Top 3 champ of each class

Only offence
1 - Ghost
2 - star lord
3 - og vision
1 - Domino
2 - Archangel
3 - Omega Red
1 - Aegon
2 - blade
3 - gwenpool
1- void
2 - cap iw
3 - quake
1 - magik
2 - symbiot supreme
3 - Ghost rider
1 - Hyperion
2 - corvus glavie
3 - medusa
1 - Ghost
2 - star lord
3 - og vision
1 - Domino
2 - Archangel
3 - Omega Red
1 - Aegon
2 - blade
3 - gwenpool
1- void
2 - cap iw
3 - quake
1 - magik
2 - symbiot supreme
3 - Ghost rider
1 - Hyperion
2 - corvus glavie
3 - medusa
Tech: hint. It’s not your OG Spider-Man.
Mutant: Magneto - wait til he gets a much needed upgrade!
Cosmic: ProXMight. Wish we could duel in a special arena so my 4* could poke you a couple times with her BOOM STICK.
Science: Red Hulk. What? He’s ALWAYS angry.
Skill: Masacre. This guy. THIS guy wil beat you with a burning bat, slice you up with his machete, and turn you into hamburgers to go with his Hellcow steak. (Plus he used to be a pastor. Kinda like in the movie Machete lol!)
Mystic: Tha Juggernaut! There are no weapons that can harm him! He had his helmet since fourth GRADE! Mind powers do not phase him. Cause he’s DA JUGGERNAUT. Keep making em better Kabam!
I have both as maxed 5*s and I could not more vehemently disagree with you. In fact, CapIW is a top 3 attacker overall.
Do you even play this game? Magneto? Juggs?
YUP Cap IW is a beast
What is stardust? Some new magical power introduced? Haven’t seen it yet but I imagine it’s not that big of a deal. And everyone is entitled to their own opinion but your opinion is wrong. CAIW is far more sustainable than Gulk if you play right.
I'm trying to figure out is "any" is a typographical error, or just an error. Gulk can *partially* regen back passive DoT effects. That isn't really something I would consider a "sustainability" ability, it is more of a super strong resistance to those effects generally.
Not even sure what that specific strategy would be. Well timed blocking and procing a fury with heavy?
I love my Void but I wouldn't call him "sustainable" by any definition of sustainable anyone generally uses. He doesn't have a lot of damage mitigation, no heal (except for the small one from the Killmonger synergy) and doesn't actually hit hard at all. Void's value comes mostly from his passive degen and his debuffs especially petrify. The value of Void is not that he hits hard, it is that he doesn't have to hit you at all to kill you.
Thank you
1) Corvus
2) Hyperion
3) Proxima (She's good for both long and short fights after you Git Gud, see videos below)
1) Domino
2) Archangel
3) Omega Red
1) (Tie) Doctor Voodoo/Magik
3) (Tie) Symbiote Supreme/Ghost Rider
1) Void
2) Cap IW
3) Gladiator Hulk
1) Killmonger
2) Blade
3) Gwenpool
1) Sparky
2) Ghost
3) Star Lord
Bro Aegon is more better than killmonger
You may be right, there've been some impressive LOL videos of Aegon. More time is needed to confirm he's the top offensive champion for the skill class, just like it took a while for players to learn Killmonger solved more difficult Alliance War defender/node combinations than Blade.
You see, I imagine most that create these types of posts are just looking for some kind of input as too who their favorite champion is right. It’s one thing to have a favorite champion that you KNOW should be OP (Like Magneto.. I can’t say enough about how Omipotinent he should really be..) Not in Kabam land- for now. That’s not to say he isn’t my favorite comic villain and regardless of how “useless” he may be considered atm I am still holding out that at some point he will be shown some much needed love, made way better, or even a lil. I loves some Juggs to. Common’ He’s Da Juggernaut BEEATCH!
Want some free advice? Play the game. Get good at it. Learn how to use specific champion mechanics, utilities, and masteries to maximize your roster. This will be specific to you and the champs you have at your disposal. And your fightstyle, plus whatever Hero’s or Villians you may have liked in comics or movies. Whether you know it or not, your sub-conscious is always watching,
Above all else. Have fun.
Seatin has some good vids, many more are out there too.
Makes me think people create accounts so they can easily obtain the newest and best champions in the game, just as soon as they are released, because if they ask here first and are given honest answers, why not right.. it’s already known who used to be the best champs, all this does is perpetuate the violence inherent in the system! This is supposed to be a Democracy, and I didn’t vote for you, :P