Looking for G3 laid back alliance

Line ne_0n, preferably US/PST timezone


  • Kebean213MONKebean213MON Member Posts: 37
    We are at gold3 close to gold2 map4 aq and finish 100% no donations just need someone to check in to complete their part on aq and aw. Send me your line ID if interested
  • ne_0nne_0n Member Posts: 5
  • Con892Con892 Member Posts: 106
    Sent you a friend invite.

    We are solid gold 2

    And you can choose from map 4 or map 5
  • ne_0nne_0n Member Posts: 5
    No longer looking
  • addydayaddyday Member Posts: 2
    if you are looking again. I am level 20 but log in everyday and have been in an inactive alliance looking to upgrade to an active one. willing to help out anyway that I can.
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