Aliances tanking in the off season need some restrictions

As seen in the images above, this higher ranked alliance is trying to tank their rating for the next season.
They are ranked in the gold bracket, we are in the silver basket.
Out if 2 battlegroups, only one player even placed.
The second battle group is completely empty.
The image of champs placed is their entire defence for 2 groups.
Can we see something done if a team tanks in the off season so obviously like this, they cannot participate in the regular season?
or being in a higher tier with a higher multipler at the start of season better???
loss with higher multiplier better then win with lower multiplier.....
also if everyone tanks their rating then there would be no benifit to those that do it as everyone would drop together.
That's not what's taking place. People who are trying their best are being taken advantage of.
With the problems with matchmaking, and shenanigans amongst the less scrupulous alliances, I don't believe there is any fair solution as kabam has created this rat race themselves with season rewards. Seasons is the worst thing they've done, in my opinion: it's creating massive burnout situations in alliances, some truly underhanded tactics by at least a few alliances, and breaking up alliances of friends due to percieved failures to keep up/inability to improve in rating without chasing ringers.
They need a better system than what they've created. What that should be I couldn't exactly say, but I have one idea: points should scale according to the matchup difficulty, if I'm bringing r4 5 stars against an army of 2 stars I shouldn't get as many points as my opponents taking down our 5 stars with 2 stars. They won't typically win, or come close to winning, but they should deserve a lot more points for the matchup disparity and their ability to get the kills they do on offense, while I should expect a lot less being able to set my fighters on auto-fight and walk through their defense (yes, l know there is no auto-fight in war, but in this scenario it would be easy to do if there were). Since kabam can't or won't get rid of challenger rating, perhaps they should have it play a factor in the amount of points earned based off that, in war.
Actually if you feel you’re one of the ones being taken advantage of then your alliance is weak to begin with and isn’t really impacted by this. Enjoy the wars you get a free win and remember those shards next time you have an unfavorable matchup. For your team it all works out the same anyways
I like your solution.