Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Blade34Blade34 Member Posts: 26
    A lot of cool picks. Here's what I came up with. The Russian, Bullseye, Blackcat, Kraven, Lady Death Strike, Mystique, Sunspot, Silver Samurai, Bushwacker, Thunderbird, Nova, Night Thrasher.
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    Some fellow summoners and I have been listing and ranking all these suggestions by voting here.

    Currently the new champs request Ranker list has received 2.6 thousand votes, from Summoners like you.

    If you're a fan of new teams, vintage heroes, missing villains, missing X-Men or Inhumans, or all the yet-untapped Mystic and alternate universe content—really any missing character—come by and give the list some love. Add your favorite character if it's not there yet. Upvote your favorites. Downvote other people's dumb requests.

    Some updates on the current state of the rankings:

    • Should Squirrel Girl be near the top of the list? She's been trending back upward at #21 after a bit of a drop in the rankings as more people vote.

    • You requested Zemo and Toad above. Should they rank higher respectively than #47 and #63?

    • Darkwing Duck and Baymax are great ideas... or are they terrible? The latter has more upvotes than downvotes right now.

    • Mercs for Money, including Hit-Monkey and Negasonic Teenage Warhead were just added and are hurting for upvotes.

    • The bottom spots on the list are occupied by two members of the original Guardians of the Galaxy! What?

    • Dr. Doom has the most upvotes, but Silver Surfer sits alone at #1, having suffered fewer downvotes.

    • Should the Lizard, Scorpion, and Mysterio really be ranked below Kraven the Hunter and Adam Warlock?

    • Female characters are poorly represented in the top 10 requested champs: it's just Mystique at #6 right now.

    • Which Ghost Rider variant would you want in your collection? Of the current five versions on the list, Red Hulk Venom Rider is leading the pack.

    Vote here, and bookmark! New characters are being suggested all the time!
  • TonesublimeTonesublime Member Posts: 17
    I have the rest of the Fantastic Four here, as well as one more character, totaling to 18 suggested characters so far:

    16) Human Torch
    Johnny Storm can light himself on fire, fly, and shoot fire.
    Unique Abilities:
    Human Torch has two combat modes that he can switch by dodging back and blocking for 2 seconds. (There is opportunity for a super awesome animation in this switch.)
    Johnny Storm extinguishes him fire and focuses on precise and damaging combat, gaining Precision and Cruelty until he switches combat modes.
    Johnny Storm's flames are unleashed, igniting him and causing every hit to inflict Incinerate.
    Awakened Ability:
    Heat Wave:
    When switching combat modes, Human Torch releases a heat wave that knocks his enemy back and inflicts Incinerate.
    Other status effects:
    Fixed 5% chance to gain Fury

    17) The Thing
    Benjamin Grimm is covered in rocks, granting him superhuman strength and resistance.
    Unique Abilities:
    Rock Solid:
    Every time a hit lands for either character throughout the fight, The Thing increases his Block Proficiency by 1%.
    Awakened Ability:
    It's Clobberin' Time!:
    When landing a heavy attack, The Thing gains 3 Fury and 3 Physical Resistance to more efficiently clobber his opponent.
    Other status effects:
    5% chance to gain Cruelty

    18) Enchantress
    Sylvie Lushton was given mystical powers by Loki. She is modeled after the original Enchantress, Amora, but has more abilities thanks to Loki. She is enemies with Thor, friends with Loki, and has a champion class of Mystic.
    Unique Abilities:
    Mystic Recovery:
    Enchantress can recover much faster than the average human being. Whenever she has a positive status effect active, Regeneration is also present.
    Awakened Ability:
    Mind Control:
    When an enemy has a status effect, Enchantress's next critical hit Nullifies that effect with a 100% chance.
    Other status effects:
    5% chance to gain Precision when striking the enemy; all special attacks by either champion grant indefinite Energy Resistance

    I'll slowly crank out some more characters. PM me if you have any ideas. If I missed or screwed up something, let me know so I can fix or change it. Thanks for reading!

