Iamsobored ★
Do you run aq? And is it mandatory?
Hey. I’d be happy to join. I have 11k prestige. I’m on vacation for a month and won’t be able to participate on some days. If you still have a spot open, this is my info. Discord: iamsobored#6389 In game: Iamsobored
I added you in game. We are an active alliance that demand participation and communication. We are gold 2, do map 5 and run 3bgs in Aw and aq. Discord is mandatory. Add me for more details: In game: Iamsobored Discord: iamsobored#6389
Sent you a friend request in game: we do map 5, get gold 2, and run 3bgs. Discord is required. In game: Iamsobored Discord: iamsobored#6389
We do map 5, 3 bg, gold 2. Add me for more info. In game: Iamsobored Discord: iamsobored#6389
I sent you a request in game. We run map 5, gold 2, 3bg, discord mandatory. Let me know if interested.
We might have a spot for you. Gold 2, map 5, discord mandatory. I sent you a request in game.