New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • Y0shY0sh Member Posts: 27
    So what about all of us trying to do t4b arenas? My iPhone has locked up and crashed three times trying to hit a streak and I am running 11.2 iOS! Even when it doesn’t crash I have trouble opening any other apps - I actually had amazon music crash on me twice since the 19.0 update and I have NEVER had a problem with that app before. Cmon guys this is ridiculous
  • JcmerchantJcmerchant Member Posts: 3
    What experiment did you want to do ? @Kabam Miike rufev3jaa4g6.png
  • SRArch_SAI21SRArch_SAI21 Member Posts: 96
    That pause screen is where I saw repeated crashes, never ever it happen to me before, I normally pause during arena fights and return back in few minutes to my surprise I saw my phone rebooted and went back to lock screen asking password which was quite unusual
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    I've said it before people. If you are having serious problems DON'T continue playing. You run the risk of having a very expensive paperweight. I know it sucks but this is a serious problem and we are already seeing people with trashed phones.
  • DiscountjohnnyDiscountjohnny Member Posts: 18
    I am using multi devices on newest and previous apple updates. Both having the same issues. Neither had an issue before update 19 was introduced. Yesterday they both over heated and went into non stop loading screen. Today they just went black screen and couldnt do anything. Contacted mcoc to no avail they responded for the most part saying its not their fault. Wouldnt answer if its safe or not to play. Then closed my ticket because i was at work and couldnt respond to my email. Losing players fast, with potential class action law suit if they dont at least give answers till fix it. Very dissapointed that they keep blaming apple when all was well till 19. Not one other app has this issue. Only mcoc. Apple told me to delete it.
  • Y0shY0sh Member Posts: 27
    The reason you think it’s just 11.4 is because most people have their software up to date....seeing plenty of people on 11.2 (including myself) having the same issues ESPECIALLY in arenas.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    ctp1223 wrote: »
    Alright Summoners!

    We're in need of your help! We're looking for a fairly Tech Savvy player that is seeing this occur often/can reproduce this easily, that planned on updating to the iOS 12 Beta, or is willing to update to the Beta to help us test some things out. We'll need to make sure that you are able to back up your device as is, and are able to revert if the Beta causes unintended interactions with the game or other parts of your phone.

    If you're interested and willing to help, please let me know what Device you are currently using. I'll be corresponding with the team to help you through the process.

    Just to help make sure that we're choosing the correct Summoner, you'll first need to know how to join the Beta program, and update to it.

    if things go south, what is the plan? I'm sure nothing will because of a backup.

    Also, I am not trying to micro-analyze this, but I'm afraid it happened anyway- does this mean that a fix is coming to iOS 12 only?

    Oh that's not what it means! We're looking to find out if this is an interaction with iOS 11.4, especially for those that have been experiencing it a lot. We're looking into how our 19.0 build is functioning with 11.4, and what could be exacerbating these issues.

    From what we can see, players across many different iOS and Android are having some issues, but none more than 11.4. We want to know if updating to 12 helps at all.

    Also, to answer your first question, the only plan I have is to revert back to your backup. Not as an official endorsement or anything, but I have not been having any problems with iOS 12. In fact, I've been enjoying it more than 11.

    Thank You Mike for a update. Just curious is this problem in one region in the world or everywhere?.

    I did see pictures of errors in new Buffs and Debuffs line in pause by a member.

  • DigbobDigbob Member Posts: 6
    Miike, I was actually planning to try the iOS 12 beta after your earlier comment today. I'm on iPhone 7+, iOS 11.4 currently, and can consistently repeat overheating/crash behavior currently. I'm traveling at the moment, but will be home in a couple hours. Please message me and I will be happy to provide whatever info I can to help you guys isolate this.
  • SkyRattlersSkyRattlers Member Posts: 56
    iPhone 7+
    WiFi and cellular
    Problems only since the update

    Game is causing my phone to heat up and crash. I can’t even run the game long enough to use all 70 quest energy. At this point I’m not playing the game until you rollback the update or fix the issue. I’m not taking any chances with your game damaging an expensive phone.
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 149
    Alright Summoners!

    We're in need of your help! We're looking for a fairly Tech Savvy player that is seeing this occur often/can reproduce this easily, that planned on updating to the iOS 12 Beta, or is willing to update to the Beta to help us test some things out. We'll need to make sure that you are able to back up your device as is, and are able to revert if the Beta causes unintended interactions with the game or other parts of your phone.

