New Alliance Wars Matchmaking System & Season 8 Details



  • Dr_Manhattan13Dr_Manhattan13 Member Posts: 2
    This whole new make everyone start wars at the same time is very inefficient for many time diverse alliances. You make us all start war when people are at work and others are sleeping. The ability to start wars when it best suites alliances a big deal. I get all you guys care about is making your jobs easier no matter the cost to us. If you guys wanted to adjust this you should have made 2-4 hour time blocks throughout the day that alliances could enlist in. This would have alleviated the cheating and been a lot better for the community as a whole.
  • Fordx4broncFordx4bronc Member Posts: 99
    Just finished our first war. As expected boss killers in both alliances were asleep when they were needed. Only 2 bgs cleared for each team. I'm getting messages from 11 of our members stating that they are thinking of retiring. For me this was this first war that did not feel enjoyable what so ever.

    Imo the backlash from 12.0 is nothing compared to what is about to happen because of war.
  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Just finished our first war, and it was as bad as expected. The guy who killed the boss hadn't left his bed yet and half the BG was completely unreachable because they were at work and it was too early for a lunch break. We finished, but again, this new system is so much worse to navigate. I don't even care if you keep everything else the same, just please move the whole thing back four hours so it feels more normal for everyone. I promise you 80% of the timing complaints would vanish overnight. The ones about uneven matchups might stay, but that's on y'all to work on and is apparently harder.

    Moving the start time back 4 hours for your alliance, might be ideal, but that doesn’t mean it’s ideal for all alliances (or 80% as you suggested). Many alliances started around 6-7pm est. this still wouldn’t appeal to them.

    In AQ, you coordinate time to take down links. In AW, you coordinate time AND resources (boosts) to take down paths. That’s a huge difference and we’re confined to a tighter time window and it being more costly.

    If we are keeping this timing system for AW, I recommend increasing the energy cap from 5 to 10.
  • dano357dano357 Member Posts: 106
    I really hope that Kabam can find a way to fix this. There is so much that isn't working with war right now. War is quickly becoming the worst part of this game.

    For a lot of us, being in an alliance is more than just about playing the game, there is a huge social aspect to it. It's not just about having 29 other random people available to clear a node so you can move. Many of us have developed friendships thru our in game alliances, and this change is really putting a stress on that.

    This right now isn't fun. Thinking about having to make sure folks are awake 3 days a week and ready to kill bosses between before 11am Eastern (worse for other US time zones) while getting ready for work, getting kids to school. Not fun.

    On top of that, the rewards aren't even worth it for the effort it takes to coordinate a Plat 3 alliance. Get all these great rewards and glory from AQ, then sink the glory into AW pots instead of rank up materials? Juice is not worth the squeeze.

  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    dano357 wrote: »
    I really hope that Kabam can find a way to fix this. There is so much that isn't working with war right now. War is quickly becoming the worst part of this game.

    For a lot of us, being in an alliance is more than just about playing the game, there is a huge social aspect to it. It's not just about having 29 other random people available to clear a node so you can move. Many of us have developed friendships thru our in game alliances, and this change is really putting a stress on that.

    This right now isn't fun. Thinking about having to make sure folks are awake 3 days a week and ready to kill bosses between before 11am Eastern (worse for other US time zones) while getting ready for work, getting kids to school. Not fun.

    On top of that, the rewards aren't even worth it for the effort it takes to coordinate a Plat 3 alliance. Get all these great rewards and glory from AQ, then sink the glory into AW pots instead of rank up materials? Juice is not worth the squeeze.

    If anything, rewards have only gotten worse since AW started. Rewards haven’t increase but nodes have gotten harder. Also T5B is becoming more accessible, especially with it being introduced into the glory store. Now there’s a time constraint.... No thanks, not worth it.
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    edited February 2019
    Is there any way to change when war begins? This new start and end time isn’t working for our alliance. I know we have to enlist ahead of time, and then the war search starts when the enlistment time ends. Am I missing something?
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    Is there any way to change when war begins? This new start and end time isn’t working for our alliance. I know we have to enlist ahead of time, and then the war search starts when the enlistment tiene ends. Am I missing something?
  • HugeBeanHugeBean Member Posts: 24
    Any thoughts on switching to 2 wars a week, but longer? (3 day wars) - 5 hour matchmaking with 32 hour Placement phase, and 35 hour Attack phase.
    • Longer phases add more flexibility/availability to those in different timezones.
    • Alliance has a longer window in which to 'end' the war. Can finish early obviously.
    • Can allow for more time in between wars, so you don't get as burned out by it.

