Drewskiii ★
Sent you a message on line
Messaged you on line
Still need an ally
Sent you a message on line
Still looking
Anyone have space for us?
How many you need? I have myself and one other
Must run map 6 all 5 days of AQ****
Hey man. I have myself and one more. We are right at 9k prestige. @eldrewskiii on line
Still looking. Hoping for an ally with 300mil AQ score. Hmu
Still looking
How many do you need? I have myself and one other. We are a duo
PMed you on line. I have a duo ready to join.
PMed you on line. Have myself and one other guy willing to join
I have myself and one other guy ready to join
Still looking
Still looking for a map 6 alliance. Pm me for rosters and whatnot
@AzKicker316 We are both about 7000 prestige
Rosters aren’t loading in. Hit me up and I’ll pm them to you if you want to see
These are the rosters
Still looking for 1.
@Helena_rev8nclaw do you have line?
Still looking.
I have a spot open. Gold 1 map 5. You’d be the “only girl” though lol