    If you're interested and willing to help, please let me know what Device you are currently using. I'll be corresponding with the team to help you through the process.

    Just to help make sure that we're choosing the correct Summoner, you'll first need to know how to join the Beta program, and update to it.

    I can download the beta for 12 as soon as I’m back home and have WiFi access [45 minutes or so]. I am currently running iOS 11.4 on an iPhone 7 (brand new - they replaced my old 7 a month ago because it got stuck in a boot loop) and am experiencing overheating issues consistent with those mentioned throughout the thread.

    Thank you for volunteering, on behalf of those of us who want to, but cannot. :)
  • DiscountjohnnyDiscountjohnny Member Posts: 18
    Im in Canada. So prolly not a server issue.
  • choppman42choppman42 Member Posts: 38
    iphone 7
    iOS: 11.4

    I have the overheating issue. If I disconnect from the wifi and lte network. it goes to the disconnected screen. On that network disconnected screen, it does not get hot. mcoc is still open, but not connected. it then stops overheating.
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    Wow! still no email sent out about this issue. One needs to be sent out to warn players of the prolonged overheating will damage the phone. It’s one thing if the game is lagging, but to potentially damage someone phone that can cost 1k is a different ball game. kabaam it’s your duty to notify your customers! Do you have integrity? Please show it now!
  • Noob_StrikerNoob_Striker Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike I downloaded the iOS 12 beta (on my iPhone 7), and I am definitely seeing improvements compared to running on 11.4. However, there is still noticeable frame lag occurring at times, and the phone is still overheating to a certain extent. I just did a 30 minute arena session, and my phone got about as warm as it would have during a 5 minute session on 11.4 (since update 19.0). Overall, the 12 beta is better than 11.4, but noticeably less stable than pre-19.0.
  • GeisønGeisøn Member Posts: 39
    @Kabam Miike I downloaded the iOS 12 beta (on my iPhone 7), and I am definitely seeing improvements compared to running on 11.4. However, there is still noticeable frame lag occurring at times, and the phone is still overheating to a certain extent. I just did a 30 minute arena session, and my phone got about as warm as it would have during a 5 minute session on 11.4 (since update 19.0). Overall, the 12 beta is better than 11.4, but noticeably less stable than pre-19.0.

    This is worrying. I insist that the best solution for the MOMENT would be to revert the previous version of the game until a definitive solution is obtained.
  • Noob_StrikerNoob_Striker Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike also forgot to mention, the battery life is MUCH better on the 12 beta. A 30 minute session resulted in a 10% battery decrease, whereas this morning it could have been anywhere from 30-50%.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    If I understand correctly 12.0 is supposed to be a huge performance update. So what you are seeing makes sense but in the real world an iPad mini 4 or iPhone 7 or newer should be plenty powerful to run the game smoothly. There's definitely something wrong with the MCOC app. I think it was starting to show up in 18.X and became a disaster in 19.0.
  • TheeWolverineTheeWolverine Member Posts: 78
    Alright Summoners!

    We're in need of your help! We're looking for a fairly Tech Savvy player that is seeing this occur often/can reproduce this easily, that planned on updating to the iOS 12 Beta, or is willing to update to the Beta to help us test some things out. We'll need to make sure that you are able to back up your device as is, and are able to revert if the Beta causes unintended interactions with the game or other parts of your phone.

    If you're interested and willing to help, please let me know what Device you are currently using. I'll be corresponding with the team to help you through the process.

    Just to help make sure that we're choosing the correct Summoner, you'll first need to know how to join the Beta program, and update to it.

    I've been running IOS 12 Beta since the second it launched. The issue didn't start till 19.0 came out. I'm on IPhone X and my phone became so hot the first day it launched that I had to put it between two lunch cooling bags to cool it down. The next time I tried playing after 15 min my phone went from 95% battery to dead. 15 min flat! So what's involved in helping you?
  • TheeWolverineTheeWolverine Member Posts: 78
    ctp1223 wrote: »
    Alright Summoners!

    We're in need of your help! We're looking for a fairly Tech Savvy player that is seeing this occur often/can reproduce this easily, that planned on updating to the iOS 12 Beta, or is willing to update to the Beta to help us test some things out. We'll need to make sure that you are able to back up your device as is, and are able to revert if the Beta causes unintended interactions with the game or other parts of your phone.

