We better see a Gold Title to this Captain Marvel Event

Idk why there’s not already one in the rewards, honestly. Is it the lack of understanding to how difficult this is or jus happened to forget what we did last time for one of these?
Let’s see a Gold Title. Pulling a bpcw from the 5 Crystal doesn’t really wet my whistle..
Let’s see a Gold Title. Pulling a bpcw from the 5 Crystal doesn’t really wet my whistle..
Less than 500 units and 100 free 3 hour crystals... I didn’t expect this but ya know intercepting is one of the rules of the game...
By the way, Rogue has a slower dash recovery than Medusa. I could dodge back, dash forward with a *medium* and connect versus her... She became fun
Is a good title which they can give.
The other was “Cream of the Crop” though.. there’s a little more incentive upon skill with that than Skrull-busting but that’s jus my viewpoint
Your name looks really familiar. What’s your ally?
I think you were one of my first allies. Crazy... Only about a year ago too... That’s fun!
Who did you use against iron Man iw?
I took an 18 month break. I wasn't even playing this time last year. Plus, I changed my name when we were able to. So you probably don't know me.
It wouldn’t be around this time, it’d be around October or November of last year. I’m still convinced that you were the leader though... Did you used to run an ally for fun to help teach new people about the game?
I’m not sure if you can change your name on the forum but I guess it’s possible that you nailed the spelling..... The leader spoke like you too... Kinda not sure if you’re being sarcastic or if you’re serious... the same lol
That’s why it’s weird to me why Kabam doesn’t put out more titles when these clash events come around..
Anybody can have rank 4s given enough time and casual play.
I don’t mind the boost idea though; that’d be more of an incentive.
- Aggression Regen
- Debuff Immune
At least this way we know people didn’t spend their way through the challenge.
Hey buddy, what’s your in-game name? Is it the same as your forum name?
It’d be nice to find ya and block ya; ya know, for alliance purposes?
Awesome profile, buddy!
Block me please. Thanks