade is quite a good achievement. I went for him in the 15k crystals, but no luck.

    Yeah! I’m quite happy with blade. I R5 him and got his sig level to 200... but he isn’t unique, so many people have blade so alliances aren’t impressed. Lol. No matter, he’s still an amazing champ but I need to pull another decent champ, I can’t advance in the game. Sorry kabam, sorry I’m not a millionaire! I deeply apologize. Please forgive me!
  • LadyAltoidsLadyAltoids Member Posts: 49
    I first started like a week before the Velentines Day 2016. Shortly the deadpool movie came so I bought the $4.99 deal and got a 2* DP. I spent again on the $1 deal + $4.99 Tech Daily. That's all I spent in this game.

    I think I've come pretty far (than I expected) as a f2p. My personal goal was to try to 100% act 5. I'm quitting before I can accomplish that since I'm tired of this game but on top of that I cannot stand this unethical company anymore.
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    8 1/2 months progress aesk3z4wbgls.png
  • MagMag Member Posts: 11
    You consider yourselves F2P but you spent money? Ahahahahaha 😂 That's actually a little insulting for the real F2P. The topic says free players, if you spent any amount of money or used free store gift cards or whatever, then no you're not, why bother commenting.

    I'm a real F2P I don't even take in game gifts. I play for 2 years and couple months. Completed everything including LOL 100% a few days ago now a 708k rating with many crystals to boost the rating more. Currently at a platinum 3 alliance. Not the best skills but apparently not the worst either.
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    8 months, only purchased the $1 4* Crystal (it was Gwenpool) vctgix0j3bib.png
    The only thing difficult for F2P in my opinion is Awakening Gems.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    8 months, only purchased the $1 4* Crystal (it was Gwenpool) vctgix0j3bib.png
    The only thing difficult for F2P in my opinion is Awakening Gems.

    You are right there... F2P miss out on a lot of awakening gem opportunities. However I have a generic 5*, a science 5* and a skill 5* awakening gem, so even if I had more I don't think they'd help much. It's usually a waiting game until you pull the right champ.
  • SuperFarzSuperFarz Member Posts: 166
    Some saying that they are F2P and summing up how little that they bought doesn’t make you F2P. A true F2P remains as 0$. Not taking away some solid rosters I seen come by though. For me I started around the time dpx came out. 470K and all 100% except LoL ( 3 paths done and will start a 4th tonight). 1 5/65 and 5 R4. Undecided on who take to 5/65 next.
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    SuperFarz wrote: »
    Some saying that they are F2P and summing up how little that they bought doesn’t make you F2P. A true F2P remains as 0$. Not taking away some solid rosters I seen come by though. For me I started around the time dpx came out. 470K and all 100% except LoL ( 3 paths done and will start a 4th tonight). 1 5/65 and 5 R4. Undecided on who take to 5/65 next.

    Yeah I counted like 8 people trying to minimize their spending down to try to be considered f2p. Y'all not free to play fam. I never payed a penny. Hell, I don't even grind arena.
  • EyanEyan Member Posts: 11
    I have been playing since December 2017.jobl9jwujlp5.png
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I don’t grind arena...spent $6 on the summoners choice crystal (disappointment) and a basic 4* gem for AA. Not Uncollected yet but probably good enough to be...I just don’t have enough units’s my roster:khuqyf64z3bu.png

    I feel like I have pretty alright luck but idk. I did get void from BrutalDLX, and had a Sci gem floating around for him...this is I think 3 years “work”, but I only really started playing like 2 years ago. I truly started playing during either the Ant Man or Ultron event. Before Act 4
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