MKUHN1966 ★
Map655 350 million4.4 k glory 2 BG aw gold Line needed add mkuhn19 in game and Line
@Eugene_Virtuoso if you are looking any skilled player we’d be happy to have….we had a player 500k hero rating range it was his 2nd account he’s a great Player now he’s over 900k mkuhn19 in game and on Line App
Friended you in game can’t get you on Line….I’m mkuhn19 in game and on line app
Comes up not found mate
Gold 3 Maps 554 or 544 depending on availability Line ID mkuhn19
Looking for 3 Gold 3 Maps 554-544 Line required mkuhn19 in game and in Line App
Gold 3 looking for 3 Maps 554 or 544 Line Required mkuhn19 in game or on Line app
You can also reach me mkuhn19 in game and in Line app that’s my main account
We are gold3 running maps 433 currently mkuhn19 in game and line id
We are gold3 and maps433 currently mkuhn19 in game and line id
We are gold 3 running maps 433 in aq mkuhn19 in game and line id
We are gold 3 and run maps 433 currently mkuhn19 in game and line id
Ok I was kicked from my alliance after SA ended I believe....How do I make a ticket or What ever to send into Kabam? I been looking but can’t seem to find it
Looks like first post was 541 pm ....guessing it’s est.
Why do t you look at when the messages started coming in about Arenas being missing......that’s your timeline
It annoys me as there’s an Arena Comat Single day Event on as well.....this is getting out of hand
Seriously ....wth....with a single day Arena event on as well this is ridiculous
I understand that....but.....level up event has come and gone during this time frame....without the SA rewards some people like myself are affected