One Account in Multiple Devices

Hey guys, I just wanna know if would I get banned when I play my game in multiple devices? Because I have three android phones and I'm using them all. When one device needs to be charged then I switched to my other device. Thank you.
I'm wondering if 2 devices with the same account are in DIFFERENT countries but only 1 user, would that be banned
That moment of clarity. Thanks bro..
How is that contradicting? That's literally what was stated.
Another question if you mind answering. What if some of our alliance members shared account during AQ, only few of them.. would that mean our whole alliance will get banned for that reason? or only those who shared their account?
I believe only they would but that would also put your entire alliance in some trouble. You should get them to stop as soon as possible.
No. Just the individual Accounts who participate in that are responsible for their choices.
yeah, most likely. bc its sharing account