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Mail says gifting crystal on the december calendar

so does that mean the dec 25 ? is a gifting crystal....


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    Yep obviously.

    What a disappointment
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    Nickname207Nickname207 Posts: 241
    Was about to ask about this as well the moment i read the mail. Its not even the greater gifting one... Yet people expected a t2a...
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    VoltolosVoltolos Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Was about to ask about this as well the moment i read the mail. Its not even the greater gifting one... Yet people expected a t2a...

    The t2 alpha is always included in the special calendar
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,521 ★★★★★
    Always. Dont xpeste alot of it. That just dump to do.
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    VulcanMVulcanM Posts: 664 ★★
    i love how it says its a secret on the calendar but then they just straight up tell us what it is lmao
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    LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Gotta wait for the Special Calendar to get added...
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    Thanos_CarThanos_Car Posts: 298
    It could have meant gifting crystals for the holiday special calendar. Hopefully the mystery item isnt gifting crystals. Because it wouldn’t be as much a mystery since gifting crystals were in that spot last year.
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    SuelSuel Posts: 279
    Is just a monthly calendar. It doesn't mean we ain't getting a special calendar for christmas or similar

    I hope so cause the current calendar is trash
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    VulcanMVulcanM Posts: 664 ★★
    Drooped1 wrote: »
    The gifting Crystal's have never been in the monthly if I recall

    ever since the callendars came out weve had them in there...
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    New_Noob168New_Noob168 Posts: 1,582 ★★★★
    II was hoping for rank down crystals....oh well..another disappointment from kabam. Probably need to end this game next year anyways.
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    AMJDarkholmeAMJDarkholme Posts: 30

    (looks like we're going to be getting a special event calendar in the upcoming update. Could be possible the gifting crystal will show up there?)
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