LegoBatman3m ★
Hey everyone! We r still looking for 1 member! Line ID: 2004lego IGN: Legø Become a Bacøn Today! 🥴
Hey guys! Im Legø, We r a 11.7 mil ally! We r looking for 1 member!Maps 5&4&3, we just started about 3 months ago and have been doing very well! we r S2, hoping for S1 or G3 next season! Donations r 15k gold, line is req my line ID is 2004lego looking for at least 300k+ rating, if your busy plz let me know, we understand…
Hey @Kalain line ID does not work
What’s ur line?
Add me on line it’s 2004lego
Unless u wanna do it rn
Actually do cap IW
Or cap IW
Red hulk
What’s your line ID? And IGN? We have a place for u! 😊
My IGN is Legø
Still recruiting! Hit me up 2004lego
And Stan lee
Spider man 2099, Scarlett spidey, MCU witch
Ya I agree I think there should be nerf betas
add me on line 2004lego @DLG1987
What’s your line ID? @CNSH. @ me back
aye we should have a Kabam Vehemently LOL
@"Kabam Miike"
What maps do u run? @JFort
@Ginanknuckles r u in gold 1? And do u have 😄free spots?
@"Kabam Lyra" I did it on June 28. I still had the bug
So I’m having the same problem, I’ve used almost 2000 units on it
What r u guys in season?
Do u need 5 people?