Oh okey thanks bro is there still time for 5 more wars?
Hey bro how many players you guys need ?
Hey bro do you guys wanna merge with us our alliance tag is OtŁs and we were gold 1 in both seasons and run 5x5 message on line my id or Krishan777 and my name is same in the game we might need like 7 to 10 players
Add me on line my id is krishan777 and my name on game is same
Hey we are looking for 7 to 10 people too do you guys wanna join us ? We are in gold 1 and 13 million alliance and rum 5x5 alliance quest
We do 5x5 alliance quest any one interested add Me on line
Message me on line my id is krishan777 we are in gold 1 and will be in platinum 3 soon