    What would you do/suggest for creation of galactus as a champion?
  • DrAndresDrAndres Member Posts: 5
    Fantastic Four and Silver surfer please
  • ClydaniaClydania Member Posts: 440 ★★
    - Marvel Girl Jean Grey
    - Kitty Pryde
    - Spider-ham
    - Spiderman 2099
    - Nova
    - Prowler
    - Mr. Negative
    - Chameleon
    - Mystique
    - Quicksilver
    - MCU Switch
    - MCU black widow
    - Ego
    - madarin
    - Aldrich Killian/exremis
    - Iron skull
    - Scorpion
    - Mysterio
    - Sandman
    - Bullseye
    - Ultimate green goblin
    - Scarlet spider
    - Silk
    - Spidermna noir
  • unsivanunsivan Member Posts: 2
    Mr. Fantastic (science)
    Invisible Woman (science)
    The Thing (science)
    Human Torch (science)
    Dr. Doom (Tech)
    Silver Surfer (cosmic)
    Apocalypse (mutant)
    Mystique (mutant)
    Nova (cosmic)
    Shuri (MCU Version) (Tech)
    Okoye (Skill)
    Spider-Man 2099 (science)
    Spider-Man Noir (Skill)
    Spider-Woman (science)
    Quasar (Cosmic)
    Thor (Stormbreaker)
    Adam Warlock (Cosmic)
    Jéssica Jones (Science)
    Jean Grey (mutant)
    Dark Phoenix (cosmic)
    Wolverine - X-Force (mutant)
    Gorgon (Cosmic)
    Crystalis (Cosmic)
    Dazzler (mutant)
    Polaris (mutant)
    Havok (mutant)
    Drácula (mystic)
    Red Wolf (skill)
    Songbird (Science)
    Quicksilver (mutant)
    Wiccano (mystic)
    Bullseye (skill)
    Surtur (mystic)
    Fantomex (mutant)
  • KaiserrealmKaiserrealm Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2018
    I would like to see these three added.
    Kluh: you wont like him when he's sad,when hulk is sad this engine of chaos and destruction is unleashed.
    American son(harry Osborn): he only wore this armor once and briefly, but god d*mn was it cool,I know someone else wears it now,but I prefer harry personally.
    Red she-hulk: Betty Ross love of Bruce banner and hulk,we already have the green hulk and she-hulk,why not complete the red/ross set of hulks.
  • KittypawsKittypaws Member Posts: 1
    I would like the see the American son be added,from the spider man comics,harry Osborn wore this armor to fight the iron patriot and his father harry Osborn,I just love the suits design and hard light shield
    Also I would love to see red she-hulk and kluh from hulks comics added too please,thank you.
  • SorinNo98SorinNo98 Member Posts: 10
    Miles morals (spidermanintothespiderverse)
  • SorinNo98SorinNo98 Member Posts: 10
    Miles morals (spidermanintothespiderverse)
  • SorinNo98SorinNo98 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2018
    Spiderman (Noir)
    Thor(Infinitiwar and End Game)
    Quicksilver (age of ultron)
    Iron spider (Iw)
    Web flash
  • JayCeeJayCee Member Posts: 732 ★★
    Mr Negative (possible conclusion drawn from the end of the December event)
    Scorpion (possible champion for far from home)
    Mysterio (reason previously stated)
    Iron Spider (classic and infinity war)
    Ronin (in Avengers Endgame)
    Adam Warlock (why am I even putting a reason)
    Quicksilver (Wanda is in the game, why not Pietro)
    Hobgoblin (Spider-Man villain)
    Dr Doom (just like Adam Warlock)
    Spider-Man noir and 2099
  • JahVinci1982JahVinci1982 Member Posts: 48
    @unsivan yeah I agree that Shuri should be tech along with Okoye being a skill champ would be a great addition to mcoc, I've also thought of Misty Knight (Tech) & Colleen Wingz (Skill), we could do with a wider range ethnicity female champs to be honest
  • SharkJawsSharkJaws Member Posts: 78
    edited December 2018
    tupac and black panther
  • ChrisChilly81ChrisChilly81 Member Posts: 23
    Kabam, should allow us to choose a champ on Christmas. I am about to grab another 5* and man oh man would I love Killmonger or Blade!!! #alliwantforchristmas
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2018
    A few updates on the community's most-requested champs Ranker list:

    • Summoners added ~30 champs including Hellion, Morph, Azazel, Blastaar, and Dr. Nemesis;
    • Summoners have submitted about 500 more votes in the last week;
    • Silver Surfer was overtaken by Dr. Doom at #1, the day before Kabam released the Surfer video(!);
    • Rising in rank include Bobby Drake (Ice-Hulk), Azazel, Mimic, Blue Marvel, Rick Jones (A-Bomb)
    • Enchantress (#44) remains the highest-ranked sorceress, beating Morgan le Fay (#106) and Clea (#112).
    • I've edited to add probable class and possible game-play dynamics for all the champs you added.

