Just sent you a message on line. WET is gold 1 AW, but has the talent for plat. AQ is whatever you want it to be...we run maps 5, 4, 3 for different bgs
XNig: We have a pretty chill alliance waiting to fill 2 spots. Currently gold 1 with plat 2 talent. AQ runs all map 3 with 2 bgs and 55443 with 1 bg. Hit me up in game LordOfThunder35 or LINE JC LordOfThunder 35
I have what you're looking for. Add me in game JC35Thoooooooor
We can get ya back into the rewards! Search W E T in game. Contact me JC35Thor in line or JC35Thoooooooor in game!
Out of the 4 new guys, one didn't make it long. We are in need of 1 more person. Message me JC35Thor in Line or JC35Thoooooooor in game.
Got a spot for you in W E T. Message me on Line JC35Thor
Rebranded alliance here...looking to get back to 10 mil and Gold 2. Message me in Line: JC35Thor