Let me know if youre still looking.
Sent a friend request to you.en 600k player looking for new home for me and a few friends Comentario por CallmeAnytime junio 2018
Gold2 but we’ll be pushing Gold1 Solid, serious group. Msg me on LINE: call_me_anytime Or in game: CallmeAnytime
Top 500 in gold2. We’ll be pushing gold1 soon. Message me.
Reached out on LINE.
Still looking?
Still looking?
Gold2, pushing gold1 Msg me in game: callmeanytime On Line: call_me_anytime
Still looking for one
Sup tcskyline, Message me if you’re still looking. My alliance is Gold2, AQ55555
Cool. Can you send me a quick screenshot of your prestige?
Interested. I’ll shoot you a LINE
Hoping you'd be willing to bring your group over.
Hi Mute, would you consider a merger?
Hey Advo, Would you consider a merger?
My alliance completes 55555. I've reached out in the game
Add me /msg me in game: CallmeAnytime Line: Call_me_anytime
Thevul, Sup, I've just reached out to you in the game to discuss further.
Sent request
Cap could definitely be increased
Couple more openings still available. Message me.
Sup Hazmat, I sent you a request. We run 5x5map, and we're replacing a few guys to push back over 10M alliance rating. Cheers
My alliance may be able to provide you with your own BG. In game: CallmeAnytime Line: Call_me_anytime Give me a shout. With you we'd be 9M alliance