6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • CDNYCCDNYC Member Posts: 17
    There's no less creative and more boring way to extend the game and extend the revenue stream than to slap in 6* champs. They should never be launched. I understand needing to keep a revenue stream going, but don't spit in our face with such a lazy solution. Earn it a reasonable way. Introduce gear or extend the maximum rank and signature ability levels of 5* champs. Or I like code-play's suggestion that 6* can only be obtained by getting an "evolution" ticket that converts a 5* of your choice to a 6*. Anything thay doesn't require such monotonous roster re-acquiring.
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Trust me when I say, there will be 7* coming 1.5/2 years after 6*'s are released.

    You say that like anyone is trying to argue the reverse. Not even Kabam would disclaim that - I suspect they would say "we currently have no plans" which is the usual game developer non-statement, but off the record I'm sure the devs know that if the game lasts long enough there will eventually be a 7* and an 8* and a 9* champion. And if not that literally, a conceptual analog to that.

    I hope the lesson you learned was not that Kabam is especially wrong about this. I hope the lesson you learned is all progressional games are like this. Be careful about all of them, not just the ones Kabam makes. WoW players have had Blizzard set fire to their end game loot at least four separate times. I honestly hope that players do not spend money on things that will disappoint them, and if you believe you are buying a permanent value thing in any online game please think twice.

    I've met game developers, I've been friends with game developers, I am reasonably certain that most or all of the Kabam developers would rather people not spend money on the game unless that's what they really want to do and know what they are getting out of it. The devs don't get a cut of the merch. As long as the game makes money, they don't care how much money. They don't need to squeeze every last dollar out of every last player. This is not the first time MCOC has reduced the relative value of an in-game item. This will not be the last time. The game devs probably can't post this directly, but I'm sure most of them would say don't spend if you think you are getting something permanent. They don't want you to believe you wasted your money.

    Maybe not the monetization guy. But everyone else.

    you lost all credibility in saying they dont care how much money they make. REALLY? bro, last time i checked money makes the world go round. They absolutely want to squeeze every dollar you have out of you, and so does every other company in existence that is a for-profit business. Sure you will have companies that focus on extra humanitarian efforts, but how do you think they fund those things, with revenues generated from consumer sales.

    I run a business. I'm a business owner of a for-profit business. I'm aware there exist businesses that prioritize squeezing every last penny out of their customers. We call them "revenue stream-focused consultants" in my field. But rarely if ever does that attitude extend to the rank and file employees of the company.

    If my post causes me to lose credibility with you, that's unfortunate. I'm actually someone that believes in credibility. However, I value integrity more that credibility. Knowing it costs credibility doesn't change my opinions.
    For example, an easy theory to obtain from kabam is that, if there is a bug that affects players into spending more moeny, we seem to have a hard time getting a fix for. If there is a bug that helps the player base in some way ie. inflated pi values ill be damned if that bug is not fixed within hours.

    As to your statement about "profitable bugs" that's a different topic, one I've addressed before, and suffice to say a lot of people state this as if it is obviously true, but when the rubber meets the road they can't actually demonstrate it objectively. In fact, recently there was a small kerfuffle about the devs fixing UC in LoL after a long time being broken in the players' favor. The problem is that when the devs do eventually fix a bug that operates in the players' favor, they people complain that since it has persisted for a while they shouldn't change it at all.
    To further my point, i guarantee you when the money guys at kabam see a dip in profits they arent just saying oh well, they are investigating within the teams of people that work for them ie. the dev team etc.. , maybe someone is even replaced, if that isnt motivation for an employee to maximize the companies profits then they prob wont have a job long.

    That would be an interesting point, if I was inclined to disagree. The "money guys" job is to maximize profits within certain parameters. It is their job to focus on the money. So of course they care how much money the company makes. But I guarantee you exactly zero of them are game developers in the normal sense of that description, with one exception: the developers who specialize in monetization design. Who I explicitly mentioned as an exception.