    Just an idea. Might have already been suggested, but I don't have time to scan 22 pages of complaints. The fixed start times are problematic. Increasing the phases > 24 hr in length could help alleviate the problems and still reduce the possibility of gaming the matchmaking system.
  • OteyPreacherOteyPreacher Member Posts: 1
    This first war as a train wreck. First, we were short handed because a guy was locked out even though he was in hours before placement. Second, we were matched against an alliance with a much higher rating. Like 300 points higher... Third, the start times threw everything off because we have players from all over the world. Some guys weren’t even awake when it was time to take the bosses! We always started wars at a time that was workable for everyone in our group. You’ve taken that option away... Fourth, I think our nodes were actually for the wrong tier. We are supposed to be in t4, but we’ve fought enough in t3 to know the difference. We seemed to have t3 nodes all around even though we are t4 atm. Was a real mess @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    Honestly I wonder how someone came out with the idea on the first place.
    Getkabmd wrote: »
    So this new matchmaking system is causing some problems. We have players from United States, Europe, and India. How are we supposed to manage our time zones with this new system?

    We used to manage it by starting matchmaking at around 2pm pst. This gave ample time to sleep and still have time during AW attack. Now we lost our first war because I was asleep and didn't take down a mini boss node.

    How do we fix this kabam?

    Actually Kabam needs to fix this mess, not us!
    I'm in the same situation. If we're not allowed to start AW in a timeframe that is good for all US and EU members , our alliance (top gold 2 - going to gold 1) won't participate to AW anymore.
  • 1982richard1982richard Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2019
    Terrible update. Stupid fixed times. What do you think, that we are all at home with no work and only mcoc?? Let us self choose when to start aw. Stupid stupid stupid
  • VeggettaVeggetta Member Posts: 42
    The main problem is that attack phase is starting 2-3 hours earlier than with the previous system. Make attack phase start at 11 am PST for all alliances, regardless of the time a match was found. This is, no random start time and all of us can make proper adjustments. It is what we are used to do with AQ.

    I managed to enter war with 2:30 minutes left, fight the boss and just needed an extra second for that victory screen to have counted as a boss defeated, as the KO punch arrived just a moment after the clock had ticked 0:00.
  • Sillyboy710Sillyboy710 Member Posts: 33
    OMG what a balls up!
    Don't know how Kabam think that the ability of an alliance to choose the start time of their war is not an essential part of the organisation of 3 BGs across multiple time zones/continents

    Just as we start to settle into new AW changes Kabam must rock the boat every time
  • NooboroniNooboroni Member Posts: 1
    So this new matchmaking system was created to keep certain alliances from cheating. But so far, it has hurt the honest alliances with stupid matchmaking times. Our war just ended at 9am PST. Most of us on the west coast are driving into work or are just getting settled in. We generally start 3pm pst/6pm est due to a diverse group. So we start at a time that makes sense. We probably won't be doing war again if this continues.
  • project314project314 Member Posts: 67
    edited February 2019
    Nooboroni wrote: »
    So this new matchmaking system was created to keep certain alliances from cheating. But so far, it has hurt the honest alliances with stupid matchmaking times. Our war just ended at 9am PST. Most of us on the west coast are driving into work or are just getting settled in. We generally start 3pm pst/6pm est due to a diverse group. So we start at a time that makes sense. We probably won't be doing war again if this continues.

    We launched at the same time before these changes, Nooboroni, for the same reasons.

    We assigned paths based on time zones and rosters. Now we're going to need to assign based on when attack launched every day and who's in what part of the world? Yeah, instead of having players running their usual paths that they're used to with minimum item usage, shake everything up and watch it rain items...

