
  • Wish I would've found this before I chose Doom and super!
    en Raids Intel Comentario por Anakin0505 febrero 2024
  • I sent a request to one of your officers. I have 2 accounts that I would love to bring over. I just sent friend requests to Ghost Writer from Anakin0505 and ElDiabro. Looking forward to being in a chill alliance that still does AW and AQ but not require it to be a full-time job.
  • In-Game Name: Anakin0505 Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S10 Device Operating System: Android 11 Cellular or Wi-Fi: Both Game Version Installed: Latest Game Mode: None Description of the Issue: Unable to login. Stuck at loading screen for long periods of time. Started after with recent update.
  • In-Game Name: ElDiabro Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S10 Device Operating System: Android 11 Cellular or Wi-Fi: Both Game Version Installed: Latest Game Mode: None Description of the Issue: Unable to login. Stuck at loading screen for long periods of time. Started after with recent update.