JHVS123 ★
Because they do not know what they are doing, not because we would need harder content. What we have doesn't work and you would make it harder by nerfing champs. Nerfing Herc fixes a problem that isn't a problem and that is why it is nonsense.
We need more champs that benefit from revives than ever because Kabam is limiting them and still making content with bugs and nodes combos that take a half day to read and research. Lots of average players are going to hit a roadblock and quit this madness if this all goes forward and nerfing their options will speed that…
The problem is the content is hard as hell for many players, the resources are super expensive, health pots are a ripoff and do not help in the quantities provided, the game is buggy as heck making players search for any small advantage where they can find one. You are advocating negating a resource to combat all of that…
No reason for any of this nonsense. Make two BG units, one for folks that want to exclusively match with similar accounts and one that is a free for all and the strongest account wins. Separate the rewards and rankings. Keep the event rewards the same no matter which you choose. You are not going to please everyone with…
Same here. TB level though.
Yes we have a choice to seek information from Kabam. Dude, that is the entire point of this forum. SMH. Anyway, carry on. In related issues my dog chose to play in the rain this afternoon. Just thought you would want to know.
Again, irrelevant. The “what choice do we have” argument as in regards to making multiple threads on the same topic on the board. Because folks are looking for answers to the question of when or if it can be fixed, not asking if they can “just do the content as is”. Since this started we could have “just done it anyway”…
We have the choice to do all sorts of distasteful things or not for good reason or not. That really has nothing to do with this discussion. Of course we can do that but it would be easier to swallow if we were told we have no choice but to run it as is and not just left hanging. Having the choice to do it doesn’t have…
They move things to bugs and ask us to not spam the board with this stuff but we are left with no answers or updates for unacceptable amounts of time. What choice do we have? The best I can tell this issue has been forgotten.
What are some good ones to use that are science only? He keeps evading my intercepts.
I bet you do understand jealousy and always have. When it is strong enough it powers through reasonable discussion and thoughts and lands on us with the comment you quoted.
I am either finding a way to dupe Herc or potentially retiring from this game. We will see I guess.
I run the 7h solo class events on auto to about the tune of 4 every two days for around 200K gold every two days. Between that and other sources I guess I do not feel the need for gold like others. All you folks that are having gold issues, do you feel like you take advantage of all or most of the gold opportunities in the…en How do you feel about the new value for gold in glory store Comentario por JHVS123 noviembre 2022
No reason to implement this as eventually new champs they release after it will find a way to make this ability increasingly worthless.
Being able to dodge stronger accounts in your tier doesn't seem like any more or less of an exploitation of a loophole than adding 1 stars to your account. One is just bad planning and the other is taking advantage of bad planning. Neither have anything to do with skill and both discourage folks actually strengthening…
There s no issue and it doesn't benefit anyone in a special way other than those that player better, scheme better, have built stronger, or want to win. Nothing needs to change because most changes mess up many of those good things I just mentioned. In competition you sometimes earn a placement where you are overmatched…
Much bigger attack and steady healing. The healing is a huge plus that also negates much or all of the cost of special use. Suicides are not underrated as a plus for OR.
That would probably be closer to a reasonable solution while still allowing us to gamble for the big win. Also, the idea that a selector could be bought with candy isn't a bad idea.
One solution to this would be for there to be tiers you cannot pass with your 7 six stars kind of like incursion tiers. If you had a limit on your progression and as such would not face more developed teams would that be OK with you?
Nice 3 star
The is no reason why the algorithm should weigh roster strength in any major way or at all. Folks say putting some 2 stars on your roster is cheating but why should accounts with vastly lesser investment and strength be able to be in the same rank as those with super accounts? If you do not want them to fight battles that…
This is undoubtedly true. I would add though that if you want an opinion that contains a more hardcore group that is probably disproportionately spenders than this board might be good place to get a feel for also.
Man. I bought all 3 of these on autopilot without seeing the $10 tag. Totally my fault and from here on out I guess I will have to carefully review each purchase as to whether the price has escalated before I buy. I guess if I had landed something above a 5 star I wouldn't even mind but that makes me feel even more foolish…
Injustice? I am a Cav and that seems like a stretch. Why can't TBs have their own thing on occasion. Don't like it? Be come TB. Injustice?
This is exactly what is happening to me. It is weird though as it seems more persistent in certain game modes or in clusters and then to not happen as much. I am just kind of meh about it at this point. It makes me want to just put the game down out of exasperation. I am past being upset. That is probably a very bad sign
I had drawn a bunch of junk until this week. I do not think I had even drawn a five star but Wednesday I duped my 6 star Shang-Chi. So it is possible to pull something good. This is probably the best thing i could have drawn from this rough roster of a crystal.
1-5% at 105,640
I am looking to trade GGCs only. Please message before sending so there is no confusion (I have units for 5 GGCs right now). My alliance seems to have expended their resources. My ign is JHVS123
Of all the instances of "getting drunk and doing a thing" this is maybe one of the least regrettable ones.
2 6* Nexus and a 5* Kang in the first 10. Some t3a and t5c also among some lesser things