    You are right to a certain degree, not always does greed extend down to lower end employees, but i would argue in the gaming industry it is more prominent to squeeze that all mighty dollar because alot of what the lower end employees do directly affects the final product. If you are a joe blow working at a grocery store, sure i would not expect you to be worrying about profits.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    CDNYC wrote: »
    There's no less creative and more boring way to extend the game and extend the revenue stream than to slap in 6* champs. They should never be launched. I understand needing to keep a revenue stream going, but don't spit in our face with such a lazy solution. Earn it a reasonable way. Introduce gear or extend the maximum rank and signature ability levels of 5* champs. Or I like code-play's suggestion that 6* can only be obtained by getting an "evolution" ticket that converts a 5* of your choice to a 6*. Anything thay doesn't require such monotonous roster re-acquiring.

    They're so lazy. They're just slapping a number on something and pretending it's worth something by devaluing everything else.

    That's not how you create something of worth. It's like the government printing out trillions of dollars every day. The value of the currency plummets.

    And no one's going to invest all their time and effort in something when it can just be watered down to nothing the next day.

    This cycle of rank up and nerf rank up and nerf is going to kill this game.

    That's all this game is. Spinning on a hamster wheel investing all your time and resources into something that plays exactly the same whether you have a 3* SL or 6* SL and you'll get spun back to the starting line a year later. There is literally no progression in this game.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Please stop closing our legitimate threads on 6* champs outside of this one. It's getting really ridiculous as we all know every comment in here gets ignored. Let us talk about the biggest announcement in months if we are doing so in a reasonable manner. This is a catch-all where ideas go to die.

    There are a lot of good ideas and points in these other threads that allow a more focused discussion on specific points. Let us communicate with each other, that's the point of the forum right?
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    First kabam thanks for starting to talk about the development path but you're telling us what is coming not what you're thinking about and asking for input, might want to think about that.

    Right my view which has been expressed by other long time players in the top few alliances is that while at some point a 6* introduction in the future would be fine but not just now. It misses the point the stagnated feel of the game!

    Kabam have been deliberately stalled all of us from progressing our 5* since they were released and we haven't built decent squads to understand what these denied ranks really perform like. However the slowness of progression and the staleness of the game has been what we has been asking to be addressed, yes and all the bugs! Not 6* now

    The release of 6* DOESN'T address the staleness and is more of the same, now we understand new players find this exciting but please think the long term what this means as soon your going to be where a number of us are already and bored, wanting innovation and not repetition.

    Yes increase speed of 5* progression but add new ranks which allow new capabilities, increase item storage, add new content for now such as tournaments etc but don't create another champ level were we can get another IP which is 6*, not yet! Finish the development of 5* and put new content in.

    This game could be so good but you keep missing the mark, many of us are successful in business so know and understand the corporate drivers but you've lost your way and about to loose valuable revenue. Your creative team arent and need to go based on these proposals. If you need help many of us would if we could because we like the game but you don't really listen and you don't really appreciate what a long term gold mine you have if only your worked with your customers rather than against them so often.

    We have all funded kabam and the development of the game, so we feel we are allowed to express our views, we don't expect to be listened to though but we hope we are at least allowed to have our voices heard. Hopefully the community will think long term and maybe add their voices, we will see. However, and this isn't a threat but a sad truth, your revenue has dropped but that was driven by many 'payers' leaving after the last release and it's happening again with this announcement so you may get a short uptick but it will drop and not be sustainable.
  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    My understanding is that the 6* champs will be released in 2018. The 5* champs were introduced in early 2016. That is about 2 years in between the release of 5* and start of 6*. I am in the same position as most of you in regards to rosters - a lot of 4* champs with a few decent 5* champs and a several more unduped garbage 5*.

    They have a broad base of players. What do you think happens if they don't keep the large spenders happy as well. The overall content suffers as revenues would fall.

    I think two years is not an unrealistic timeframe to add a new star rank.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    Timone147 wrote: »
    This sucks because I've been holding on to all my t2a cats in the hopes of getting a great 5* champ to rank up. Now not sure I should ever use those cats on a 5*.

