If you have a phone from under 2021
His phone
Atleast brotha was honest about his crime
Bro doxed himself 😭
Somewhere. ....
Bro I was gonna play that 💀
My opinion but it was a solid 7.8 / 10
He has done it......he has found out....*intense 1940s music plays*
I've had no problems
"He a fan he a fan he a fan" (Answer: none of the above)
Me three
My phone was built with gaming in mind.. o:)
Im on a Samsung a54 5g and there are no problems with my battery or overheating So I believe my phone won't go "Pooof"
I have found the members of this French alliance
My graphics have never been out of place and I've used phones from 2018
Don't dox alliance names
💀 nah that's diabolical who made that
Hopefully a serpent counter
Works on my samsung a54
I love the 60 fp---
I have a phone that can run at 60 fps
"One billion gajillion fifillion shabadobellion"
(What kind of Tomfoolery is that)
Make a kabam account so you "can use promo codes and such"