Harry_Roxx1337 ★
Master, what’s your Line ID? Interested
We run maps 5 and 6. Usually 2 map 6 and 3 map 5, working around war.
If you have interest, LINE ID is harryroxx
LMK if you have interest. Line ID: harryroxx IGN: Harry Roxx
LMK if you have interest. LineID: harryroxx IGN: Harry Roxx
In Game: Harry Roxx Line ID: harryroxx Hit me up if u have interest.
In Game: Harry Roxx Line ID: harryroxx Hit me up if u have interest.
IGN: Harry Roxx Line ID: harryroxx Hit me up if you have interest.
If you have interest: Line ID: harryroxx IGN: Harry Roxx
If you have interest: Line ID: harryroxx IGN: Harry Roxx
Line ID: harryroxx IGN: Harry Roxx
Looks great. Need a girlfriend. I’ll message you in Line app.
Line ID: harryroxx IGN: Harry Roxx
Minimum qualifications is 11 champs at max 4* or better. Gotta be able to handle War and AQ Map 5 at the same time. Prestige is an afterthought. If u meet minimums, hit me up on Line: harryroxx
Hit me up if you have interest. Harry Roxx Line ID: harryroxx
If you have interest, hit me up. Harry Roxx Line ID: harryroxx
Hit me up if you have interest. Harry Roxx Line ID: harryroxx
We do 5x5 AQ. LMK if interested. IGN: Harry Roxx LINE ID: harryroxx
LMK if u have interest Line ID: harryroxx
IGN: Harry Roxx Line ID: harryroxx LMK if you have interest.
IGN: Harry Roxx Ally: MP!R3 Line ID: harryroxx LMK if you have interest.
IGN: Harry Roxx Ally: MP!R3 Line ID: harryroxx LMK if you have interest.
Just finished 101 Mil, Rank 1715. It was a bad aq for us. We average about 120 Mil and around 1000.
Let me know if u have interest. Line ID: HarryRoxx IGN: Harry Roxx
Let me know if interested. In game: Harry Roxx. Line ID: harryroxx
Hit me up if u have interest. Line ID: harryroxx
Ranking is temporary. Amazingness is permanent. We don’t want hoppers climbing for rank. We want awesomeness.
I have what you need. If interested, hit me up on Line app at harryroxx or in game Harry Roxx.
If interested, IGN is Harry Roxx and Line ID is harryroxx