    The hope to pull and dupe a good 5 * to finally pull he trigger was one of the only draws still left. Like others said takes the wind right out of my sails for playing the game for the next 5 month. Basically log on to grind to collect resources to eventually find out all the 6* options suck and be disappointed yet again.

    Keep in mind that the same way that it took quite some time to be able to Rank Up 5-Stars compared to 4-Stars, it will be similar for 6-Stars. You'll still want to have a strong Roster of 5-Star and 4-Star Champions, because you'll need them to earn the materials required to obtain and rank up 6-Stars.

    You are keeping in mind that when 5* champs hit the scene we already had maxed 4* champs and plenty at r4.
    This go around we won't even have the resources to max 5*s around for a while before 6* champs arrive in quests. And many players don't even have their 5*s at r4 because they are complete garbage.
    When 5*s made an appearance 4*s were already easy to come by in comparison to how challenging it is to get 5*s now. And those who can get a 5* monthly can't even get a decent one.

    And you should add the time and effort.
    Ours hours, days and efforts have no an extra star suddenly.
    The climb was already huge, impossible for many, the new climb will be beyond the rational.
    Despite promises about the materials availability will be rise, I'm pretty sure it will not be rise according to the new reality, because it would rise a lot A Lot (fixing the former gap and the new gap) and because in that way wouldn't make the necessity they want make to profit the new tier.

    No one forced you to focus on 4 stars!

    I think you didn't understand me.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    Hort4 wrote: »
    My understanding is that the 6* champs will be released in 2018. The 5* champs were introduced in early 2016. That is about 2 years in between the release of 5* and start of 6*. I am in the same position as most of you in regards to rosters - a lot of 4* champs with a few decent 5* champs and a several more unduped garbage 5*.

    They have a broad base of players. What do you think happens if they don't keep the large spenders happy as well. The overall content suffers as revenues would fall.

    I think two years is not an unrealistic timeframe to add a new star rank.
    No doubt. But if they had made 5*s less rare and r5 an option months ago I don't think the community wouldn't be in such an uproar. Just an opinion
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited August 2017
    CDNYC wrote: »
    There's no less creative and more boring way to extend the game and extend the revenue stream than to slap in 6* champs. They should never be launched. I understand needing to keep a revenue stream going, but don't spit in our face with such a lazy solution. Earn it a reasonable way. Introduce gear or extend the maximum rank and signature ability levels of 5* champs. Or I like code-play's suggestion that 6* can only be obtained by getting an "evolution" ticket that converts a 5* of your choice to a 6*. Anything thay doesn't require such monotonous roster re-acquiring.
    Or they could to do more available the current (now former) relevants Tiers (4* and 5*) for more people get them. More people with more 4* 5* champs full upgraded is more people doing LOL, Act 5, Map 5 and hard Wars. Then is more people spending in items because it's the huge and real source of money, not the crystals and catas.

    They're aiming to a small market share, the maybe 0.1%, of whales that spend insane money just for get the Champ of the Month instead aim to the whole userbase giving to them the resources to do the content that generate revenues.
    Hort4 wrote: »
    I think two years is not an unrealistic timeframe to add a new star rank.
    Yep, but in fact that's more shocking when you realize those two years was not an enough timeframe for developed the 5* tier in the user base as many have stated in the whole thread and forum.

    I think it's the real problem. Well, another problem, because adding a new champ Tier, each exponentially more hard to build either the champ either the materials need for upgrade, it will required a new whole life just to play the game if it's already demand as a full job. The climb is already inhuman and many people aren't noticing it. It will discourage play the game.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    This game is like a pie making job except we're not even given the ingredients to make a pie and now Kabam wants us to make a giant wedding cake an hour before a wedding or else we're fired.

    Thanks, but no thanks!

    This isn't something you can force. 90% of players have the equivalent of a toy car and you keep ramming new projects down our throats when we haven't even fully learned or played around with what we have.

    It's like a project manager assigning impossible tasks to their employees and giving minimal financial resources and once the project finally gets going they cut it off and tell them to start another one.