    When you vote, don't forget to click "LOAD MORE" and peruse the lower ranked ones beyond #100 and #200. Vote here!

    Remember to check back again next week. I'll try to add some of the recent requests from this thread if other Summoners don't beat me to it. For instance, nobody has yet added Extremis, BloodScream, Bushwacker, The Russian, Iron Spider, or Miles Morales (Into The Spider-Verse).

  • Ab07Ab07 Member Posts: 3
    Are we supposed to write a the above guys and get it ignored ?
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    elgaberino wrote: »
    A few updates on the community's most-requested champs Ranker list:

    • Summoners added ~30 champs including Hellion, Morph, Azazel, Blastaar, and Dr. Nemesis;
    • Summoners have submitted about 500 more votes in the last week;
    • Silver Surfer was overtaken by Dr. Doom at #1, the day before Kabam released the Surfer video(!);
    • Rising in rank include Bobby Drake (Ice-Hulk), Azazel, Mimic, Blue Marvel, Rick Jones (A-Bomb)
    • Enchantress (#44) remains the highest-ranked sorceress, beating Morgan le Fay (#106) and Clea (#112).
    • I've edited to add probable class and possible game-play dynamics for all the champs you added.

    When you vote, don't forget to click "LOAD MORE" and peruse the lower ranked ones beyond #100 and #200. Vote here!

    Remember to check back again next week. I'll try to add some of the recent requests from this thread if other Summoners don't beat me to it. For instance, nobody has yet added Extremis, BloodScream, Bushwacker, The Russian, Iron Spider, or Miles Morales (Into The Spider-Verse).

    i just added graviton to the ist couldnt believe he wasnt there
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Class Type: Cosmic/Universal

    This could be a boss or a playable character.

    Passive: Infinity Gauntlet- Every 15 Sec, Thanos will get a buff from his Infinity Stones. The order is down below. There will be a 15 sec cooldown until the next buff is activated.
    Here are the buffs:
    Space Stone: 50% chance to evade all attacks
    100 direct damage every evade

    Mind Stone: Thanos steals the opponents buffs and give them to himself for 15 sec.
    Max Buffs: 10

    Reality: All attacks have 35% chance to miss him
    Thanos will gain 1 bar of power every 5 sec.

    Power Stone: Grants Thanos a Fury buff, giving him an extra 500 damage boost for all attacks.
    Does 150 direct damge every light attack
    300 direct damage for every medium hit

    Time Stone: Heals 5000 damage in 15 seconds
    Removes 1 bar of power on the opponent
    Power locks them for 15 sec

    Soul Stone: Opponent inflicts degeneration, dealing 3000 direct damage in 15 sec
    Reverses Healing for 5 seconds
    Thanos takes no damage for 15 seconds

    Heavy Attack: Thanos shoots a ball of the power stone. If Power stone is active when doing a heavy attack, Thanos becomes Unstoppable and Unblockable for the remaning time of the Power Stone buff.

    Special 1: Thanos punches the opponent, shoots them with a power stone laser for three hits, teleports forward and uppercuts them.
    If Space Stone is activated, deal an additional 1000 dierect damage.
    If Power Stone is activated, Thanos gains a permanent fury buff Max stack: 5

    Special 2: Thanos shoots a wave of fire with the reality stone, shoots 2 balls of Power stone energy, then reverses time with the time stone.
    If Reality Stone is active, the opponent drains 1 bar of power
    If Power Stone is activated, Thanos gains a permanent fury buff
    If Time Stone is activated, Thanos heals 2500 damage

    Special 3: Thanos snaps his figers and the opponent disinigrates.
    If below 20% helath, the opponent will die
    Becomes Unblockable and Unstopable for 15 sec.
    If any stone is activated, refresh the buff
    If no stone is activated, skip the cooldown for the next buff

    Sig Ablility: After years of planning and preperation, Thanos knows how to fight every Avenger. If Thanos fights an Avenger, the Infinity Stone buffs last 30 sec, not 15. Cooldown is reduced to 10 sec.
    Thanos grants a permenant armour buff at the start of the fight.

