Varient 3.3.1 evade/ fatigue broken?

kiilookiiloo Member Posts: 25
Is that how the node is intended to be or is it broken? I am getting a fatigue every time I make contact not when they evade. I have a video but don’t know how to upload it...


  • kiilookiiloo Member Posts: 25

  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,285 ★★★★
    Yeah, it's 100% broken. It's causing fatigue through stun and making normal counters to the node (Corvus, parrying) impossible. Since there's almost no characters that can ignore evasion immediately to start the fight, unless this is a bug that will be fixed, it is straight impossible without one to two VERY specific champions.

    Please fix this immediately.
  • Denta89Denta89 Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2019
    Yes pls fix this bug, if the Enemy is stunned and you Hit them, he is Not evading but i get the debuff.
    Cant clear the path without spending thousend of units without ghost..

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Same. I actually thought I was missing something, but it IS bugged. Apparently, you receive the fatigue debuff regardless of who you bring. Or how you play. Stunned enemies apply it just the same. Literally nothing works.
  • PORTER91PORTER91 Member Posts: 7
    Same for me, cant be legit. Dear members of kabam, please have a look into it :)
  • Denta89Denta89 Member Posts: 74
    I did the path now because it was the last one for 100%, cant wait few weeks for the fix. I used killmonger with Winter soldier Synergie, the First attack has to be an intercept.
  • ThiagoBulldogThiagoBulldog Member Posts: 1
    Path broken. I won’t spend itens on this. Km worked a little bit. But the path is still a bug
  • Clinton2111Clinton2111 Member Posts: 130
    edited August 2019
    ATM the Ghost 1 Hit and Swipe back method seems to be the only thing working on this path. I too am stuck here as I tried using Domino/RH/Masc and I take so much damage even when they don't evade. I have put in tickets with video proof and got generic replies. Also, I see that none of the Mods have commented on the various posts of community members complaining about this to at least acknowledge that something is being done, but if the was an interaction that cost kabam money or if it was a new OP hero Kabam would have worked overtime to get a fix out (isn't that right @Kabam Miike )t
  • Taco231Taco231 Member Posts: 9
    Yeah this is the last path I need for 100% and I haven’t been able to pull even a 4* ghost yet so I’m stuck. AA neurotoxins don’t work. Either does cold snap
  • dehmanndehmann Member Posts: 16

    Here are 3 screenshots of my sentinel getting the parry at the start of the fight, then he gets a fatigue on both hits of his heavy attack all while DD is stunned
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there everyone, we are currently looking into this and tracking this bug here. If you have more information to share on the subject, please share it in that thread and we will continue passing the info along tot he rest of the team.
This discussion has been closed.