Ashacekar ★★★★★
They celebrate it a bit late at Kabam HQ but it will be there eventually. Looking forward to year of Serpant.
No more tests, you have graduated from Kabam University. Now it's monthly paychecks.
Webstore is a red flag for subscription for time being until i hear any positive reports for reliability and unsubscription.
The thing is Kabam is not a payment gateway, it is just a web store so it can't manage subscriptions on it's own. Playstore and Appstore have control over their subscription. Here Xsolla is the 3rd party vendor for payment gateway. So there are tradeoffs for reliability on this subscription.
Does that missing purchase thing work? If not, it is scammy. I see it can't store Card info as well, throws error. I will wait for you to confirm then consider purchasing.
- Login to this site with your game mail and your purchases and subscription should appear. It will let you unsubscribe. They should mention it in webstore but they don't. (But i can't guarantee this site as i haven't purchased myself)
Okie, i found from another thread, Kabam purchases and subscription can be managed from Xsolla Wallet site, they should mention it in webstore. Login to this site with your game mail and your purchases and subscription should appear. It will let you unsubscribe.
That was my concern, i haven't purchased yet but wanted to know how to unsubscribe if i do it via store. I didn't find it through their terms or info. Not having unsubscribe is unethical as well. I can do it via google playstore/apple appstore, they have trustworthy subscription cancellation but wanted to avail the bonus.…
My emotes are friendly but i do keep a loki emote if opponent does it first. These days i m mostly giving Carnage Love emotes on win/loss. I also use Alien Hi emote which isn't currently on panel.
Okie, so you defeated summer, now we get winter again?
Nope, keep it till end of time. In one of the future realm event, we will force you to open it for us to get some milestones.
I m here till game shuts down * T & C apply
Onyx doesn't have that move. Yup, explosion is more powerful that self destruct. I believe it's gentle with and without recoil respectively as explosion and self-destruct. I think Gentle is here to teach us a lesson on empathy for our champs, we will get emotional when he faints every match telling us "I did it for you…
Got it covered
So it's a self destruct pokemon. I will add on recoil too and instruct "Gentle, do self destruct", cool. But it would feel bad if it says it wasn't super effective.
Baby Daredevil could be nice
I see
They will add valagauntlet when next title progression is added.
It's hibernation season for them, they will be back next banquet.
One more question, do guardians also get to know who did what reaction to comments? Like i always think not to hit disagree on Pikolu.
Practice maps with tough defenders seems helpful. In roster view if i practice since it its small healthpool, it doesn't work out. For example, i want to practice Enchantress or a new counter to Serpie/Onsie/Bullsie, a map can surely help. Currently we mostly beat up winter soldier. I appreciate atleast Trap in his YT…
One thing i want to know, is it the Guardians who add the 5 abuse count as well or mods do? This is also another way of deletion. Curious. I got one because of a quote reply to someone else which maybe contained something, another was comment containing a spoiler kt1 video and third was a joke they didn't like i guess. So…
They won't die so they would become zombies. That's next for them.
You are right, each year in round 2 we get the classes and in final round we get their kit concept. They do describe it in livestream. But anyways, things have become different as of late so who knows if it would happen.
They both were my top picks from round 1 but i incline towards mr. knight. This is first time i see the ones i liked make it to final round. In-game voting is best.
I used him once after getting him from Titan just to see what he does. Seemed cool. That was the last time i used him.
Tahiti, i m playing rdr2
It's too hot to handle currently, waiting for it to reach room temperature and then it will be out
You took break when game felt dead and now you are back in deathless saga, nice. But if i were you, i would wait for something more reasonable to get deathless pieces and ignore them for now.
Yup, i m excited to see new bugs in store for us.