Dear Kabam, instead of sending three helps at a time, why not help everyone with a click?
Help Botton !!! 60 votes
Yes, it would be nice to help everyone with a click.
No, I like to waste time by clicking one help at a time.
I don't care. I never help anyone.
Thank you
Also, helping others isn’t meant to be convenient for the person who is it takes what, a minute tops? If everyone is grinding maybe 5? Is that too much time? Really?
When the game can easily become work, any reduction in the tedium would only serve to improve the game.
The only potential issue then is how do you get the 1000 loyalty points per day for helping?
They have already changed the original 10 loyalty per help, requiring 100 helps, and brought it to 20 loyalty per help, requiring only 50 helps. So they could easily change Energy help to 100 loyalty points per help.
As to Arena help, I would say that each time a player puts in an arena team, it pops up a generic "Help Arena Champs" entry, similar to the energy help request. However, if a player already has a "Help Arena Champs" request active, it doesn't put up a new one, so it doesn't flood your help list like it currently does with EACH champ request. Also, it won't put up a new one until the current one has helped the full amount. 5/5, 10/10, etc. That would keep it from being a flood of help requests, but maintain a reasonable amount.
There are plenty of ways are keeping the help system without it being so damn spammy.
That's because people think the exchange of data exists in a magic fairy land.
Actually, individual help requests each have overhead bloat as each data packet has headers and such to identify the packet as valid beyond the actual data that is being sent.
1 packet with 100 bytes of data is smaller and far more efficient than 10 packets with 10 bytes of data each.
I agree with you.