    Might have wanted to save the Captain Marvel and Deadpool events for a few days after the new AW launch. All the good will created by those seems to have vanished quicker than Deadpool's hopes for a Romance synergy. And that's a real shame, because when you guys knock it out of the park, like you do with events like those and the recent reworkings of champs like Luke Cage, Red Hulk, Carnage and Venom, you guys really shine.
  • FlazTheDestroyerFlazTheDestroyer Member Posts: 25
    I think they really need to reduce aw timers by half. This would help a ton for all time zones. Cause I know with the new system (which I think is a step in the right direction) this would benefit everyone.
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 826 ★★★★
    Amount of time isn't really the issue, it's the number of linked nodes and how certain ones have to be down before the next guy can proceed.
  • FeenomFeenom Member Posts: 3
    I honestly believe that this start time for AW is horrible. People have jobs, school, and other things to do in the morning. Some are in different time zones. You are basically penalizing alliances because you don’t want the top alliances to cheat. Maybe you should figure out a way to not impact all alliances and simply ban any top alliances that you find colluding from aw for 2-3 seasons. But I guess that’s too much to ask huh. This is really going to drive a lot of people to quit. Way to go kabam.
  • Yarg2015Yarg2015 Member Posts: 112
    @Kabam Miike I like to suggest a changes on match making.please consider doing three start time windows. A Morning, afternoon, and evening. make the windows like 4 hours. So it be almost impossible for you to know who you well be matched up with. This will help with international alliance. The way it is now, wars could start and end in the middle of the night
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    New war is +96/-17. @Kabam Miike y’all should consider delaying the season until this is fixed and the start time issue is resolved
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,264 ★★★★★
    Did I missed an enlistment????

    The note say sun, wed and Friday at 3pm pst

  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    edited February 2019
    7:05 am PST start and end time for this next war attack. So terrible....

    War attack start and end times are way more important than when you match and place defenders. Why didn't you just make the matchmaking later then have the 4 hour early start times land between 11:00am - 3:00pm PST? Then everyone would at least be close to same schedule they were already on.
  • OneslydoggOneslydogg Member Posts: 35
    This new system is just plain bad. We have a set AW start time in our Alliance that we picked based on everyone’s availability, and now the only times we can start/end AW work out terribly for all of us. This has to be fixed, as it is now we just enlisted, found a war, and have only 19 hours to place. This new system is ridiculous, and a huge fail. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
  • LudwickLudwick Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2019
    while I applaud the effort of coming up with a better matchmaking system The matchmaking system you’ve designed is flawed. The largest thing is the start time. It is really messed up having attack phase start at 7am PST. It makes any type of coordination at the end of war EXTREMELY difficult as much of the movement time must be done during WORKING HOURS. We know it’s your job to mess around with this game at work but it isn’t our jobs. It also makes coordination with multiple time zones almost impossible and many of will in the UK and other European time zones will be sleeping In the dead of night and you cannot adjust for that. This completely destroys the gaming experience. @LeNoirFaineant was right when he said you needed to consult the player base before making a decision that changes the playability of the game.
    @Kabam Lyra
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,807 Guardian
    zuffy wrote: »
    Did I missed an enlistment????

    The note say sun, wed and Friday at 3pm pst

    @zuffy , this one's enrollment STARTED last Wed at (whatever time), and needed to be enrolled BEFORE the 2pm EST (11 PST) time. Then actual matchmaking started. You missed it.

    But you can Enroll today for the Sunday war.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,807 Guardian
    War already MATCHED for us today, about 3 hours faster than on Wed. (?)
    We only run 2 group wars, so wondering if Kabam changed it to Matching 1 and 2 group wars first this time, instead of matching 3 group wars first which seemed to be the case on Wed. ??? Trying to push back the primary.3 group matching a little bit because of all the outrage ?
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    zuffy wrote: »
    Did I missed an enlistment????

    The note say sun, wed and Friday at 3pm pst


    Looks like it

    Samething happened to us war ended, match making started right after which barred us from this war.

    This new system is a mess, didn't even give us any time to start a new one.
    @zuffy , this one's enrollment STARTED last Wed at (whatever time), and needed to be enrolled BEFORE the 2pm EST (11 PST) time. Then actual matchmaking started. You missed it.

    But you can Enroll today for the Sunday war.

    I don't think that is the case my alliance enrolled in that war, we finished it then almost immediately after that ended match making started baring us from Sundays war

  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    New war is +96/-17. @Kabam Miike y’all should consider delaying the season until this is fixed and the start time issue is resolved

    The current war situation is nearly as detrimental as the overheating phones issue that delayed season 3
  • BrandoniusBrandonius Member Posts: 292
    The enlistment phase is too short and flawed. I tried to enlist my alliance but the buttons would not work. I know at least one alliance (LBT01) who was unable to get the enlistment option checked and they are missing the next war. This needs to be fine tuned. The concept is okay, but it needs to be fixed before the season starts. Not everyone can be on the game 24/7
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    What happened to aw starting between 11-7 pacific. This time frame seemed to work for everyone. Now we get aw starting at 9 am and 730 am. You expect people to be up that early to finish an aw?
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