Sentinals are a horrible idea. #Retiring
Ummm Sorry. Need English speaking. Thank you
Hi Bizness - looks like you are still building. Sent you an in game request. Or: Line ID is groverboys2. Would enjoy sharing information. Thanks
Hi Bender The [Bro.z] is an adult alliance. We play daily, but all have family and work to balance. No drama. Just fun, competitive and supportive. At the end of the day... running AQ/ AW only takes 10-15 minutes a few times as energy refills, right? AQ 55533 provide good rewards without grinding your life away to make…
Hi Rozzerr. Hit me on Line and we can workout details. ID is "groverboys2"
Would you consider a strong and consistent group running 55533?
Hi Kate. Recruiting never ends. LOL Yes, we can make room for the right fit. Going to hit you via Line I am "groverboys2"
The Bro'fessors (Bro.z) runs map 55533. We are not a heavy grind, but routinely clear 100% on Maps and earn T4CC / Glory in the Expert Tier. Sent you a friend request in game. hope to connect, and Good Luck.
Still Looking?? What is your Line ID. Let's Connect
Hi Aromatic: Check out the alliance Tag LVL59 Might be a good fit. Active and growing. Good mix of veterans and newer players. Let me know if you'd like an invite.
Hiya; What part of the world are y'all from?
Hi Bakke Sent you a request in game. You would be a good fit in an alliance I am working with. Respond in the game or via Line: groverboys2
ALSO OK TO CONTACT ME VIA THIS SITE Some additional details: 7.1 mil alliance | Tier 5-6 AW | Expert Tier AQ | Donations: 70K Gold | 15K BC | 7K Loyalty
Hi Mitch - contact me via Line ID "groverboys2" You can check out the alliance tag [LVL59] We may be the ticket. Best Regards