    Synergies: Doctor Stange (time), Ronan (power), The Collector (reality), Red Skull (Space), Loki (mind), Gamora (soul): Infinity Stones are 5 sec longer depending on whos on your team.

    Black Order/Children of Thanos: Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, Cull Obsidian/Black Dwarf

    Fine. Ill do it my self: Thanos (classic), Thanos (MCU) Grants a persision buff at the start of every fight for 15 sec

    I know he's OP, but he's Thanos. BTW he is my favorite villian in Marvel.

    This is the best I can do. Agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments. Also If you have a suggestion, please tell me here:
  • JahVinci1982JahVinci1982 Member Posts: 48
    @elgaberino where's Shuri on that list?
  • JahVinci1982JahVinci1982 Member Posts: 48
    And Nightshade too
  • D_S_D_S_ Member Posts: 159
  • Antoniojunior242Antoniojunior242 Member Posts: 33
    I would like to suggest three characters.
    1. Mysterio - your class would be (SKILL). For being a good fighter. 2. Encantor - your class would be (Mystic). For being a sorceress. 3. Apocalypse - your class would be (MUTANT).
  • CurtosiusCurtosius Member Posts: 1
    Id like to see adaptoids added as heroes
    The class varient as we see in the battle realm
    With the golden adaptiod with a class of cosmic
    And the hydra as a special varient of on class
    Unique ability
    changing class story the class bonus of its opponents for a short period of time and an increase of attack and critical with a chance of power gain
    Awakened ability
    copy cat
    takes all buffs opponents have away and added to them selves for double the time
    The golden adaptiod
    Unique ability
    Golden rush increase attack critical and increase power gain and regeneration
    Awakened ability
    Golden time increases Gold earned from fights and exploration
    Hydra adaptiod
    Unique ability absorb
    This makes the hydra adaptiod become the opposite of the opponents and attacked is doubled and critical is doubled
    Awakened ability
    The hydra adaptiod becomes Red skull for thirty seconds after using a special attack with power gain to the max so it is always on red for those thirty seconds of fighting

  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    All I want is squirrel girl. THATS IT
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    @Nojokejaym Thanks for adding Graviton. I added a class and brief description of the playable champ. Check it out and let me know if you'd add or change anything.
    @elgaberino where's Shuri on that list?
    @JahVinci1982 Shuri and Nightshade haven't been added yet. You can add any champs you see that are missing. If you don't, I'll add them in there soon when I have time.

    @D_S_ add Wong to the Ranker list!
    @NOOOOOOOOPEEEEE add Demogoblin to the Ranker list!

    @Antoniojunior242 I think Mysterio would be Tech, no? (Techno!) He and Apocalypse are two of the most popular on the list. But please add Encantor!

    @Austin555555 Me too bro! Go vote for Squirrel Girl! She needs upvotes. She keeps hanging around the top 20 but people keep downvoting her.


    Brief Update

    We've had about 1,000 more votes in the last 5 days. Thanks for your input, Summoners! More champs have been added since last update, including Graviton, Korath the Pursuer, Mister Negative, Ronin/Hawkeye (Endgame), and Black Knight. On the verge of breaking the top ten is Mysterio. Current list climbers include Morbius, Klaw, and Hydro-Man. Taking a hit this week were several champs including Hummingbird, Colossus (Future), and all the Mercs for Money members (what's wrong with you people? Hit-Monkey would be the best playable skill champ ever.)


    Note: adding champs appears to only be an option from a regular computer browser, not from mobile devices.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    @elgaberino graviton is pretty much a juiced up quake
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    @Nojokejaym Yep. As I said on the list description, I think a playable Graviton should be able to tank an S3 by surrounding himself with gravitons.
  • IshIsh Member Posts: 10
    I am a big fan of Unstoppable Colossus. Any chance we will see him as a 6 star in the loyalty store?
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