What Champs are best VS Uncollected Nighthawk?

I am now about to go through the last part of uncollected, and wondered if anybody had any hints and tips on a strategy and champs they used please and thank you!

I tend to use Sparky Hyperion and Void, Ill try and post a pic of my most used rosta
i assume you mean DarkHawk.
Medusa was by far the best for me. Armor shatter does not stop you from missing while he is stealth for some strange reason. even though he is robot.
but it does stop him gaining power.
CAIW was also good
But it can be ignored by daredevil(s).
I ge that. I just think its stupid cus he is a robot amd medusa is supposed to shut down robots.
But even still it says in his description that he ability accuracy reduction will not stop him chnging modes. But it doesnt actually state that it doesnt affect his ability triggers while in that mode. Only the abitlity to enter the mode.
Poorly worded description or bugged champ. I dunno which.
But anyway not here to complain bout it just cusni think its stupid