DodolTala ★
@TyTea can not find you in Line. Pls add me RNEHMADI
@ChrisRM93 yes, we use Line to communicate and minimize death in war since we are a No Item-use war ally
Need 1 skilled member before war season. Pls add me in Line RNEHMADI
Still looking for 1 skilled member
Raid and Season war starting soon. I need 1 more skilled and experienced player. Add me in Line RNEHMADI
We have grown to 160mil and still looking for 2 more. Pls add me on Line RNEHMADI
@ARJUN99999 we have what you are looking for. Do you have Line?
@rishabh which timezone are you in? What is the size of your account and prestige?
Finished 1-10% without any BG minimum requirements. Still LF high prestige USA players. Pls add me in Line: RNEHMADI
@Furrymoosen pls add me in Line RNEHMADI We are 150 mil ally plat 4, map 6 for 5200 glory per week
Still have 2-3 open spots. Stress free wars with no item use requirement 100% every war and aq map 100% 3bg Raids EVERYONE PULLS THEIR OWN WEIGHT!!!
@Rom1030 pls add me on Line App RNEHMADI or provide your Line app ID
We finished strongly at the top of PLAT 4!!!! Join us for next season
@Raganator Sorry for the late reply as everyone just adds my via Line with questions. Depends on the mood of the ally. We have no BG minimum. Sometimes we do sometimes don’t. Last season we did very high number. This season we are currently at 5mil
Raid starting soon. Join us…
One spot open. Still eligible for war and Raid rewards. Add me on Line: RNEHMADI
We have 3 spots open….
@mUhl213 what’s your Line. We are a 150mil ally with AQ, Raids and war always 100%. Add me so we can discuss RNEHMADI
@Royal411 we are exactly what you are looking for. Pls add me on Line
Over 11mil in BG even though there is no minimums with us Almost 100% Raids in 18hrs and waiting for revive refresh
@Superdave1966 Do all members want to join the same ally? I can take a few. What are the ranking or prestige of this group?
Still looking to replace 3-4 after war rewards
Hi, we will have 2-3 spots open after season rewards. If interested, pls add me on Line app RNEHMADI
Sorry for the typo. That’s plat 4 rewards
Still looking for 2. -We are finishing at the top of Plat 4. -5200 Glory per week -100% last Raid in 2 days -No min BG requirement Line ID: RNEHMADI
I will need 2 members after war season. Pls add me in Line: RNEHMADI
We are now a 134mil ally and with 13days left in war in Plat 4.
@exopara pls add me on Line. What’s your prestige? If it’s high enough, we would welcome you in
Have 1 final spot ready