    If you're interested and willing to help, please let me know what Device you are currently using. I'll be corresponding with the team to help you through the process.

    Just to help make sure that we're choosing the correct Summoner, you'll first need to know how to join the Beta program, and update to it.

    if things go south, what is the plan? I'm sure nothing will because of a backup.

    Also, I am not trying to micro-analyze this, but I'm afraid it happened anyway- does this mean that a fix is coming to iOS 12 only?

    Oh that's not what it means! We're looking to find out if this is an interaction with iOS 11.4, especially for those that have been experiencing it a lot. We're looking into how our 19.0 build is functioning with 11.4, and what could be exacerbating these issues.

    From what we can see, players across many different iOS and Android are having some issues, but none more than 11.4. We want to know if updating to 12 helps at all.

    Also, to answer your first question, the only plan I have is to revert back to your backup. Not as an official endorsement or anything, but I have not been having any problems with iOS 12. In fact, I've been enjoying it more than 11.

    I'm running 12 on iPhone X, iPhone 6plus and my IPad Air 2. All three IOS 12 Beta ver 2 and all three overheating and locking up
  • BoneCrusherBoneCrusher Member Posts: 4
    I believe it was Kabam Mike who said (in here somewhere) that he was running his game using iOS 12 beta and had no problems...

    After reading that, I got the beta 12 iOS on my iPhone 7 Plus and have been playing the game. Phone heats up, but hasn't crashed. No major lag either. Just got through running T4B arena and reached the 1.1 million milestone. I'll keep testing when my champs recharge.

    If someone else wants to test it out to confirm, that would be great. However, this should not be a solution as we shouldn't have to use an unreleased OS to run this game.
  • Noob_StrikerNoob_Striker Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike here’s a few more metrics from another 30 minute session on the 12 beta:
    This time, I did the new event quest instead of arena, and the battery went down 18% (compared to the 10% from arena), and I had 2 brief “connection error” messages pop-up midquest.
  • Noob_StrikerNoob_Striker Member Posts: 13
    I believe it was Kabam Mike who said (in here somewhere) that he was running his game using iOS 12 beta and had no problems...

    After reading that, I got the beta 12 iOS on my iPhone 7 Plus and have been playing the game. Phone heats up, but hasn't crashed. No major lag either. Just got through running T4B arena and reached the 1.1 million milestone. I'll keep testing when my champs recharge.

    If someone else wants to test it out to confirm, that would be great. However, this should not be a solution as we shouldn't have to use an unreleased OS to run this game.

    I concur; the same is happening with me under the 12 beta. The phone still heats up (more than I’d like), but it has not caused the phone to crash yet (whereas running 19.0 on iOS 11.4 caused 5 crashes over 2 days).
  • choppman42choppman42 Member Posts: 38
    doesn't the ios beta program cost $99 a year?
  • Noob_StrikerNoob_Striker Member Posts: 13
    @choppman42 the public beta is free. You might be referring to the developer beta that is strictly for app developers?
  • choppman42choppman42 Member Posts: 38
    ok, i was trying to figure out how to install the beta. inet says need $99 to join the beta program.
  • Noob_StrikerNoob_Striker Member Posts: 13
    @choppman42 Idk if we can post links or not, but go to idmsa[dot]apple[dot]com, and it should prompt you to sign in with your Apple ID to begin the process.
  • Noob_StrikerNoob_Striker Member Posts: 13
    @choppman42 Idk if we can post links or not, but go to idmsa[dot]apple[dot]com, and it should prompt you to sign in with your Apple ID to begin the process.

    My bad, that wasn’t the direct link. Just search for the public beta on apple’s website
  • ManicsManics Member Posts: 1
    I have reported this issue to Apple in the hope that they can step in.
    I purchased £55 worth of offers on July 4th in good faith that all of the downtime issues/lagging etc would be fixed.
    Today I’ve attempted to 100% Act 5.1 which I needed the units for revives, hence the buying of offers.
    However my phone has overheated several times, the screen goes blank mid fight, the white circle appears and the shuts down.
    The fight then restarts all over again when I reload the game!
    Anyway Apple have refunded me the £55 and have said they will be contacting the app developer for information. No idea if they will or not.