    This game is just going in circles. It's nothing but ranking up. The same characters too. And it's all arbitrary and meaningless.
  • Pry22Pry22 Member Posts: 136
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Pry22 wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Pry22 wrote: »
    This game has lost income still nice 12.0. Hmmmmmmmmmm. It lost its fun factor as well. Conection. Yep
    rjancasz wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike you are clearly reading these posts and yet continue to stay silent on the numerous comments about the lack of rank resources like T4B, T1A and gold...should the community assume that is on purpose and that the game team is limiting these resources intentionally? Why should players get excited about and invest in 6* when there is a glaring issue with rank resources right now, which will only get worse when 6* are released? Increasing the availability of T4C is pointless without increasing the resources that go along with T4C to rank 4* and 5* (and eventually 6*). While increasing or removing the cap on the number of T4C we can keep in our inventory is a good start, it is not enough.

    exactly, wish I could rank what I have now. 86 4* on roster. 21 R5, 24 R4 and 38 R3. This is over two years of play. Still can't rank them all up. stupid.

    Now basically all that work obtaining them was waste. My money spent was a waste. My time was a waste. Feel like a undervalued customer. My payment credentials have been removed from app store.

    I am debating if I still want to spend the time which is also valuable to your player base.

    I suggest making ranking a hero up a lot easier. Then maybe we can get back to enjoying this game.

    My friend not all champs should be ranked. You need to choose how to invest your resources. It is all about variety. I personally have 20 maxed 4 stars and and I will never max a 4 star again. I stopped ranking 4 stars in April 2017. I am focused on ranking 5 stars only.

    1. Learn how to adapt
    2. Be smart
    3. Invest your resources wisely
    4. Have a full stash at all times
    5. Enjoy the game it is just A GAME

    So now I have to enjoy the game like you play??? The point of getting a champ is so you can play with them therefore rank them. Thats the purpose of the game to me. Take that away and it isn't fun.

    Get the 3 star version and fight beginner and normal,

    Why grind 17 million for a 4 star? It is nonsense mate. Think about it.

    never said I would grind for a 4*. I said I want to rank what I have. I have never once got a feature hero from arena.
  • Pry22Pry22 Member Posts: 136
    DD2 wrote: »
    Kabam, can you tell me the difference between a 3*, 4*, 5*, and 6* Ultron? Why are we having our rosters defiled arbitrarily so we can rank up the same version of the champ we just had defiled?

    They are not being defiled. They are just as valuable as they have always been, but now there will be another version that is more powerful that will give you an advantage in later content that is more difficult (way down the line), or current content that is tuned for current rosters.

    yea but now after ranking up said 4* Ultron and then ranking up said 5* Ultron it is taking away resources to rank up different champions we would like to tryout. But now we have to use these rare resources to rank the 6*.

    Again if more ranking materials were more available then I would understand the 6* More. But at the rate they come there are several who collect dust. Why bother release new hero's into the game???
  • Pry22Pry22 Member Posts: 136
    All those saying the big dogs don't want this but yet there top grossing rank increased since yesterday by about 15 ranks. I have no clue where you are getting your info.
  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    edited August 2017
    So this idea about evolving 5⭐️ Into 6⭐️ is absolutely the way to go.

    Please can we make this happen? @Kabam Miike I think this easy solution would very much alivate most if not all of the communities concerns. While making those of us who've invested so much time and money, feel like it wasn't all for not.

    Same plan, implemented slightly differently.

    Same 24 champ options, one evolution ticket, just as hard to get. Same rank up materials.

    If you don't have one of the 24 duped and maxed at 200... the you have work to do!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,369 Guardian
    DrZola wrote: »

    I feel like we are mostly arguing about degrees of difference here.

    It's a pretty simple equation: reduced value of rewards (whether perceived or real) will almost always translate into reduced effort to obtain those rewards. In addition, reduced rewards will cause some people to simply leave off completely from trying for those rewards in the first place. I'm sure there will be tens of thousands of players who will still play arena even after 4*'s are effectively downgraded.

    I can agree with all of this.

  • SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Member Posts: 75
    DrZola wrote: »
    People are whining so much like their AW full of 3 stars will be maxed out 6 stars tomorrow.

