Battle against cheaters update - June 6th, 2023

It has been a while since the last anti-cheat update. The reason for this is we have been working on some new tools to tackle one of the areas of the game that players have regularly asked us to pay more attention to - Arena!
Those who were not permanently banned can expect something missing from their accounts when they return. The associated 6* champion(s) (Moondragon and/or Adam Warlock) will be removed from their accounts regardless of rank or sig level. No compensation will be made for lost materials.
Many players who placed outside the top 400 will be promoted to the top 400 and receive their earned 6* copy of the champion(s). Because of the number of cheaters at the top, this will be a significant number of players.
If you were one of the cheaters/modders that was not permanently banned, consider yourself lucky. Further infractions will result in a permanent ban.
Edit: We're seeing a number of reports that bans have been reverted. Some of these bans (not all) were always intended to be 7-Day bans. In some cases, the system erroneously escalated to perma-bans. We have made the correction to these bans.
Earlier today we banned over 300 players for Arena modding and/or botting in the Moondragon and Adam Warlock arenas. Because cheaters have a meaningful advantage in the mode, many of these players placed near the top of the leaderboards. In addition to the ban, the following actions are being implemented:Those who were not permanently banned can expect something missing from their accounts when they return. The associated 6* champion(s) (Moondragon and/or Adam Warlock) will be removed from their accounts regardless of rank or sig level. No compensation will be made for lost materials.
Many players who placed outside the top 400 will be promoted to the top 400 and receive their earned 6* copy of the champion(s). Because of the number of cheaters at the top, this will be a significant number of players.
If you were one of the cheaters/modders that was not permanently banned, consider yourself lucky. Further infractions will result in a permanent ban.
Our Battleground anti-cheat measures continue to be improved. We learned a lot from the last few days of Season 7, where cheaters really increased their pace of play starting the weekend before the season ended. Beginning with this season, our autoban will be running more frequently, to hopefully lessen the impact these cheaters have. We will also be dedicating more staff time to manual review of our dashboards in the closing days of the season.Edit: We're seeing a number of reports that bans have been reverted. Some of these bans (not all) were always intended to be 7-Day bans. In some cases, the system erroneously escalated to perma-bans. We have made the correction to these bans.
Guessing can’t bite the hand that feeds…
Stop giving 3/4 chances and just get rid of them already
Secondly, they said that it was one more chance, “ If you were one of the cheaters/modders that was not permanently banned… Further infractions will result in a permanent ban”. So while it’s not an instant perma ban, it seems that it’s not 3/4 like you’re saying.
It’s one chance to go straight, or get perma banned.
I can see the argument for instant perma bans for sure, and I’m not disagreeing, but let’s not spread misinformation when they’re saying in the post that perma bans
will come after one more infraction for people who have only done it once.
I would love to see actual proof of this.
Please kabammmm
These whales used to get piloted, now it's obvious modding because only a fool would pay a merc to go for champ they verifiably already have and at max sig. Surprised they weren't banned long ago...actually I'm not, it would be silly to bite the hand that feeds you. These players spend a ton of money and if I was Kabam I might only temp ban them too, it's business suicide otherwise. No shade thrown at Kabam, these are their spenders and they'd be hurting if they weren't around.