JimmyJohnJones ★
Here’s the rub, Cull is the epitome of a glass cannon. He doesn’t have much in the way of utilities (the only notable being a anti-evade-autoblock when ramped up) and nothing in the way of damage mitigation with piss poor block reduction. To reduce the only thing he has going for him is a slap in the face of the community…
Reposting since it got taken down before (presumably for name of the profile.) Shell alliance stating last war ranking of gold 2 from season 8 but everyone in it is season 11 war elite title holder. Nothing like a -77 point hit to your war rating for an essentially unwinnable war.
It’s out now. Should have your rewards if you made it.
+1 to having gotten the completion but I have no desire to do it over and over for exploration. After having looked over the maps plus champion fight it just feels like more hassle than it’s worth. It’s a shame to see so much of the community either unable to complete or uncaring to finish the story content.
3:04 with Cull.
Well, duh. I know you’re constantly monitoring performance for any champ standing out too much. I’m talking about a list of champs that you’ve targeted and are actively planning to adjust. You’ve been planning tweak to she-hulk for some time I’d guess and it would’ve been only fair to folks who are planning their rank ups…
So would our inventory read something like 15/12 then or would the extra three items then push over to the stash like any other overflow item with a 30 day timer? Just trying to clarify. TIA!
@"Kabam Miike" can you confirm a) that excess inventory items will just flow into stash after expiration and b) if someone does subscribe that it doesn’t auto renew?
+1 to the complaints on this. Very shoddy design to force grinding for shield markers and then grinding for specific champs with only *7* days to do so. If I have to fight a champ 50 freaking times by going in and out of a quest over and over, at least give a decent time frame to do so. If you’re going to do this you…
For those crying foul play: Cull had a bug post update where his thanos favor buffs weren’t pausing. They pushed fix to it on the 19th which I’m guessing is the cataly to have made his damage skyrocket. So not a nerf just a legit bug fix... this time.
Yep, had at least 4.
Just fought SL on EQ buffet path with CG and not only was his S1 triggering buffet but his regular hits were as well. This was after his charges were consumed.
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious"
Any update on this @"Kabam Zibiit" ?
Anywhere, I've seen it in AW, duels, EQ. I even saw it on one of Seatin's streams recently, though I think it was with a different opponent than NC.
Here's what's happening every time for me since the update. https://imgur.com/a/RLKl2ZP
Used to be automatic until the last update. Now all I get is this super passive walk by the ai. Super irritating.
How so? If these were crystals folks paid hard cash for then I could where you’d want to keep the impulse buys going till the end. Since they’re just shard crystals what’s the difference if I hold my shards for next crystal versus this one? In fact, the entire premise of a featured crystal or “save for blade” is to hoard…
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Porthos" Any news on this?
@"Kabam Miike" can you give us any news on this?
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Vydious" It’s been asked a few times already but will be 4* be banned from just chapter 1 or from all chapters of act 6 (essentially having multiple champ requirements)?
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Wolf" can you clarify if the 4* restriction is just for chapter 1 or all of act 6? Might help to assuage some of the angst if we know it’s only one chapter.
@"Kabam Miike" can you confirm that the 4* lockout is only for Chapter 1? A lot of folks seem to be assuming/misreading it as for all of act 6.
That’s a pretty bad pool of science champs... wow.
By fewer reserve lanes I'm guessing they may be talking about easy/short paths that weaker players can take. Essentially, every path will be a hard path.
+1 for the good guys! Sorry, Menkent, you are doomed to lose this time, lol.
@"Kabam Vydious" I appreciate the quick response. However, my issue appears to be different from the other in this thread that you merged to. I am able to join war (unlike the others) but get disconnected when leaving the app. Are you intending to make this a single thread on AW issues or can this be unmerged?
Vid here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/comments/9gbu56/is_anyone_else_able_to_replicate_this_i_keep/ Whenever I briefly or accidentally leave app in AW it spins "Connecting to Server" and then disconnects me. iPhone 7+ 12.0 WiFi connection
@"Kabam Miike" is there a bug with the uncanny rooms? Ran epic twice and only got rewards the first time. Isn't the point of being able to enter them multiple times to get rewards multiple times?