The Final Boss of Gwenpool Event Will Be IMIW BUT

He's already a boss, but actual boss of this event's finale, how difficult you think he will be ?? Will we get trolled at the end ?

The Final Boss of Gwenpool Event Will Be IMIW BUT 227 votes
IMIW will be required to unlock the 4'th part of the week, and I presume the boss will be Thanos.
Anyway, they will probably be as easy as all the others.
I hope not. While i'd be fine, i'd love my son to get a good 5* for a change.
Electro and a credit card I'm getting that five star crystal come heck or high water.
Also The Champ Is Unknown Currently.
I Completely Agree With You, No Point In Not Getting That Five Star
Calm down there, BrutalDLX