    I love and hate this game so much.
    Using iPhone 5c
    Latest iOS
    Mostly on data 4g
    Three network (uk)
  • LotrfnmLotrfnm Member Posts: 9
    WiMak wrote: »
    Sorry Wimack, I need to hijack your Top Post!

    Hey everybody, we're looking to get some more information for us to investigate the cause of this issue.

    If you are here to report issues like the ones that others are listing, please give us the following information:

    Device Model
    Wifi or Cellular Network

    Thank you all of you that have already given us this information. We are working on figuring out exactly what you might be experiencing, and why.

    - Miike

    Ever since I downloaded the new update my phone has been acting… Let’s call it weird. First, all buttons on iPhone 7 Plus became unresponsive. Volume, home, power, even lock switch. Could still navigate the game but would not let me exit until I finally did a hard shutdown (wouldn’t allow soft shut down) my phone has NEVER done this before.

    Next, after just a little bit of use the game starts glitching horrendously and load times between flights was about 5 times longer.

    Other apps, like line, got stuck on loading screen.

    Is it just me or anyone else…?
    WiMak wrote: »
    Sorry Wimack, I need to hijack your Top Post!

    Hey everybody, we're looking to get some more information for us to investigate the cause of this issue.

    If you are here to report issues like the ones that others are listing, please give us the following information:

    Device Model
    Wifi or Cellular Network

    Thank you all of you that have already given us this information. We are working on figuring out exactly what you might be experiencing, and why.

    - Miike

    Ever since I downloaded the new update my phone has been acting… Let’s call it weird. First, all buttons on iPhone 7 Plus became unresponsive. Volume, home, power, even lock switch. Could still navigate the game but would not let me exit until I finally did a hard shutdown (wouldn’t allow soft shut down) my phone has NEVER done this before.

    Next, after just a little bit of use the game starts glitching horrendously and load times between flights was about 5 times longer.

    Other apps, like line, got stuck on loading screen.

    Is it just me or anyone else…?
    WiMak wrote: »
    Sorry Wimack, I need to hijack your Top Post!

    Hey everybody, we're looking to get some more information for us to investigate the cause of this issue.

    If you are here to report issues like the ones that others are listing, please give us the following information:

    Device Model
    Wifi or Cellular Network

    Thank you all of you that have already given us this information. We are working on figuring out exactly what you might be experiencing, and why.

    - Miike

    Ever since I downloaded the new update my phone has been acting… Let’s call it weird. First, all buttons on iPhone 7 Plus became unresponsive. Volume, home, power, even lock switch. Could still navigate the game but would not let me exit until I finally did a hard shutdown (wouldn’t allow soft shut down) my phone has NEVER done this before.

    Next, after just a little bit of use the game starts glitching horrendously and load times between flights was about 5 times longer.

    Other apps, like line, got stuck on loading screen.

    Is it just me or anyone else…?
    WiMak wrote: »
    Sorry Wimack, I need to hijack your Top Post!

    Hey everybody, we're looking to get some more information for us to investigate the cause of this issue.

    If you are here to report issues like the ones that others are listing, please give us the following information:

    Device Model
    Wifi or Cellular Network

    Thank you all of you that have already given us this information. We are working on figuring out exactly what you might be experiencing, and why.

    - Miike

    Ever since I downloaded the new update my phone has been acting… Let’s call it weird. First, all buttons on iPhone 7 Plus became unresponsive. Volume, home, power, even lock switch. Could still navigate the game but would not let me exit until I finally did a hard shutdown (wouldn’t allow soft shut down) my phone has NEVER done this before.

    Next, after just a little bit of use the game starts glitching horrendously and load times between flights was about 5 times longer.

    Other apps, like line, got stuck on loading screen.

    Is it just me or anyone else…?
    device: iPhone 7 (also reports of iPhone 6 and android devices overheating, )

    OS: iOS 11.4

    Issue: since a day or so ago and especially after the update, phone overheats and even restarts itself at times while playing. I have actually done a factory reset to see if the issue gets resolved...but it still persists.

    I’m having similar issues since I downloaded the new update. My iPhone started to freeze and became unresponsive. In-game, after playing for more than 10 minutes, sometimes it just shows a black screen and the app shoots down.

    iOS 11.4
    iPhone 7
    Wifi and Cellular Network
This discussion has been closed.