Keeyah ★
We might be what you are looking for:
My alt recently became TB. I do not have the calendar there yet. I do have the current game update & got the calender on my main account. I did log off and on again a couple of times but it didn't appear.
I just approved your join Request. It looks like that all our open Spots are filled now.
We might be what you are looking for.
if you don't find something, we would take you.
Hello! We might be what you are looking for.
We might be what you are looking for.
I'm a Cavalier player & just got my first 7* from the Exalted Crstal - Spider-Ham! Thank you Brain! :)
Hello! I don't know if you already found an Ally or what Level you are looking for, but maybe we are a good fit for you.
Hello! I'm not sure if you already have a new Ally or for what Level you are looking for. Maybe we are a good find for you.
We might be what you are looking for
Hey, we might be what you are looking for. If you interested just send me a Friendrequest - my IGN is Keeyah as well.
Are you still looking? We do have open spots.
Yes we do have a Line Chat. It is called Rank'd Up - My Line Name is Greyblue42 - My Keeyah account is on Officer in our alliance.
We might what you are looking for:
Hello! Yes we still have three open Spots!
We might be what you are looking for What we offer: Alliance Quest / 3 BGs Map245 with Epic Mods / Thursday to Sundays Alliance War / 2 BGs during season – 1 BG off Season / currently Gold5 Arena & Battleground participation (Arena Help & Ally Milestones) The main requirements are to be active in the game and to be…