    Even if it was, so what? You lose and drop down to a level you can handle. The people throwing the biggest fits probably won't even see a 6 star opponent until they have high-level 5 stars of their own.

    Entry-level and intermediate players are making out like bandits with all the changes to rewards.

    The initial 6 stars will be just like the initial 5 stars. Someone having an unduped Magneto or Black Panther in their profile but not use them ever because they suck compared to a level 99 5/50 4 star.

    Actually, for a lot of us, we still have that initial "sucky" 5*, along with quite a few other "sucky" 5*'s sitting either on our profile or just off it over a year later. And that's the issue--with the exception of the very top players with multiple R4 featureds and those blessed by the RNG genie, many players haven't developed their 5* rosters beyond what was necessary because their options were plain bad. Throwing yet another tier of champs into the mix (regardless of all the Kabam "promises" to make materials more available/ purchasable) before the materials to develop the old roster are even available vitiates significant effort and appears desperate and ridiculous on the part of the game team.

    Dr. Zola

    This ^ is exactly what I was thinking too. You are introducing 6*'s as the next best thing, but you fail to take into account that the initial 6* roster will be complete ****, save the one or two champs actually worthwhile. I have been blessed by the RNG gods, but many others in my Alliance have not. We are top tier, and you can see that not all of us have Featured 5*'s let alone desirable ones from the 5*'s that are available. Why would we even want to invest our resources into a 6* if it takes so long to get the 6*, and say our first one ends up being a Luke Cage or some garbage tier champ?

    My suggestion is this, since 6*s are so hard to get and exclusive, why not make the initial batch of 6*'s all Featured champs that you can't get as 5*'s already. Make these champs desirable, such as make a 6* Scarlet Witch that handles and feels like her old 4* glorious self. She wouldn't make the community that has her create any "unbalance" to the game, because 6*'s are so hard to get in the first place... create the 6* version of these champs the same as the pre-nerfed 4* version, but with unique 6* abilities.

    I agree with Dr. Zola, in that if you are going to make an announcement of 6* progression, at least give us desirable champs, worth our resources and countless hours of blood, sweat and tears!!!
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    Hort4 wrote: »
    My understanding is that the 6* champs will be released in 2018. The 5* champs were introduced in early 2016. That is about 2 years in between the release of 5* and start of 6*. I am in the same position as most of you in regards to rosters - a lot of 4* champs with a few decent 5* champs and a several more unduped garbage 5*.

    They have a broad base of players. What do you think happens if they don't keep the large spenders happy as well. The overall content suffers as revenues would fall.

    I think two years is not an unrealistic timeframe to add a new star rank.

    Hello @Hort4 as what I guess many would call a big spender, or I used to be until the latest update, let me give you our view based on conversations I have had. None of us want 6* right now, what we have been asking for is content improvement and innovation to put the fun back in. 6* does non of that, it's the same dull hamster wheel! We wants some of the cool stuff people have been suggesting.

    Since the latest upgrade revenues aren't holding for kabam, why because no one wants to spend on what is dull, no matter how much they like the game. So they think let's do it all again they'll fall for it, and then we can do it again and again and again ..... thing is we won't. Each time the spending reduces and drops because less are willing to invest when they can't see a real benefit which adds to their fun.

    When 4* were released we were able to get them maxed in 2 years for a number of players, 5* kabam has deliberately stopped us from achieving this even after a year of calls to release the resources. So it may be approaching 2 years for 5* but not really as we have been stuck at really 4.5* for 2 years
  • Rdkrueger71Rdkrueger71 Member Posts: 12
    I understand this is still a ways off. But why would I want to rank up any more of my 5* and use resources I could use for ranking a 6*?
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    You will only do that when you have cats expiring tbh going forwards which will be often because their version of doing this won't deliver 6* for awhile
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Would it make sense to allow 5-stars to be upgraded into 6-stars, rather than expecting us to collect an entire new roster of champs ?
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    nvm. this is a good idea
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Supaflyazn wrote: »
    My suggestion is this, since 6*s are so hard to get and exclusive, why not make the initial batch of 6*'s all Featured champs that you can't get as 5*'s already. Make these champs desirable, such as make a 6* Scarlet Witch that handles and feels like her old 4* glorious self. She wouldn't make the community that has her create any "unbalance" to the game, because 6*'s are so hard to get in the first place... create the 6* version of these champs the same as the pre-nerfed 4* version, but with unique 6* abilities.

    I agree with Dr. Zola, in that if you are going to make an announcement of 6* progression, at least give us desirable champs, worth our resources and countless hours of blood, sweat and tears!!!
    They couldn't do it because they've stated many times "every champ is worthy in someway and some uses" but doing it they would confirm every was bs and actually it was true many champs sucks.

    Another reason is because the new tier is for stop the top players, stop them to beat almost every content with no problem. If they give to them those god champs in 6* they would be hitting themself and killing the new tier scheme for nothing.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Kabam please put nice champs as the first batch of 6 stars.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,926 ★★★★★
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Supaflyazn wrote: »
    My suggestion is this, since 6*s are so hard to get and exclusive, why not make the initial batch of 6*'s all Featured champs that you can't get as 5*'s already. Make these champs desirable, such as make a 6* Scarlet Witch that handles and feels like her old 4* glorious self. She wouldn't make the community that has her create any "unbalance" to the game, because 6*'s are so hard to get in the first place... create the 6* version of these champs the same as the pre-nerfed 4* version, but with unique 6* abilities.

    I agree with Dr. Zola, in that if you are going to make an announcement of 6* progression, at least give us desirable champs, worth our resources and countless hours of blood, sweat and tears!!!
    They couldn't do it because they've stated many times "every champ is worthy in someway and some uses" but doing it they would confirm every was bs and actually it was true many champs sucks.

    Another reason is because the new tier is for stop the top players, stop them to beat almost every content with no problem. If they give to them those god champs in 6* they would be hitting themself and killing the new tier scheme for nothing.


    And after they state things like that, they wonder why we doubt that they ever play the game. Always makes me remember that NYCC video with the game team "playing" the new champs...

    Dr. Zola
  • DrFreakyDrFreaky Member Posts: 30
    You could starting taking out the 2* from PHC, So we can get more 3* duped or 4* duped to increase our 5* shards.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    If they shift our rosters back a step, they should shift 5* and 6* acquisition and rank up a step forward too to balance it out. They won't do this as much as they should so we'll be losing out, but even if they did, what's the point of playing a zero-sum game?

    If it takes the same amount of screen taps and hard work to rank up the next generation of champs so we can fight against the next generation of content, what's the point if it all balances out? Aren't we just running on a treadmill?

    There's never a chance to get ahead in this game. We keep doing the same stuff again and again and again. Doesn't matter if we're playing with 2*s or 6*s, the game is identical at every level and our work means nothing.
  • EBG78EBG78 Member Posts: 127 ★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Knowing this why would anyone waste t5b or t2a now? You know they will be the lower rank needed materials

    This is why we're telling you all so far out. This will let you make informed decisions when deciding on which Champions to invest your time and resources into!

    Here is one thing I think the game team fails to think about: often times rankups are necessary for prestige. You have made this game very prestige-driven. So waiting for a decent duped champion can be difficult. Waiting for a duped champ with good prestige, usually a featured champ, even more so. Many people have been forced to rank champs (5* to rank 4) simply because they were awakened. Some people don't get a duplicate 5* until they've already gotten 10 different 5*'s. In order to stay competitive they are forced to rank any awakened champ they have simply because it helps with their alliance's prestige. So while you say they can "make informed decisions", sometimes it's not that simple.
  • TwistedEnigma17TwistedEnigma17 Member Posts: 69
    With the release or the 6* champs are we going to see 5* versions of the unobtainable champs you said you weren't going to release? Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange for example?
  • Scott12Scott12 Member Posts: 1
  • Randomness_Randomness_ Member Posts: 17
    You can't even fix bugs and you're think of this... sigh
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